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I never liked that asshole, Jeremiah and he had some nerve talking to me, in particular, the way he did last night. I did not want to hear anymore of it and more than anything had hoped he did not talk to Thorin about what happened between him and I that night Thorin and I were supposed to make things 'official' in becoming mates by marking one another but did not.

Making a scene last night was not at all what my intentions were but he just would not leave me alone and tried grabbing my arm when I tried walking off at one point.

He even brought up the fact of him speaking with Thorin and telling him everything that happened that night and I begged him not to. He stated he would not if I would accompany him back to his hotel after the party but I told him 'no' and that he can not threaten me.

Next thing I knew, I found my fist suddenly meeting his jaw before throwing my drink on him and slamming the cup down to the ground then storming off back towards the cabin.

Now that I have woken up and believe that Jeremiah might have told Thorin about what had happened already, I feel the need to explain my side and HOPE that Thorin hears me out and believes me.

I know him and Jeremiah are like brothers but Thorin has to know what happened that night from me. He deserved to know the truth.

I decided to think about things for the next couple days before making a decision and even Kaylie thought I should finally just go up to Thorin and speak with him in private to explain everything.

I knew she was right and it would lift a huge burden off my shoulders that I have felt guilty over for the past several years.

However, since it is really late right now, I told her I would wait until tomorrow to tell him.

When the next day arrived, Kaylie decided to stay at the cabin since Bronx was coming over and after I reassured her I needed to go by myself anyways, she finally just let me leave.

While I was heading out the door, I noticed Bronx was walking up onto the porch and greeted me with a nod.

"Hey!" I greeted him back.

"Oh, are you headed off to see Thorin?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"He's not at the castle. He is in a meeting. Should be over by the time you get there." He winked at me.

"Thanks." I replied.

What was with the wink?! Oh well, maybe it was nothing. So I ignored the gesture and continued towards the car before getting in and heading towards the hall.

While on the way over there, I began thinking maybe Bronx had winked at me because Jeremiah told him something that wasn't true? Maybe even Thorin?

No! That doesn't sound right. But then why would he have done that?

Then without being able to hold back my curiousity, I decided to mindlink Bronx.

"What was with that wink a moment ago?" I asked.

"Nothing in particular. I apologize if it made you feel uncomfortable." He replied.

"It's fine. I just wasn't sure..." I replied before he began telling me what it was for.

"To be honest, it was more of a salute to you for what you did towards Jeremiah. Keanu, along with the rest of the guys, including myself and Thorin had witnessed what you did to Jeremiah and could not stop from laughing. Well, everyone except Thorin of course. But we understand Jeremiah is an asshole and just watching a girl, in particular, react that way towards the guy who has women kissing the ground he walks on, is hilarious to the rest of us who hates the douchebag." He chuckled.

After cutting then link off, I began worrying a little more because Thorin saw the entire thing. Now I have to make sure he hears me out no matter what. I don't want him to start going around saying things that are not true.

The moment I pulled up to the side of the street and got out of the car, I noticed Thorin walking outside down the steps while I walked up towards him.

"Thorin!" I called out.

He snapped his head over towards me and scowled before walking off in the opposite direction.

So I hurried up to him and stood in front of his face to make him stop.

"Get out of my way." He stated in a cold tone.

"Wait." I stop him again. "Look, I just wanted to make sure that you heard from me the truth in what had happened last night with Jeremiah and...." I started to explain but he cut me off and raised a hand up in front of my face.

"I don't want to hear about it. I don't care." He states.

"Please, if you will just listen to me." I try and explain again until he stops me once more.

"I have too much shit on my plate already. The LAST thing I need is to hear about your relationship with my cousin." He says.

"But there is no relationship with him, I swear. And what happened that night years...." I was cut short once more.

"I said, I am BUSY!" He replies sternly then walks past me and this time I let him go.

I really need to stop trying to make things right between him and I when clearly he will not hear my side of the story and has too much of a brotherly bond with Jeremiah, why would he ever even believe me anyways?

I guess I should give up the idea of him and I ever becoming anything more than just people who used to know each other but no longer do.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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