CHAPTER 25 The Beginning

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By now Shawn has reached Forton. Hopefully, all the kings received their requests to join the battle planning. As they entered the courtyard, Shawn didn't wait for the carriage to stop. He exited the carriage as it slowed. He was followed by Thomas and Christian. Davina waited for the carriage to stop before she exited. Stim was waiting for them. He arrived in human form so he didn't scare anyone. He brought Penki with him. She'd since forgiven him for killing her, and she was now helping him reign over his flock. Steven was reluctant to get out of the carriage. "I see you have brought a friend with you?" Stim asked. "Yes. He's more help for the battle with Zanar. Steven, come and meet Stim," Shawn strongly suggested. Steven got out of the carriage. Shawn needed to be firm with his wording. Since Steven was only two years old, Tarina told Shawn to use commanding words instead of requesting words. She said it would encourage him to behave more like an adult. "Steven, this is Stim and..." Shawn stopped. He didn't know who Stim's companion was. "This is Penki," Stim said. "Oh, how? Nice to meet you, Penki," Shawn said. Steven shook his hand but remained silent. He didn't know what to say. Shawn motioned toward the entrance, and they followed him. The guards opened the door to the castle. This time they knew who he was. They proceeded right to the library. Shawn knocked on the door. "Enter!" Came a voice from inside. Shawn didn't recognize the voice. It wasn't Pelnar's. When they opened the door, the library was packed. Shawn was certain the other kingdoms received their invitations. "You must be Shawn of Vanesly. Sorry to hear about your parents. I'm King Daylis of Buetle," he said, shaking his hands. As Shawn shook his hands, another man approached him. "This is King Miwtel of Sawer," he introduced them. "Glad to meet a courageous young man," King Miwtel said. Shawn shook his hand and crossed the room. "Pelnar, did everyone come?" Shawn asked. "Shawn, now that you're here, we can begin. Shawn I would like you to meet King Tielmur of Highly and King Treldor of Onles," Pelnar said as they shook hands. "This is Stim of Lair," Shawn said. The room fell silent. Every kingdom had felt the sting of the lair. "You're a man, how can you be from the lair?" Pelnar shouted. "Pelnar, he's come to help us!" Shawn shouted. "The dragons can't be trusted. He can't even come to us as a dragon. He knows we don't trust him!" Tielmur shouts. "Stop this!" Steven shouted. Everyone looked at him. "Who are you?" shouted Treldor. "I'm Steven, god of love and life. I would welcome the dragons against Zanar. She fears them above all else!" he shouted. Thomas and Shawn were both proud and amazed. Steven was usually unsure of himself, but here he was able to bloom. "Now that the introductions are out of the way, let's start planning a war," Shawn said, sitting at the table. The kings looked at him and approached the table. As they sat down, there was an empty seat. "Where's the King of Trover?" Pelnar said. He looked around. "Thomas, why aren't you sitting in your seat?" Thomas looked at Shawn. He didn't know what to say. "Yes, Thomas, quit messing around," Shawn said. Pelnar's captain must have told them about Shawn's decree at the battle. He had named Thomas as acting king of Trover. "We can all get started. Shawn, why don't you bring us up to date," Pelnar said. Shawn didn't know where to start. "As you know, yesterday we attacked Zanar to save the citizens of Onles. We also attempted the rescue of Queen Kelva and Queen and Goddess Lisa. We were successful in rescuing the Onles and Queen Kelva. We were unable to rescue Queen Lisa," Shawn said. "How were you able to rescue Queen Kelva?" King Tielmur inquired. Shawn knew right now was his time. He could finally be a king. What better place to be a king than in the company of kings? Pelnar was about to answer when Shawn spoke up. "Well, Stim was a huge part of the attack. With his help and his dragons' help, we were able to mount a massive offensive. While Pelnar was rescuing the Onles, we entered my kingdom from three vantage points. Captain Delvar took his battalion through the terrace. Thomas entered from the servants' entrance, and I entered from behind the throne," he said. "Where was Zanar?" Treldor asked. "I'm glad you asked. She enacted her revenge on the dragons. Zanar hates dragons above all else. They killed her father centuries ago. They are our best defense against Zanar. So your concerns about King Stim are unnecessary," Shawn said. The kings considered the attack on Zanar. Their main concern was what was at risk for them now. "King Treldor's kingdom may be lost to Zanar, but we can reclaim his kingdom and the Kingdoms of Trover and Vanesly. Zanar has revealed her weakness to us, and we need to take advantage of it. On the eve of the full moon, her powers are at their weakest. We were successful at this battle and will be again," Pelnar continued. "How do you plan to destroy her?" King Daylis asked. "We have already begun our attack. With Queen Lisa inside, we have the upper hand," Shawn began. "How is Zanar's enforcer going to help us?" Miwtel demanded. "Her part of the plan needs to remain secret. There are aspects that need to be left secret until they happen. Goddess Tarina has assured of Lisa's participation." "More gods, don't we have enough problems because of the gods!" Teilmur shouted. "We are at war with Zanar and her faction of the gods, not all of the gods. We need all the help we can get. So if the remaining gods and dragons are coming to our aid, I suggest you get used to it. We don't have time to argue!" Shawn shouted. Thomas was silent during the entire discussion. He was starting to realize he may never get Lisa back if they didn't destroy her. The bantering about trivial details was starting to wear on him. "My fellow kings, we need to work together. My queen is risking her life from within Vanesly to help us. If we continue to argue about nothing, our window of attack will be lost. Please conduct yourselves as kings," he interrupted. The kings looked around, realizing they weren't acting like kings. The youngest kings among them were however running the meeting and doing a fine job too. "Thomas is right! We need to discuss the battle. I'll let Shawn inform you of the details," Pelnar shouted. Shawn was awestruck at the moment. He caused Zanar's reign of terror, and now he was given the opportunity to fix it. "As before, we attack on the eve of the full moon. Her powers are diminished, and we can overcome her then." Shawn began to tell the kings his plan of attack. They would be a formidable force. All Thomas could think about was Lisa. He didn't hear a word Shawn was saying. His thoughts were with Lisa and Tarina. How was Tarina going to transform her from Zanar's henchman to Zanar's destroyer? Teva was waking up. The evening passed slowly for Morgan. She watched over the troubled little girl. She could see and feel her pain. Her mother was the Queen of Temalli. Teva watched her mother die slowly. "Teva, I'm so sorry. I didn't know," Morgan cried. Teva woke up when she started to cry. "Morgan, why are you crying?" she asked. "Teva, you're awake," Morgan replied. "Why are you crying?" Teva asked again. "I saw what happened to your mother," Morgan stated. "Then you know who I am," Teva said. "Yes, but how are you still a child?" Morgan asked. "I don't know!" Teva replied. Morgan held her close. Jarren seemed to be full of secrets and surprises. "We'll figure it out," she said. "Morgan, she knows how," the goddess said. "What do you mean?" Morgan asked. "Teva, you need to let go of your grief," she said. Morgan knew what the goddess was talking about now. "Teva's grief is keeping her stuck in the moment of her mother's death. She's the only one that can change it," the goddess said. Teva started to cry, unleashing her pain. "Yes, Teva, let it go." The goddess looked up at the sisters. They began to chant as she cried. Morgan was wondering what would happen to Teva when she let her grief out. The destruction of Temilla happened centuries ago. How old would she be now? "Goddess, how old will she be?" Morgan asked. "She'll be her true age when she grieves," the goddess replied. "How old will that be?" she asked again. "We won't know until she grieves," the goddess replied. Teva was changing as she cried. The chanting was helping her. "She'll be centuries old. It'll kill her," Morgan cried. "Whatever it is to be will be. That's our way," the goddess reminded her. Teva's tears were flowing uncontrollably now, and she was changing fast. Her body thrashed with every tear. Her body was thrashing violently. The sisters continued to chant as she changed. "Unar, tel, penar." They chanted over and over. Teva continued to change. Morgan was crying too. She could feel her pain. It was unbearable. How had she kept it all inside her all these years? She could feel her pain for the loss of her mother, father, and their kingdom. Along with the pain were anger and pride. Teva was angry for the life she would never have. The dreams she had as a child were gone. "Why!" she screamed. As she screamed, her body stopped changing. The chanting continued until Teva stood up. "I'm whole again, Morgan. Thank you!" she said. Morgan looked at her. She'd become a young woman. "I don't think I'll be able to become a priestess after all. I'm the heir to the Kingdom of Temalli. I'll need to rebuild our once great kingdom. I'll need your help to do so. You are the first person in centuries to help me. My pain engulfed me, and now it's gone," she said. "Teva, what of the anger?" Morgan asked. "I wish it was gone as well, but I'll need to work on my anger. There are so many things I'm angry about. Some don't make sense now that the life I wanted I can still have. I'm sure you'll be able to help me. Would you be my benefactor?" Teva asked. Morgan looked at the goddess. "Is this why I found her?" she asked. "Morgan, nature has a way of righting itself. She's asking for your help. You're the only one that can give it," the goddess told her. The request was a lot to consider. The goddess had sent her out to help rebuild Avalon. Now she'd been asked to help rebuild a kingdom. She felt torn between her duties to Avalon and to her charge. "Morgan, your choice has been made for you. Helping Teva will help us," the goddess encouraged. "Teva, I'll teach you our ways. It's up to you to rebuild your kingdom. Together we'll be able to return your future to you," Morgan said. The plans for the battle had been laid out. Weeks of planning had brought them to the eve of the full moon. Tarina had been sending Lisa the same dream the entire time. A dream filled with love and light. She sent her Thomas's tears and Davor's cries. Visions of their happy life together. As well as Zanar's plans to turn her. Visions of the awful day Zanar took it all away. Showing her how Zanar destroyed it all. Tarina sent her the dream every night since she saw Thomas. If her spirit remained, it would be enough to free her. All had gathered at Forton to prepare for the final battle. Davina had her work cut out for her. She'd been strengthening her powers for the last few weeks. As well as Zanar's powers being weaker on the eve of the full moon, so were hers. They'd decided to have her transport them in the early evening. To save her powers for when they needed them. They'd be positioned outside of Vanesly to the southeast. The dragons would attack first, trying to drain Zanar of her powers. At dusk, the dragons started their barrage of fireballs on Vanesly. The city was ablaze in minutes. Unlike before, Zanar didn't retaliate. "Telmar, take Jenar with you and destroy the dragons once and for all. I'm sure the god of war and fire can banish them," she ordered. Kevya wanted to join them. He went to go with them. "Kevya, where do you think you're going?" she shouted. "I want—" She cut him off. "You'll do as I order you. Your powers of persuasion will be better suited in here!" she shouted. Kevya returned to his station next to Lisa. "Haven't you learned by now?" Lisa stated. He looked at her, knowing what she meant. Lisa's gaze was blank. She was not herself today. "We'll wait for them in here. I won't make the same mistake. They want me to battle the dragons." Telmar and Jenar left. As they emerged outside, the dragons were burning everything they could. Stim saw them first and attacked. At the same time, he connected with Davina. She could see what he could see. Telmar was ready for them. He sent out a shock wave. "Shawno!" he shouted. The dragons tumbled through the air. Jenar launched his attack while they were helpless, sending thunder and lightning at them. His fireballs hit their targets easily. A few dragons fell to his attack. They repeated the same attack over and over. "Shawno!" he shouted. The dragons tumbled again and again. Jenar continued launching thunder and lightning at them. Stim tried to keep up the offensive. They needed to keep them fighting until Shawn could attack Zanar inside the castle. It seemed fruitless. Penki made a rush at Jenar. She flew fast at him. Catching him off guard from the left. While he was attacking the dragons in front of him, she came in hard from the left. She covered him in vomit instead of fire. He fell from the sky. She grabbed for him with her massive claws. "Jenar, I see you've changed sides again!" she shouted as she wrapped her claw around him. Davina knew this was their moment to attack. Jenar was trapped for the moment. "Shawn, now!" she shouted. As she did, they advanced to the throne room. This time they entered from the terrace and the main entrance. After watching the battle unfold with the dragons, they decided the direct approach would be the best approach. The kings of Jarren lurched forward. They were fighting for their way of life. This wasn't a duty for their captains. They needed to be an active part of the battle. As they burst through, no one stood in their way. The guards stood at their posts and didn't try to stop them. "King Shawn, I was hoping you would join us," Zanar said. "I'd like you to meet Kevya. He has something to ask of you," she said. Kevya got up and advanced. "Surrender!" was all he said. Many of the men dropped their swords and fell to their knees. "Kevya, some of the kings didn't hear you," she said. "Surrender!" he shouted. This time everyone fell to their knees. Shawn couldn't fight it. His word was so powerful. "Shawn, you see I have more power than all the kingdoms of Jarren!" she shouted and started to laugh. Steven walked past them. "Why aren't you kneeling?" she shouted. "Godmother, how could you forget me?" he asked as he approached. "Steven, this isn't your concern," she suggested. "Maybe not, but you hurt my mother," he said as he continued to advance. "Kevya, would you," she ordered. "Surrender!" Kevya shouted again. "Kevya, you have no power over me. You're tired! Rest!" Steven shouted. Kevya fell to the floor. He looked dead. "See, Godmother, I've learned how to control it. You tried so hard to corrupt me!" he shouted. "What are you talking about?" she shouted. She knew what he was referring to and had no intention of giving in to Tarina or her child. Lisa just sat and watched, and Thomas couldn't help but cry. He was stuck on his knees, staring at Lisa's lifeless stare. Tarina failed them, he thought. Lisa hadn't changed at all. She was still Zanar's puppet. She sat stoic, without a glimpse of life to her. The dreams Tarina sent her had no effect, or so it appeared. Lisa was deep in concentration. She was trying to hide her freedom from Zanar. The dreams had helped. She could see Thomas and knew he was real. It was taking all her strength to keep her glassy composure. "Zanar, why do you play with me so. You know you were the one causing me to feel hate instead of love. You've hated my mother as long as you've known her. It wasn't any different while she was pregnant. I felt it. I know everything!" Steven shouted. "Steven, you're mistaken. Now kneel! As you're told," Zanar said. He tried to resist, but he couldn't. He fell to his knees. "Zanar, I want you to feel something," he said. He started chanting quietly. "What can you do now?" She laughed. "What can any of you do now? Your dragons are dying outside, and you're statues in here. Wait, that's a great idea," she said. "I'll turn you all into statues. Who wants to be first?" Zanar walked toward them. She felt their fear, and she was feeding on it. "Maybe you, Steven. What did you want me to feel? I feel fear all around me. You're helpless to do anything." She laughed again. Her laughter was insane. It sent shivers through them all. Steven was still chanting. She should have turned him into stone when she could've. His chanting slowly got louder and louder. "Tova, tera, mada, inta," he chanted. "What are you saying, Steven?" Zanar asked. "Tova, tera, mada, inta, Tova, tera, mada, inta Tova, tera, mada, inta Tova, tera, mada, inta tova, tera, mada, inta tova, tera, mada, inta!" He started yelling the chant. As he did, he reached his hands out at Zanar and stopped chanting. "Feel my love for my mother and her love for me and you. Feel it!" he shouted. "Stop!" she commanded. Steven rose from the ground. "I was never under your control, Zanar!" He walked closer to her. Lisa was close to her now. She could feel her own powers surging inside her. She was free of Zanar. "Mother, do you feel what you should have for me? Do you feel what I feel for Thomas and my son? Yes, my son. I know he's alive and safe," Lisa said as she threw lightning from her hands. The room filled with smoke. Zanar had fallen to her knees. "Stop! I command you!" she shouted. "No, Zanar, you'll stop! This is the end of your tyranny!" Steven shouted. Zanar fell to the floor. She didn't know how to battle a feeling. She couldn't stop Lisa and Steven at the same time. "Guards, it's time!" she shouted. But her guards didn't move. They knew they'd be free if she was destroyed. Her powers were draining from her. She no longer had the strength to call for Telmar and Jenar, and they were too busy with the dragons to sense her. Davina tried to get up to help them. She realized she could get up. She rushed to help Steven and began chanting, increasing his strength. "Zanar, feel it!" he shouted again. Lisa continued striking her mother again and again. "Do you remember what you did to my father? All he wanted was your love. In your rage, you killed him!" Lisa shouted. Zanar was crying. She could feel the intense love Steven had for his mother. As well as the love Tarina had for her. She never understood any of it, and now it was destroying her. Within moments Zanar was smoldering on the floor. Thomas rushed for Lisa. "Wait! She's not gone. She's pretending!" Lisa shouted. Zanar lashed out at that moment, unleashing her last energy toward Thomas. She was so weak and missed him. It was enough for Lisa. "Mother, why!" she screamed. This time she unleashed all her power on Zanar. Her body began to violently shake. Lisa's anger had reached its end. In Zanar's zeal to bring Lisa to her side, she created her executioner. Zanar burst into flames and disappeared. Lisa continued throwing lightning at the spot where her body lay. "Lisa! Lisa! She's gone!" Thomas shouted. She turned and looked right at him. She dropped to the floor and so did Steven. Thomas rushed to her, trying to catch her, but he couldn't. When he reached her, she was limp but breathing. "Davina, what's wrong?" he asked. "She's exhausted." "We need to deal with the rest of her court!" Shawn shouted. He headed to the throne to seize Kevya. When he reached the throne, he was gone. "Where did he go? Did any of you see him leave?" he shouted. From the looks on their faces, they didn't see him. Before they could do anything, the battle was over. Just as Tarina had told them. Outside there was silence, and Stim appeared in human form. "What happened? Telmar and Jenar disappeared!" he shouted. "It's over, Zanar's destroyed," Davina told him. "We should return home," Pelnar suggested. "Pelnar, Davina doesn't have the strength to transport us back. We've fought hard tonight. We need to rest. We're in my kingdom, and from the looks of things, it's in good condition. We should stay here, at least till we're rested," Shawn suggested. Pelnar knew he was right. "I agree with Shawn. We should stay here for at least a day," Treldor stated. Thomas picked up Lisa and headed toward Shawn. "Can you show me where we can rest? It's been a long journey," he asked. Shawn smiled. "Follow me," he said. Thomas followed Shawn out of the throne room. Zanar may be gone, but they had just begun.

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