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I am not exactly sure what happened last night but I am not complaining.

Yesterday was really nice and I was glad her and I were able to start over.

I even apologized specifically for when I was cold towards her after leaving the council hall.

Although this was our second time around in trying to be cordial towards one another, this time it was more important we do because of Kaylie and Bronx being mates. There was more of an important reason this time.

Today I was not entirely sure she would like what I had planned but I had hoped she was interested still with doing simple things.

Now even though I have been friends with girls before and hung out, nothing more than that, I have not hung out with them nearly as much as I do with the guys. In fact, the majority of girls I have had in my life were more along the lines of being friends with benefits types or and one night stands, up until I met arubi of course.

Oh God, Rubi. I almost forgot. She returns home in about a week, what am I going to say to her about Lucille?

'Hey babe, how was your trip? I've missed you. Oh by the way, my ex-mate, the first one I had, is here and we have been hanging out a lot for a little while now.'

Fuck it! I have nothing to hide. Besides, she trusts me and Lucille is the best friend of Kaylie, a rogue, who is mates with Bronx.

I don't know how it will go or exactly what I will say but I am not going to worry about any of that and am sure something will come to me right before she comes home.

After picking Lucille up on my bike, we took off towards a place right outside of town.

I knew she had to have been getting looks if we were in town and knew that was why her and Kaylie remained back at the cabin a lot. Even Bronx has been taking Kaylie outside of town where hardly anybody notices and is filled mainly with humans.

That is where I had gotten the idea from, was Bronx.

We were able to walk around the town next to ours and although there were a lot of similarities such as the type of stores and atmosphere along with a few similar looks, it felt a little better. Again, because it was filled with mainly humans and very few wolves, witches or anybody who might recognize us. In fact, rogues would not have too bad of a time in this town.

Throughout the entire day, I felt like maybe Lucille and I could really pull this off and become friends. I mean, sure, I can not lie that my wolf and I had other more intimate feelings towards her but I am not one who cheats and could never hurt Rubi.

Towards the end of the night, right as we pulled up to the cabin, Lucille and I sat on the bike for a moment without saying anything until I felt her arms unwrap themselves from around my waist, causing my wolf and I to long for her touch once again.

She placed the helmet I had given her and placed it into the back before walking in front of the bike.

"I had fun today." She says.

"So did I." I replied while trying to hide a smile.

"Maybe tomorrow we can hang out here, maybe even go swimming in the lake or something." She says nervously.

"Sounds good. I'll stop by at around ten?" I suggest.

"Ten is good." She replies.

Another brief moment of silence is shared between us both and I can sense her werewolf is wanting mine and there is no doubt I want to kiss her, but I can't.

Instead I tell her 'goodnight' before taking off.

I need to be sure I can control these thoughts and urges more. Otherwise, things could get bad.


Throughout the next few days, neither one of us seemed to argue or do anything to upset each other. We have been having a lot of fun. In fact at one point, I even thought felt as though we were getting back to how we were before we ever were mates.

For many years I have fought so hard in making sure I never allowed myself to get close and feel the pain I felt when she rejected me. Now, I don't want it to ever go away.

I am even finding it more difficult as the days have become longer to resist my urges. She tempts my werewolf and I so much every time we see each other.

In fact, I am not exactly sure I want to fight them any more.

Why do we HAVE to be pre-destined to have mates? Why can't she be mine again?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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