Chapter 8

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Axel gave a disgusted look while taking a step back. "Yeah, not interested," he pushed her hand out of his way. "Now you admit that you were with Jewel at the concert last night?" Axel asked, trying to see if she had an alternative motive to Jewel or if it was just a coincidence that only Jewel was attacked last night.

All the men were keeping a watchful eye on Bianca as it is highly suspicious why she is just showing up now. 'Where the hell was she while Jewel was being attacked?' was the main question everyone was thinking.

"Yeah, we had been slaying over our finals so now that it is summer break it was time for us to have some fun. Especially since all Jewel does is stay cooped up in her house, library or that cafe downtown she loves the most. Girl never goes out having fun so I suggested to our group that this concert was coming up. Cassandra and Lizzy were up for going but it took all three of us to convince your girl to let loose for once," Bianca explained as she swayed in her spot trying to look all cute and like she was doing Jewel a huge favor.

Everyone in the room couldn't believe the audacity of the woman. Bragging as if she did Jewel a favor who is now in the hospital and put in a sleep-induced coma after being sexually assaulted. Jace and Axel hardened their glares at Bianca while the rest stood straight up ready to intervene if their more hostel brothers would go on a rampage.

Not noticing the shift in the atmosphere Bianca continued to explain, "We arrived around 9 pm after eating out so we could handle the alcohol better. We all were having a blast till Cassandra the clutz twisted her ankle so Lizzy took her home early seeing as they were each other's ride. Jewels and I stayed to have some more fun though I had to convince her to drink the drink I bought her. She said something about three being her limit, I believe? Whatever, I don't like the too fruity drinks and didn't want to waste a drink so she said she'd have it but it would have been her last one. Not long after two hotties came up and asked us to dance. I obliged one and left the other with her seeing as she didn't want to dance. I danced with the guy for a bit and would catch glimpses of her making small talk with the guy. At some point, she disappeared and I just thought she went to the bathroom or to get another water bottle seeing as there weren't any bottles at the table. It wasn't till there was that gunshot that I realized she had been missing for some time and I have been blowing her phone up since! Finally, I had the brilliant idea to call the hospital and found out she had been admitted not long after the gunshot happened at the concert!"

"YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT! IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU MY SISTER IS HERE IN THE HOSPITAL! How the FUCK didn't you realize your friend was in TROUBLE! THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE ATTACKED HER IN THE RESTROOMS AFTER HE HAD ROOFIED HER!" Jace roared in her face causing Bianca to lose all the color in her face and froze in her place. She may have never cared too much for Jewel and used her to get hot men but she would never wish that on any woman.

"I...I...I di...did...didn'," Bianca whispered as her eyes traveled to said girl sleeping in the hospital bed. "I...I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't going to fucking fix this. Get the fuck out of here and don't fucking talk to my sister ever again. If you know what is good for you, you would stay as far fucking away from her as possible. If I find out you have been in contact with her I will make sure to ruin you," Jace seethed as he pointed to the hospital room door. Bianca nodded not wanting to be in the room with so much Alpha energy another second.

Just as she was about out the door she heard Erica say, "Dear, I suggest you take the time to truly reflect on your actions leading up to this incident. Also, fix that attitude of yours. Beauty on the outside is meaningless if the soul inside is nothing but black tar." By the time she was done the door fully closed sending the room into an eerie silence.

"I can't believe that chick, acting as if she was Jewel's saving grace instead of the accomplice. Though, Jace, what did she mean that Jewel only goes out to those three places? I thought she had gotten better?" Corey questioned as he cuddled into Raven's side trying to help calm him down before he hunted down Bianca to add her to the cave.

Jace was quick to look at anything but the Toma team's eyes, further making them suspicious of what had been going on. Becoming extremely suspicious, Axel narrowed his eyes and asked, "What the fuck are you hiding, Jace?"

"Uuugghhh," Jace groaned before taking a seat on the side of his sister's bed as he held her hand. He sighed before he continued, "You have a right to know...."

"Quit the stall, what happens?" Raven growled as he tried to maneuver over to him but was held back by his sunshine.

"He made contact again," Jace muttered as he squeezed his sister's hand.

"Who made contact?" Owen asked simultaneously as Brandon voiced his question.

"What the fuck do you mean HE made contact?" Brandon asked as he balled his fist on his side.

"I don't fucking know how the hell He was able to find her contact but he has been leaving messages on our house phone, letters in the mail, and attempted to directly contact Jewel on her cell. I was getting ready to call you all, I just had to settle a few things in New York before. That's actually what I was doing before this all happened," Jace explained with a pained expression.

"Why now? You also should have contacted us from the fucking beginning, Jace. You know how psychotic that man is. I thought he was locked up?" Marc said as he set his coffee tumbler to the side while side glaring at Jace.

"Excuse the fuck out of us but what the hell are you all going on about? We ten are out of the loop!" Gabe exclaimed while he raised his hand above his head and twirled his wrist indicating a circling motion.

"Nine seeing as I have other patients I must attend. Sean, I have already administered her next set of medications and documented her vitals. Page me if you need me otherwise, I will see you boys later. We need to hold a family barbeque here soon," Erica informed before leaving the room.

"Alright Gentlemen, I believe we should lock down this room entirely for the next hour and hold a meeting in the other room. I believe we shouldn't hold this conversation here seeing as Miss Ashford needs her sleep, peacefully," Owen said as he swiped down his suit jacket as if there was anything on it.

Knowing he was right the men made their way back to Sean's office while Sean took care of locking her room door after informing a nurse that they weren't to be disturbed for the next hour and no one was allowed near Jewel's room. As soon as everyone was situated again Owen took control of the situation by simply asking, "Now I believe you should start from the beginning. Who is he? Is he a current threat? Could he possibly be behind this attack on Jewel?" 

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