CHAPTER 6 The Meeting

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In the sacred mountain, Davina was hiding and waiting. She knew the merchant couldn't hide the dragon sapphire forever, and she knew where he was. As she waited for him to reveal the location of the sapphire, she had been building her forces. She was practicing destroying the gods. When they cast her out, she decided how she could get her revenge. She had heard many stories about the powers of the dragon sapphire. She knew it would be the way into the god's kingdom. The merchant was trapped. He needed to use the sapphire to show the king his tale was true. She'd be able to capture the sapphire then. Davina was cast out from the kingdom of the gods. She was an advisor to the gods. When she came across the legend of their end, she asked too many questions. No one was to speak of the end. Davina was reading about the legend and researching it, trying to learn how to prevent it. None of the gods talked about it. They had decided not to talk about it, and it would never happen. This thinking bothered Davina. She felt just the opposite. If she did enough research, she could prevent it. She decided to share with Zanar what she had learned about the legend. She wanted to show her there was a way to prevent it from happening. "Zanar, I have something important to tell you," she said. "Davina, what have you discovered?" she asked. "How to prevent the legend from ever happening!" Davina shouted. Zanar couldn't believe what she was hearing. Davina knew the legend was forbidden. She couldn't believe an advisor would go behind her and research it. "What have you done? You know the legend is not to be spoken of, and you not only speak of it but have researched it. You know your place, Davina, and the consequences for defying the gods. You must leave. All your powers will be tagged. If you try to use any of them, you will be punished!" Zanar shouted. She turned to walk away. "Zanar, don't you even want to know what I have discovered?" she asked. "Davina, leave! Anything you have to tell me about the legend, I can't know. Leave before it's too late and the other gods find out what you have done. If they find out, it will be death, and you know that. Banishment is the best punishment for you. Leave or I will have to tell them what you've done!" she shouted. Davina was shaken awake at the dream she was having. She remembered the day she was forced to leave paradise. What she had learned about the legend would have saved the gods. Now she'd use it against them. If Zanar had only listened to her then, she could have saved them all. It was so simple too. Davina was happy Zanar didn't listen to her. She'd be able to return to paradise and live there for eternity. All she had left to do was steal the dragon sapphire from the merchant. The banquet was a success. Zanar arrived with her usual flair and entered the room in a cloud of mist. She never made a simple entrance. She desired attention, and when she could cause a stir, she did. The king was afraid she wouldn't arrive when she appeared. It was hours into the banquet when she finally arrived. The other gods had arrived as planned. Waiting for her was endless. When she arrived at the banquet, went on as planned. The food was prepared to perfection. Every detail was to Zanar's specifications. She was very pleased with King Trine and Queen Derna. Zanar allowed the engagement ceremony to proceed. Prince Shawn was promised to Goddess Lisa. They would be husband and wife. His kingdom had regained its regal status he thought was lost long ago when his father disappeared. It was now the morning after the engagement. The king hadn't forgotten about the merchant. He didn't want to remember, but he didn't forget. He was sure the merchant would change his story and beg for mercy. Maybe he thought he was doomed. The king would need to deal with the merchant today. He called for his squire. "Squire, bring me my robes. I need to see the treasure!" he shouted. The squire ran in to dress the king. The other servants followed him. The king was in a rush. This put the servants in a rush as well. "Tell my scribe there will be no court today. I need to see the treasurer right away. See to it that my breakfast and the treasurer are both waiting for me when I arrive," the king barked orders. The squire ran down the servants' stairs, reaching the kitchen. "The king will be ready for his breakfast in minutes and will be expecting it promptly," he said without stopping. The kitchen came alive. The head chef set the king's breakfast in motion. He had the same thing every morning. His breakfast was five scrambled eggs, blueberry muffins smothered in butter, and sliced bacon. The muffins and bacon were warm and waiting. The eggs would only take minutes to prepare. The squire continued down a long hall, heading for the treasurer's office. Before he reached the office, he arrived in the hallway. "Sir, the ki—" The treasurer interrupted. "I heard him myself. The king requests my presence with his breakfast," he stated, walking down the hall, passing the squire. The squire stared at the treasurer. The squire quickly rushed back to the king. The king was ready for breakfast. "Sire, your breakfast is ready, and the treasurer is waiting." "Good, we have a long day ahead of us today. Send for my guards. Have them prepare my horse and carriage. We'll be taking a trip today. It should be interesting. I will need supplies for two days. See to it, boy. We'll be leaving after breakfast," the king announced. The squire hadn't even regained his breath. Now he was off again with his last chore for the day. The king made his way down the stairs to the banquet hall. He would meet with the treasurer to discuss the merchant. They would need a plan. The king wanted to find out what the merchant was hiding in the caves of the lower mountains. He didn't believe his story but was curious anyway. While the king was meeting with the treasurer, the merchant was nervously awaiting his fate. The engagement banquet lasted for two days. He had been waiting since before it started, and it was now two days after the banquet. He was sure he was going to be executed. The merchant felt this was the only reason for the delay in his request. He would be surprised this day. "Treasurer, what news of your scouting party?" the king asked. "Sire, your scouts were unable to locate any caves at the base of the lower mountains. If there are any caves, they are well hidden. It is up to you, sire. I don't believe the merchant any more than you do. If what he's telling you is true, it can mean a fortune for your kingdom. I have measured the risks, sire, and an expedition with the merchant is very risky," the treasurer stated. The king had expected this. "Treasurer, I have already prepared for our journey. We leave after breakfast. Now on to the merchant." The king got up from the table and headed toward the dungeons. He was ready to address the merchant. He rushed as he had never rushed before. The king was no longer angry with the merchant. As a boy, he had heard tales about the dragon caves. His curiosity had now gotten the better of him. He made his way past the guards and down the stairs to the cell he was in. "Merchant, today you will make your case. We leave for your caves. You should know I sent a scouting party to look for them. They returned with no luck in finding them. You have this last chance to save yourself from your tale. If you are lying when we return, I'll have you put to death. So if you would like to save yourself, do so now!" the king shouted as he descended the stairs. The guard opened the door to the cell and unshackled him from the wall. The merchant hadn't replied. He was shocked at the king's entrance. He was on a mission. The merchant didn't know if it was his death or the treasure. "Sire, I assure you my story is not a tale but the truth," the merchant replied. "Then we'll soon find out," the king said as he turned, going back up the stairs. The merchant was led up the stairs surrounded by guards. He was no threat to the king, but he could still try to escape. As they reached the courtyard, the king's carriage waited. The king and treasurer climbed inside. The guards were walking the merchant to the rear of the carriage. "Wait, bring him here. Let him ride inside the carriage," the king announced. The treasurer looked at him in disbelief. "Sire, are you sure that will be safe? I'm opposed to this for your safety," he declared. "If the merchant tries to harm me or escape, he won't live long. It is in his best interest to clear his name. He won't try either," the king stated. The guards placed the merchant in the carriage and positioned one guard on each side of the carriage running boards. They rode on in silence. The treasurer wanted to question the merchant. He had many questions that needed answers. "Sire, if I may, I would like to question the merchant?" he asked. The king nodded his approval. "Merchant, your tale about being a dragon. You said there is a dragon's egg sapphire which can prove you are telling the truth. Can you explain how a jewel can prove your story?" the treasurer asked. The merchant considered what was happening. He knew he had to be careful with every word. "The dragon egg sapphire is magical. It is a part of me. Every moment of my life is saved within it. I can recall the images when I touch it. To prove my story, the king only needs to touch the sapphire. He'll see all I have told you is true." The king was listening to the conversation between the merchant and the treasurer. It wasn't much of an interrogation, and the treasurer wasn't much for a bantering inquest. Knowing the questioning would continue until they arrived, the merchant needed to distract the treasurer. "Why does my story seem so unbelievable?" he asked. The king perked up a bit hearing this. The conversation was taking a turn for the better. The treasurer had wanted to voice his opinions since they found the treasure in the merchant's home. "I have been the treasurer for the king since he was inaugurated. I have been told many stories to get out of paying taxes. You are the first to claim you are a dragon and that you don't own any taxes because you are not human. This is why your story is unbelievable," the treasurer ranted. The merchant was never more worried than now. There was so much emotion burring in the treasurer. He had more at stake than his fortune. The treasurer may believe the king had gone mad. They'll both have to touch the sapphire egg. If he doesn't have the treasurer touch the egg, he may still be put to death. Now he understood the level of terror his story has brought to the kingdom. He had never told anyone for this very reason. "When we reach my cave, you will need to touch the sapphire egg so you can understand what I'm telling you is true. If it weren't for Davina, I would be in my cave right now," the merchant replied. "Who is Davina?" the king asked. The merchant hadn't really talked about her since it first happened. "Davina was an advisor to the gods. She found the secret to the gods' legend. She was banished trying to tell Zanar what she had learned. It was forbidden to speak of the legend. Davina was trying to save her mentor. She had searched the gods' archive for an answer to the legend and found it. She went to Zanar with the solution to the legend, and she refused to listen. She felt betrayed by what Davina had done. The penalty for speaking of the legend is death. Zanar was the only one to hear her speak of it. She begged Davina not to continue. Zanar knew she would have to turn her over to the other gods if she spoke one more word. "She was powerless to stop her. Zanar's friendship with Davina clouded her judgment. Once again Davina tried to tell her about what she had learned. It would save them all from certain death. Before she could, Zanar banished her. 'If you leave now, I won't have to kill you,' Zanar said to her. So Davina left the gods with the secret. She was forbidden to use her magical skills ever. So she came to me wanting revenge on the gods. She knew about the dragon sapphire egg and wanted it for herself. She came to me looking for it. What she didn't know is how much about me the sapphire is. When I wouldn't give it to her, she cursed me. Thus, bringing me to now," the merchant stated. Both the king and treasurer were captivated by the story he told them about Davina. The king was very interested in the legend of the gods. He had perked up when he heard about the legend. His interest in Davina was slighted by hearing about the legend. He waited for a moment to see if the treasurer was going to ask him about the legend. It didn't take but a moment. "What is the legend of the gods? Why is it forbidden to speak of it?" the treasurer asked without even stopping to soak up the tale of Davina. He was consumed by what the merchant was telling him. He was a child again at his father's knee. The merchant knew he had them in his grasp. He needed to be in control of the direction of the interrogation, and he had managed to do so. "The legend is forbidden for good reason. Long ago the gods were told of their doom. How, what, and when it would happen. Instead of trying to change it, they decided never to speak of it again. Anyone who discussed it would be put to death. They had determined if they never spoke of it, it would never come. Any sane person knows that would prevent anything, but whoever said gods are sane. So they never spoke of it again. When Davina tried to tell Zanar how to stop it, she knew she couldn't listen to her. She would be put to death too. So banishing Davina also saved her own life," the merchant stated. The treasurer still wanted to know what the legend was. The merchant had told them about Davina and why it was forbidden to speak of it but not what the legend was. "But what is the legend?" The merchant wasn't sure how to tell them. They had already started the legend. It was simple pride. The pride of the gods was their end. Zanar's need for a royal wedding for her daughter would bring an end to the gods. It had already begun. He knew he couldn't tell them what he knew about the legend. He would even be able to keep them from finding out. When they touch the sapphire, he could show them only what he wanted to. The merchant had to consider that the end of the gods needed to happen. In all things, there was a reason for change, and the gods refused to prevent their own end. So why should he interfere with their destiny or the destiny they had chosen to accept. "The legend is pride. The gods will be brought down by their own pride," the merchant said. Could it be that simple? How could you use pride as a weapon? The king was wondering how to use what he'd learned in his favor. What he knew can be a powerful tool. But what of the consequences of this knowledge? Would the same punishment for the gods pertain to him as well? Would he be put to death if he mentioned the legend to Zanar? So many things to consider. "I'm tired. End this inquest and let me sleep!" the king shouted. The treasurer and merchant looked at the king, surprised by his outburst. They had no choice but to comply with his wishes. They continued the journey in silence. They would be there in a few hours, and all would be revealed then. So many things were running through the king's mind. He had considered an alliance with this Davina. If he could locate her, maybe she could share what she knew with him. She could become his new advisor in this matter, but how could he find her if the merchant had been unable to? He'd use the merchant's freedom as a bargaining chip in finding her. The king had his ways to find people. He had many friends throughout the lands. Davina had been watching their journey to the caves. She had searched the caves, looking for the sapphire for decades. He hid it well. She had never been able to find it. When they arrive, she'll be hiding in the cave, waiting for him to reveal where he'd hidden it. She'll finally be able to seek her revenge on Zanar for banishing her. Oh, how she would love to get her revenge. If she only knew that Zanar banished her to save her. If she hadn't, she would've been killed as well as Zanar. Since she left the gods' paradise, she had been searching for a way back. Her life outside the paradise hasn't been easy. She was forbidden to use her powers, so making an existence with no skills was hard for her. She still had her skills of persuasion. She had been working as an advisor for hire for food and a place to sleep. She would help settle disputes. Many people she encountered remembered her as an advisor to the gods. Some even knew of her powers. Rumors of her powers spread throughout the kingdoms. She was able to use these rumors to her advantage. She was only pretending to tap into her gift of sight to settle disputes. Her anger at the gods only grew with each day of her banishment. Davina had become a prisoner of her own anger. Her revenge had engulfed her. All she could think about was using what she knew about the legend of the gods against them. Davina had been working on her plan of revenge since she was banished. It was simple to her. She needed the sapphire egg to regain access to paradise. She needed to fly to paradise without being noticed. If she used her powers to ascend to paradise, she would be noticed. She had been searching for a way to ascend unnoticed. Minutes from now she'd have the sapphire egg. The king and the merchant had reached the caves. She'd wait in silence until he revealed its hiding place. Outside, the king's caravan had arrived. The king was startled at the carriages' sudden stop. "What is the meaning of this, why have we stopped?" he shouted. The guard rushed to the side of the carriage just as the king ended shouting. "Sire, we're here. We almost passed the location. The guide grabbed the reins to stop the horses." The king was satisfied with the explanation. "Well, Merchant, it's time to see if your tale is true!" The king climbed out of the carriage followed by the treasurer. After they were on the ground, the guards reached in to retrieve the merchant. As they helped him out, he recognized the area immediately. How close they were to his cave was amazing. "I'm surprised your scouts didn't find my cave. We have stopped almost in front of it." "Where is the opening, Merchant? I'm no longer interested in these games!" the treasurer shouted. He was becoming very tired of the tale and didn't believe it. So he wanted to get it over with and go back to the castle. The treasurer hated being away from the castle. "You want to get right down to it, don't you?" the merchant asked. "Yes!" he replied. The merchant could tell the king was also not pleased with his smugness. "Then to the cave we go," he said. "Can you remove the leg shackles? It is hard to walk, especially out here," he asked. The king nodded, and his guard kneeled down to remove the leg shackles. Now he was able to move freely. He could take them to his cave. "Merchant, if your tale is true, have you given any thought to Davina trying to take the sapphire while we're here?" the king asked. This hadn't crossed his mind at all. "Not until now. I would suggest you keep your guards ready, sire," the merchant said. He hadn't even considered it until now. Would she really try to capture it now? As the merchant warned the king, Davina was lying in wait. She heard them. She'd only have one chance to steal it. She'd have to wait till they were holding the sapphire. It would be her only chance. The king and the merchant would be distracted enough for her to snatch it. They walked up the side of the mountain a few yards, and the ground started to shake. "What is going on?" the king shouted. The merchant didn't warn them before the entrance to the cave revealed itself. "This is why you couldn't find it. It only opens for me." The king looked at the treasurer. They knew of all the dragon legends, and he wanted the treasurer to make a mental note of the entrance. None of the tales mentioned the cave entrance opening only to the dragon. "You now know the last secret of the dragons. Since I'm the last, it won't be much of a legend anymore," the merchant announced. "You are the last?" the king asked. "Yes. I'm the last dragon. We have been hunted for many reasons. All have perished but me. In a way, Davina saved me from peril. When she cursed me, I was being hunted. The cursed masked me and saved me. Every day I lose a part of my past and become more human. I haven't touched the dragon sapphire in centuries. Fearing Davina would locate it. I know she has been waiting for me to reveal its location. Like you suggested, she is probably waiting for me to prove to you my tale and reveal it to her." This made the king very uneasy. He hadn't considered the danger in looking into the merchant's tale. He would have suggested a larger group of guards had he known. At this point, it was pointless to turn back. He'd go through with their quest. He hadn't even told his queen where he was going. He didn't want to worry her. Now he was wishing he had at least said goodbye to her. "Onto your sapphire. Guards, be ready for anything," the king announced. His guards were well trained, but they had never had to defend the king against a magical force before. No matter how ready they were, they might not be able to protect the king. The king knew this as well. He was hoping she wouldn't use her magic, lest she might reveal herself to Zanar. This small fact gave him comfort. Zanar's wrath could be swift and fierce. If Davina was going to have the element of surprise, she'd need to keep her plan a secret. If she used her powers now, her plan would be ruined. They went inside the cave. As they entered, a bright glow could be seen down the hallway. "What is that light?" the treasurer asked. "That is my gold. Isn't the light beautiful? I feel energized when I'm around it," the merchant replied. His face was changing. You could see greed in his eyes. They looked on fire. Whether it was the light or his soul, he was different. His steps become quicker, and his excitement was building. "I haven't been here in over fifty years. The glow still quickens my steps. I can't get over how energized it makes me feel," the merchant said. They neared the end of the tunnel. "Wait here for a moment. I need to disarm the entrance. If I don't, all who enter after me will be killed." They knew this to be true. So trusting the greedy merchant, or dragon, they waited for him to return. It wasn't but a moment, and he returned. It was as if he never left them. "That was fast!" the king said. "I only need to speak an ancient word, and it's safe. I didn't want you to hear it. It brings death to all that hear it." The deeper they went into the cave, the more secrets were revealed about the dragon's lair except this time, they were still in the dark about what it could be. They entered the cave behind the merchant. Nothing could have prepared them for what they were about to see. As they entered, the guards lost their heads. They ran away from their posts and dove into the gold. Leaving the king unprotected. It was overwhelming. So much gold in one place. They'd never seen such a display and never would again. "Guards!" the treasurer shouted. Just moments after leaving their post, they looked up at the king, realizing what they'd done. The king frowned with disapproval as they looked at him. He was almost in the mounds of gold with them. "I'm surprised you are able to resist it, sire! Not many have been able to resist the urge to touch the gold. Most go mad and never leave. Starving to death as they lose their will to leave," the merchant said. The king only reached out a hand, urging the merchant to continue. The guards returned to their posts and continued deeper into the cave. The ceiling of the cave was endless. No one could see its end. Surrounding them were mountains of gold. Scattered in the mountains of gold were jewels of every color. Some were the size of a man's head. There were gold nuggets bigger than a man. As well as piles of coins all about. Many carriages were tossed about with their travelers' skeletons hanging out of the windows. Chests of fine clothes and furs lay thrown about the floor. Centuries of pillaging travelers along the roads of the kingdom were evident. The king could see why the dragons were hunted. They left the main cavern and entered a small room with nothing in it. "Why are we in here?" the king asked. "This is where I have kept the sapphire for centuries," he replied. "There's nothing here!" the king dared. "Are you sure of that?" the merchant asked. The king thought for a moment. He could feel a warmth in the room, but there wasn't a source for the warmth. As he opened his mind and eyes, it was right in front of him. There was a beautiful blue sapphire the size of his body. "Can you see it?" the merchant asked. The king nodded his head. The treasurer was less impressed and might not be able to see it. "Sire, what do you see? There's nothing there," the treasurer asked? "It's right in front of you. Clear your mind and you will see it." A few of the guards could see it. Davina couldn't see it at all. Her greed was blocking her from it. "So how will this be able to show me your tale is true?" the king asked. "We need to touch it together." The king looked at the merchant. "What if I can't see it?" "I will guide you to it," the merchant replied. "It looks like you will have to guide my treasurer too. I don't think he'll be able to see it." The merchant looked at the treasurer. "Do you see it?" he asked. The treasurer couldn't see it, and the merchant could see it on his face. He reached for the treasurer's hand. The king moved forward to it, and the merchant led the treasurer forward. "Now reach out your hand and touch it," the merchant said. As he let go of the treasurer's hand, he reached forward. All three reached forward and touched the dragon sapphire at the same time. When the merchant touched it, it was revealed to all in the room. Davina could see it again. She was overwhelmed by its radiance. The dragon sapphire glowed a brilliant blue. It looked like a drop of water floating above the floor. It glowed like an ocean lagoon in midday, with the sun shining through it. "Nothing is happening," the king stated. "Just wait! It's been a long time since I have communed with the sapphire. It will only take a moment for it to recognize me," the merchant replied. It wasn't very long, and the sapphire began to pulse. "What's happening?" the treasurer shrieked. The merchant wanted to laugh. The treasurer came on with endless courage. Now he was scared of a giant sapphire. "It recognizes me. It will now show you what I have asked it to. Don't let go until the vision is complete," the merchant stated. Within moments the king and merchant were looking over the dragon's cave. The dragon was sleeping on his gold in the outer chamber. He was awakened by an explosion from the cave's entrance. He had only heard such power coming from other dragons. He was elated. He thought all other dragons were gone. This only meant he was no longer alone. He raised his head and began to rise. He was expecting a dragon to enter the cave. Who entered the cave was unexpected. It was Davina. She was very small even for human standards. She was the size of a dwarf. "Beware, human. You have entered my lair. You will never leave alive," the dragon stated. Davina said nothing in response. She looked around. "Where is the sapphire?" she demanded. The dragon looked at her in disbelief. Not only had she forced her way in but she was also now making demands. "You will be fun to eat," he said as he lurched and began taking in air to burn her. "I wouldn't if I were you. I'm charmed by the gods, and if you harm me, they'll destroy you," she stated. The dragon knew of such charmed humans. If he only knew she was banished from paradise, he would have ended it there. He didn't want to seek the wrath of the gods. He was the last dragon and wanted to fulfill his pact to retrieve all the gold that was stolen from the earth. As protector of the gold, it was his duty to stay alive. "What have you come for?" he asked. "I have come for the sapphire," she replied. He wasn't going to give anyone the sapphire. Not even a charmed human of the gods. "What do you want with the sapphire?" he asked. "I have been sent to retrieve it as a test of my loyalties to the gods. Now show me where it is and I will leave you to your gold!" she demanded again. He didn't believe her. The gods wouldn't have sent her to retrieve his most prized possession. "It isn't here, and no matter why you are here, I will never part with it. It is a part of me. Now leave me be. You will fail your test," he stated. She wasn't about to leave without it. "You should comply. I will make you pay if you don't." He laughed at her treat. "What can you do to me that the gods have not? Why, every human tries to destroy me. I think there is nothing worse you can do to me. I'm the last dragon, and the loneliness will bring my death." She considered what he said but needed the sapphire to return to paradise. "There is something I can do that no god would and no other human would try!" Davina shouted. She began to weave a spell. "What can you do to me? I'm protected from all magic. I'm magical. No spell can harm me. Only by man's iron can I be destroyed. If you are truly a charmed human of the gods, you know this," he ranted. "Is that true?" the king asked. "Yes. Now watch. I will answer your questions when we're done," the merchant said. Davina was still on her perch, waiting for the right moment to take it. The guards had relaxed their posture. Since Davina hadn't attacked, they figured she wouldn't. Her patience would pay off as she waited for the right moment. In the sapphire she was casting her spell, preparing to turn the dragon into a human. The dragon hadn't even noticed his slow change to a human. Since she wasn't trying to destroy him, her magic would work. She was using a repair spell to turn him into a human. It was the only spell that would work on him. "You should look into the water below your feet," she said. The dragon laughed. "Why, did you change my color?" He looked to his feet. He was shocked at what he saw. "What have you done? No magic can harm me!" he shouted. "I didn't harm you. I turned you into a human using a repair spell. You see, as long as I'm not trying to destroy you, my magic will work," she stated. "But you have destroyed me. You've turned me into a human. I'm a dragon!" he roared. Davina had him where she wanted him. She would make him give her the sapphire. "I have cursed you to live as a man. The very people you detest. Give me the sapphire and I will set you free. The longer you remain a human, you'll become more and more human. So it's in your best interest to give me the sapphire!" she shouted. There was no way he was going to give her the sapphire. She would control him. "I will never give you the sapphire. If I have to die a human, you will never get it," he said, turning his back on her. She was furious. She lashed out, sending dragon fire from her to kill him. "Then you shall die!" She attacked him, but even in human form, he was still protected. "I told you no magic can harm me. Even as a man!" he said as he walked away. The dragon's fire had no effect on him. The ground around him was scorched and the gold melted. But he was not harmed. She screamed in anger, "You will give me the sapphire someday! You will want to hold it, and when you do, I will be there to take it from you. Then I will destroy you!" She screamed as she disappeared down the tunnel. The visions from the dragon's sapphire were complete. Davina would have to act now. This was her chance to enact her revenge. She leaped from her perch, diving on the sapphire, gripping it in her hands, stopping the vision. The merchant knew what happened. Before he could act, the king had drawn his sword. He was always on the ready. "Guards, dispatch this attacker!" The king has managed to wound her, and she dropped the sapphire. Her moment had come and passed. As the sapphire fell to the ground, the treasurer managed to catch it. He knew the value of the stone. Its worth as a jewel far outweighed its value as a magical stone. The treasurer always considered his greed above all else. Had it not been valuable, he may have let it break. He wasn't a heroic man. He lay on the ground clutching the sapphire. The guards leaped over him, trapping Davina in the back of the chamber. The merchant was furious seeing her again. All his emotions came flooding back from the day she cursed him to be a man. "You just won't give up. I told you I would never give you the sapphire!" he shouted. "I know why too. I'll control all of you, I've cursed you to walk as a man. If they kill me, you will be a man forever. Only I can remove the spell!" she shouted. The king had known of the legend of the dragon sapphire. He had pretended not to all this time. He too wanted to control the dragon. In case the gods' wrath ever came down on him, he'd need allies in his future. "Wait! Is there a way to restore the merchant to his former self and satisfy your desire to control the sapphire?" the king inquired. No one spoke. They were curious about his question. The merchant could see right through the king. He was kicking himself for not seeing it before. The king was a very wise man and capable of deception as no other man he had ever known. "There is nothing I desire more than returning to paradise. The only way I can return is with the sapphire. There is no other way. I won't release him until I possess it!" Davina shouted. The king looked at the merchant. "Can you survive as a man?" he asked. The merchant considered his question. He realized his ruse. "If that's the only way, I can be rid of her. I can live quite well as a human with all the wealth I have," he replied. "Guards, kill her and we'll go." The king turned his back to leave with the merchant and the treasurer following him. The guards moved in closer to finish her. "Wait!" she pleaded. Without turning the king responded, "There is no reason to wait." Davina had no options left. She had no idea the king was bluffing. He was hoping she'd come to her senses and strike a bargain. "I will help you with Zanar!" she shouted. "You have been thrown out of paradise, and you think you can help me with Zanar? Have you gone mad?" the king shouted as he exited the chamber. They stopped just outside the chamber and waited for her to give up. "I will release the dragon from his human prison," she pleaded. The guards waited for a moment. The king didn't reply, and the guards proceeded to carry out the king's orders. "Please, I know the god's weakness. I don't want to die!" Davina pleaded again. The king was waiting for her to reveal all she knew. Now she had, he'd use it to his advantage. He stepped back inside the chamber. "What will that be?" the king asked. The guards backed away from her. She lay on the ground terrified. She was moments from death. With her heart beating faster than she could breathe, she needed to catch her breath before she could answer the king. "Don't make me wait, or it will be the end of you!" he said. Davina got to her feet. "The sapphire is the link to the gods' destruction," she said in between gasps. This was exactly what the king needed to leverage Zanar. He paused for a moment, considering his next step. He'd need Davina and the merchant as allies in his war with the gods. They had been meddling in the affairs of his kingdom for centuries. As if his kingdom was a toy to play with. "Give me a moment to consider your punishment," he said as he left the chamber again. Davina was still terrified. The guards may have stopped their attack but hadn't relaxed their position. As soon as the king left the chamber, he rejoined the treasurer and the merchant. He needed to gain the allegiance of the merchant now before he was a dragon. "The gods seem to be meddling in all our lives. I need your oath of allegiance, Merchant. Soon you will be a dragon again, and all those that hunted you before will return. My kingdom can protect you. At least keep them from bothering you. What do you say, Merchant?" The merchant could see what the king was up to. He'd like the allegiance with the king too. "Sire, all I want is to live out the rest of my days in peace. After living as a man, I no longer feel the need to draw attention to my fortune. Your greed is greater than my desire to return our gold to the ground. I have learned there's no way I can ever separate the two. Man's greed and gold are joined. I accept your offer of protection. It will be more like rumor control. I have no desire to leave my cave after today," he said. "Will you feel the same after you are restored to your former self?" the king asked. "We'll mingle our blood. This will help me keep my oath," the merchant said. He reached out his hand and cut it. Then he cut the king's and pressed the wounds together. "Now I can't go back on my word no matter how much it would benefit me," he said. The king had the merchant's allegiance. Now he'd have to convince Davina it was in her best interest to do the same. The king went back into the chamber to confront her again. "Bring her," he said. The guards lifted her up and dragged her into the open cave. "Turn him back into a dragon. Then I will discuss your punishment." Davina didn't know what to expect. All she could think about was being turned into ash as soon as the dragon was restored. "Sire, I don't want to die. Please, what can I do to earn my life?" she asked. "Turn him back and I will tell you," he demanded. Davina stood up and began to cast the spell. She paused for a moment. "What else do you want from me?" she asked. Considering the question, the king stated, "I want your allegiance!" Davina wasn't expecting his reply. "My allegiance. How will that keep me alive?" she asked. "Your hatred for the gods will benefit me greatly. I have entered into a marriage arrangement with Zanar, and her advisors report to her. Their best interest isn't in my kingdom but in her daughter's happiness. I need someone that knows the ways of the gods. An advisor of my own who can help me and my kingdom. When the time is right together, we can destroy them. Zanar won't expect an alliance between the three of us," the king stated. Davina was excited. She thought her plans were all her own. She never thought there were others with the same feelings about the gods. Zanar had made many enemies among men. "How will you be able to trust me?" she asked. The king knew this wasn't even a point. She wanted revenge on the gods and knew that was enough to be able to trust her. "Your revenge is all I need. We both want the same results. I don't need to worry about trusting you. If you betray me, the end of the gods will never come to pass," the king replied. The king knew her better than she thought. With her compliance, she continued to return the dragon to his natural state. She'd never again be able to change him without his permission. Since no magic could ever harm him, his body would remember the spell she cast on him. She'd only be able to use a repair spell if he gave her permission to do so. They watched him change. Unlike before, the change back was painful. He'd been a man for so long. Davina's powers were weak as well and draining her strength. She hadn't used her powers since she was banished from paradise. Inside the cave, she could use her powers without Zanar knowing. The dragons had charms to protect them from magic. They even blocked vision spells. No one could sneak up on a dragon. The dragon would wake up if someone was near. He cried out in pain with half a dragon's roar and a man's scream. As he changed back into a dragon, his body was convulsing around the cave floor. He sent mounds of gold flying about. The king and his guards leaped out of the way. It lasted for minutes, and finally, the merchant was a dragon again. "Do you think you could hurry along? When you changed me into a man, I didn't even feel it!" he shouted. Davina couldn't respond. She'd passed out. Changing him back to a dragon took the last of her magic. She'd be able to restore her powers after a long sleep. The king had his guards pick her up. "We'll return to the castle. I will send word when we are ready for you. You now have your fortune back. I will have my guards return your fortune to you," the king said. "No! Keep it. It will be better if you tell all I was a madman. That I attacked you and you killed me. If anyone finds out it is true, then I will be hunted again. It is better if no one believes me. Take all the fortune I left in your kingdom for your own. You have helped restore me to my former self, take it as payment for your deed," the dragon replies. The king understood his request. It would help create their plan. No one would expect an alliance with a dragon. It would be easy to explain Davina. They found her along the road on the way back. They left the dragon in his cave. 

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