Chapter 18

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Jewel opened her eyes and groaned at the throbbing pain in her head. "Jacey?" she mumbled as the blurriness of sleep faded and she found buckled into a seat.

"Afternoon, Jewely," Jace said nervously. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," she mumbled before she started smacking her lips. "Feel like hangover. Water?"

"Here," he said as he held out an unopened bottle.

She took it and twisted the lid. Memories came crashing back, making her drop the bottle as she gasped loudly. "Jace, sick," she groaned as she slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Shit," Jace mumbled as he quickly pulled into a gas station. He killed the car just as she flung the door open and threw up, narrowly missing the car. "Here Jewel," he said as he held her hair out of her face. Once he was sure she was done, he handed her some napkins. "When you're good, we'll head inside and get you some crackers and Sprite."

"That asshole tried stopped him," she whimpered as she leaned back into her seat. Jace wiped her mouth then picked up the bottle that surprisingly didn't spill. She must not have turned the lid enough to break the seal. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes in confusion. "Were the guys there or was that just my mind fucking with me, Jacey?"

Jace sighed as he dumped the water on the throw up to wash it away. He tossed the bottle into the trash before he ran his hand down his face, "The guys were closer than I was so they beat me there. They are handling him for me. They wanted to stay and visit but they got called into another no contact mission and will be gone for a while. They'll reach out to check on you as soon as they can."

She sighed then nodded, "alright. Sucks but I get it. At least I still have you."

Jace barely smiled and nodded, "You'll always have me, Jewely."

She smiled and gave his hand a small squeeze, "I know."

He chuckled, "now let's get you some crackers and some juice."

She shifted then frowned as it finally dawned on her that she was wearing his sweats and tee-shirt with some fuzzy socks on. "Um Jacey?"

"Oh yeah," he cleared his throat nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I had the nurse dress you once you were cleared for release. I hadn't had a chance to run by your place and I had some spare clothes so I just had her put you in that. I figured you could online shop while I drove so you would have some clothes ready once we get home."

"We're not going back home?" She asked as he held the gas station door open for her. "But my stuff and your place and work?"

"I'm taking you to our new home," he said as he motioned over to the juice section. She grabbed a couple of apple juices then also grabbed a Dr. Pepper before heading over to the candy. "I know you are going to need some peace and quiet away from everything so our new place will be the perfect spot. I finalized some things at work so the reports can be filled out at home so you won't be alone." He hugged her from behind before ruffling her hair, "I got everything under control Lil Sis, don't worry about it. I'm the older one so it's my job to take care of you. Now grab your candy and let's hit the road, we still got some road ahead of us."

She grabbed a bag of gummy bears and a bag of nerd clusters before grabbing some laffy taffy as well before hurrying to catch up to her brother at the register. Jace paid in cash then held the door open for Jewel before following her out of the door. Just as Jace pulled out onto the road, Jewel grabbed the blanket from the backseat. Spotting her purse, she turned back into her seat and started going through it, "Jace, where's my phone?"

He shook his head, "the guys said they couldn't find it. A couple of them went back to look but it's dead so we couldn't track it. But don't worry," he patted her shoulder, "I've already called the phone company and shut it off and filed for theft. I have a new phone being shipped to our new place so as soon as we get there you can activate it."

"Damn," she sighed as she looked out the window, "all my games, man I was so far along in some of them." She huffed in annoyance, "guess it's a good thing all my photos back up into my cloud but still...damn."

"If you saved your games, I'm sure you can get your accounts back once you log in," Jace offered, "If not, just think of it like when you restart your kingdom hearts and final fantasy games."

"Oh yeah," she smiled, "thanks, you're so smart."

"No problem, Jewely, I will always be there for you in any situation and will always take care of your problems," Jason said as he merged back onto the interstate. "Now, why don't you take my phone there and pick a song."

Gasping, she dramatically placed her hand across her chest with her mouth wide before asking, "You're allowing mwah the privilege of DJing this pleasant adventure?"

Rolling his eyes he smirked and said, "Yes, the passenger princess may have free rain on the song choices. Although, I will suggest a song or two."

"No take back!" she smirked at him till she flinched in pain. "Urgh, hey Jacey, do you by chance have my prescription? Whatever they had me on has worn off and I don't want to be in pain the whole way," she admitted in a soft tone as she slowly reached out for his phone and hooked it up through bluetooth.

"I was able to get some on the go from the hospital pharmacy, and I have the written prescription for when we get to our destination," Jason said as he reached across to open the glove compartment. Opening it, he grabbed the bottle while glancing between the compartment and the road. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic so he was able to use his knees momentarily to steady the wheel as he opened her medicine, dropped two pills into his palm, and reclosed the bottle.

"Here you go, eat a little of your snacks and drink so you don't get a stomach ache or car sickness. This will make you drowsy so please get rest. We will be at our new home in about.....four hours as long as traffic doesn't pick up," Jace said as he placed the pills into her hand. He then placed the pill bottle in his jacket pocket.

"Okay," Jewel mumbled as she pouted, staring at the pills. She absolutely hated taking pills versus taking liquid. She cracked open her Dr. Pepper and tossed the pills in her mouth before chugging her favorite drink. 'Now just to sit back and relax' she thought as she rested her head back, listening to Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead. 

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