29: Hidden scars

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Art by, "Dean Blues" on X/Twitter (tbh who actually calls it X? I still only call it Twitter.)

Woke up and chose ANGST today! 
TW: Self harm, depression, blood, sharp objects, the whole shablam. Please read at your own risk and remember, i love you, and take care of yourself :)

In fact I'll underline any of the suggestive parts 

Blitz's POV: 

     The blade glided smoothly and quickly through my red and scarred white skin. Warm blood started to leak from the opening and slowly, a river flowed trickling down my leg and drip to the floor. A small puddle of blood was stained on the floor and all I could do was sit back, my head pressed against the bathroom door with the knife remained in my hand, and continue watching what I had done to myself. 

I  breathed heavily and stole a glance at the blood covered knife, then back to my own leg. The blood seemed to slow a little and dry against my leg. I took the knife and moved it to my leg once more to press the tip into the open wound more, more fresh warm blood ran down the old, dry one and stopped at my ankle. 

The stench of blood began to fill the room. But it didn't bother me all that much considering I work around blood almost everyday. 

I watched as the blood continued to dry with a blank face and dropped the knife to the bathroom floor, blood from the knife splattering against the floor and my thigh. 

I inhaled deeply and forced myself to stand up and gather everything I needed to clean up this mess quickly. It was the full moon and I really didn't want to be late, again. 

I stared at myself through the mirror and the reflection only stared back for a long while. After I snapped myself out of it, I knelt down to the cabinet under the sink and grabbed some disinfectant wipes and cleaned up the blood stained tiled floor. After doing so and washing my hands from the filth, I grabbed the first aid kit and pressed the cloth and rubbing alcohol against the wound. As I wiped down the length of my leg, the wipe got painted with old, and new blood. 

Cleaning myself up afterwards was always the hardest part. But soon enough, all the blood on my leg was soon gone and all I had to do was wrap it up. So as I reached for the bandage wrapping, my leg caught my sight again. It was already starting to heal itself rather quickly. The skin in, and around the cut began to turn white and bruised. 

I hadn't meant to cut so deep today, but then again, when does anything go my way when I'm involved? 

After cleaning everything up, including the knife, I sat down on my couch and let my leg rest for a couple minutes before I would even try leave to see the horny bird. So as I waited I opened my phone and looked through Voxtagram to see if anything was happening. 

I didn't really follow that many demons, just a few overlords and royals, Millie, Moxxie, and Loona of course. Scrolling through pictures and laughing at a few goofy and stupid ones helped take my mind of the searing pain that was throbbing in my leg. After about half an hour, though, did I realize just how much time had passed. 

It was already past midnight and that's when Stolas expects me to be there and ready to fuck. So I quickly stood up, and immediately regretted it. I sat back down and hissed while sucking in my breath through gritted teeth. 

"Satan fucking damnit. This better not be a problem when I get there." I grunted to myself and tried standing up again, slowly and walked to the door whilst grabbing the van keys and slammed the door shut before making my way out of the apartment. 

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