CHAPTER 22 Crossing

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In the Kingdom of Forton, rumors were spreading. Zanar had easily conquered the kingdoms to the north and was heading to the south. King Shawn was heading to meet with the King of Forton. He was seeking a meeting to discuss the rumors about Zanar. He lost contact with the Kingdom of Onles months ago. He was sure Zanar was responsible. The Onles cultivated the trees. They provided the wood for warmth and building. The Kingdoms of Perais, Hoyon, and Hunters together couldn't affect Forton as much as Onles. Shawn sent a messenger to their kingdom a week before, warning them about Zanar's procession. He had not received any word from his messenger. His concern was growing for the remaining kingdoms in the south. This meeting would establish his role as King of Vanesly. Whether his kingdom had fallen or not. Along the road to Forton he watched many travelers pass going south. In many trips he'd never seen so many going south. The weather hadn't even turned cold. "Driver, stop!" he shouted. The driver pulled back on the reigns, stopping the horses. "Sire, why have we stopped?" the driver inquired. Shawn didn't hear him. He was already on the road, flagging down a passerby. At first no one would stop they were in such a hurry. "Sir, sir, may I have a word?" he shouted. The man on the horse kept riding. Then a carriage approached. "Driver, stop, I need to speak with your benefactor," he demanded. The driver of the carriage could see he was a nobleman. His fear of disobeying his mistress didn't compare to his fear of him. His mistress would punish him, but this man could kill him for no reason. He stopped the carriage. "Driver, you have better be dying to have stopped this carriage!" his mistress screamed. "Mistress Belva, there's a nobleman in the road. He ordered me to stop!" he replied. The mistress opened her carriage and stormed out. "Sir, it is dire that I continue on my way. So whatever the reason, I'm sure you can question someone else," she demanded. Shawn stood looking at her. She was visibly frightened. "Madam, I'm curious about the speed at which you travel. What's the hurry to leave Forton?" he asked. "I'm not in a hurry to leave Forton. I'm trying to get as far away from Zanar as fast as I can. She sent out her warriors, and they're capturing each kingdom they encounter," she said, rushing back to her carriage. "Wait, what warriors?" "Her daughter leads them, accompanied by Telmar, Jenar, and Kevya. They are heading south, and I plan to be as far from here as I can!" she shouted. "Are you sure her daughter leads them?" he shouted as the driver pulled away. "Yes, Lisa, goddess of the forest, is capturing kingdoms for Zanar. It's begun!" she shouted out her window. Shawn couldn't believe what he heard. Thomas ran out of the carriage. "Are you sure? Are you sure?" he screamed. As he ran after the carriage, he collapsed in the road. "Lisa, Lisa, Lisa! I need you! I love you!" he screamed over and over. Shawn ran to him. When Shawn told him about seeing Lisa, he didn't believe him. Thomas chose to believe it wasn't Lisa Shawn saw. Now it was confirmed, and he was falling apart. "Shawn, I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Why would her mother do this? Zanar said she wanted her daughter to be happy. Separating us can't make Lisa happy. What about our child, is he going to be safe? Does she even know we're even alive?" he questioned. Shawn didn't have any answers. Thomas started to cry. "Thomas, let's get you in the carriage. We'll see what Pelnor knows when we get to Forton," he said as he lifted Thomas to his feet. His friend was crushed and looked like he was going to die. The pain in his heart was what Zanar wanted everyone who betrayed her to feel. Lisa was rummaging through the library. She didn't even know what she was looking for. There wasn't any reason to the library. The books were arranged by century and then event. She didn't know the history of the humans enough to know where to look. Who could she ask? she thought to herself. There was no one left to ask. She could try to talk to Kelva if she was coherent. The last time she saw her, she was screaming at her dead child. Except her child wasn't dead. She slipped away after that. Telmar was watching Lisa from the doorway. "What are you looking for?" he asked. "Arguh, what are you doing here? I thought I was alone!" she screamed. "No reason for the outburst. I put up with plenty of that already. If your mother wasn't Zanar, I would have shown you what respect was all about!" he elaborated. Lisa got his hint, but she didn't need this now. "Telmar, what do you want? I'm very busy!" she demanded. "Your mother sent me to get you. She's heard something about the Onles," he said and walked away. He didn't appreciate being used as a messenger. He was the god of war! Lisa turned to yell at him, but he was gone. She didn't know why her mother sent him. She had many means of getting her attention and could have summoned her with her mind. Much faster than sending someone to get her. Lisa abandoned her search for now and went to see what her mother had learned. She might not even need to search anymore. She appeared in the throne room in a crystalline pattern. As if she were walking through a door. Usually accompanied by smoke and lightning but this time Lisa just entered without it. Zanar didn't even see her enter. "Mother, what have you learned?" she said. Zanar was startled for the first time. She was distracted by what she was reading. "Oh, Lisa. When did you get here?" she asked. "Just now. What have you learned?" she asked again. She was rather impatient. Zanar continued to read. "I found this book on the history of the kingdoms. The Onles are interesting. They are part tree, becoming one with the trees once every five hundred years. Their cycle can't be interrupted. According to the calendar, this is their zenith in the cycle. They'll be communing with the trees for a year. The entire kingdom disappears for a year, and by the looks of the throne room, they may be returning soon," Zanar stated. Lisa was in awe of her mother. She didn't expect her to be so resourceful. She'd never known her to read about something. "How did you find that book?" she asked. "Kelva's very helpful. She's been alert for about a month. While you were delivering my decrees, the midwives nursed her back to health. She's still mad but awake and alert now," Zanar said. Lisa just looked at her mother. "What gave you the idea to look in the humans' history?" "You did, when we came back to Vanesly. You were thinking about it when we faded," she said. Lisa was getting angry. She'd spent the last week looking through the library finding nothing. "Why didn't you tell me you already found the book?" she demanded. She couldn't believe her. Lisa was demanding as if she were queen. "You should remember your place, child!" she shouted, rising from her throne. "Go, before I remind you of what I can do!" Zanar shouted. Lisa's anger turned to fear. She was starting to regain her humanity and didn't want Zanar to take it away again. Her spirit was stronger than Zanar's spell. She needed to comply like a slave would. She retreated. "Your Majesty, I lost myself in the search and beg your forgiveness for my outburst." Zanar was fooled by her apology. "That's better. Prepare for the journey. You'll leave in the morning. I'll investigate the Onles and make them agree to my terms," she said. Lisa headed for her quarters still brimming with anger. As Lisa left, Telmar followed her. She was quite angry! Lisa's acting very different than a few minutes ago. To Zanar she was apologetic and groveling. His curiosity about her was growing. To the kingdoms, she was very diplomatic, gracious, and understanding. To her mother, she was angry and full of outbursts. Showing Zanar no respect at all for being her mother or the queen of the gods. He thought she was weak before. He was not sure what to think. As the god of war, Telmar was starting to find Lisa very interesting. For her age, she was not old enough to have the skills of manipulation she had. Lisa didn't even notice Telmar was following her. She was too busy ranting about her mother to notice. As she neared her quarters, Telmar wanted to talk to her. "Lisa!" he shouted. She turned fast to see him. She wasn't very happy to see him there. He'd been challenging the entire time she's known him. "I don't have time to chat. I need to meditate. My mother has made me very angry!" she shouted. He should have expected her response. "I wanted to congratulate you on how you handled your mother. You'll make a great queen someday," he flattered! Lisa was puzzled. He'd never given her a compliment before. Let alone remember if he'd ever really given anyone a compliment. Unless they were sparring with him and holding their own. "Telmar, what do you want?" She sighed. She knew he was up to something now. "I'm just trying to tell you I'm proud of you. I know the last few years have been hard on you. Especially since your father's not here anymore," he replied. "Thanks, but I think I'll be fine. She's been my mother long enough that I know I'll survive," she said, walking away and wasn't too thrilled with him reminding her about her father. She had been trying to forget that her mother killed her father. Every night before she went to bed, she could see his face. She would talk to him and wonder how he was doing. Telmar just let her go. He could tell it was pointless to try and talk to her now. Unlike most of the gods, he could get them to do anything. Lisa was different. She didn't care what he thought or felt. She detested him since he agreed with her mother. It was all about politics to him. Zanar was more powerful than Tarina. The only reason he allied with Zanar was power. As well as survival. The god of war was better at getting others to go to war than protect himself. Most seem to think he was powerful, but his powers were limited to getting others to go to war. He was not as powerful as he was considered to be. His secret had stayed a secret for centuries. His powers had never been discussed. So none of the gods had ever considered him weak. Many kings who went to war were trying to cover up their weaknesses by going to war. So being the god of war carried a certain stigma to it. Lisa brought his weakness to the surface. He couldn't even talk to her. Every attempt to talk to her was met with defeat. A god who could bring kingdoms to war and destruction was lost to a girl. He left Lisa to her meditation in hopes that he could try again. Zanar's consent would be another story. He'd always had her respect, but her daughter was a different subject altogether. As Shawn and Thomas neared Forton, they passed more carriages than they had ever passed before. Considering Zanar's forward assault, they understood why they would flee. They were on their way to discuss her forward assault with King Pelnar. As well as the sightings of Lisa. Thomas was hopeful that it really was Lisa. He only met Lisa's mother once, and he knew what she was capable of just from their one meeting. Hoping she'd someday be reunited with him and her son. Shawn knew Kelva was with Zanar. She was torturing him for his betrayal. Separating him from his wife and child. His concern for their welfare kept him up at night. What of his son or daughter? Kelva should have given birth by now. He was left to wonder how they were doing. His thoughts of them kept him hopeful Zanar may be treating them well. As the carriage passed through the streets of Forton, Shawn was drifting in thought. He could see Kelva's smiling face in the sunset. Her dark hair flowing in the amber light of the sun. His visions were so vivid he could almost touch her. Stroke her hair with his fingers. His daydreams were growing more imaginative. "Stop the carriage!" he yelled, jumping out of the carriage before it stopped. He ran toward a woman carrying a baby about the age his child would be. Thomas ran after him. "Shawn, what are you doing?" he asked as he caught up to him. "It's Kelva!" he said, pushing forward to her. Thomas knew he must be mad. His bride was a captive of Zanar. "Shawn, Zanar has her. That isn't her! It can't be." Thomas shook him. Shawn couldn't take his eyes off her. She carried a young child with her. A woman near them couldn't help but overhear. "Are you interested in the child?" she asked them. "What do you mean?" he asked her. "That woman is a wet nurse. She takes care of babies when the mothers die. At the same time, she got this baby, her husband disappeared," she said. Thomas just looked at her. "How did he die?" "There was a loud thunder in the sky, and when she went outside to see where he was, he was dead. Just lying in front of their home dead," she relayed. "Do you know whose baby it is?" Shawn asked. "No, but she treats this one better than any of the others. She doesn't ever leave it alone. No one's ever gotten close enough to see if it's a boy or a girl," she continued. Shawn looked at Thomas. "It can't hurt to see the child," he said. "It couldn't hurt to look," Thomas replied. Shawn approached the woman. "Excuse me! I was wondering if you can tell me who's baby that is." As soon as he asked, she ran toward her home. They couldn't believe her reaction. Shawn followed her to her home. "Ma'am, I mean you no harm. I just want to know whose baby you're caring for?" he asked again. The woman was in her home pacing. The midwife never told her what to do if someone came asking about the child. She told her the child's benefactor would come for him. She never told her what to do if someone asked. Shawn wasn't going to go away, and she was scared. She remembered what happened to her husband and didn't want the same thing to happen to her. "Go away, you're scaring the baby!" she shouted. "I want to see the child. Let me in!" he demanded. "Not unless you're the King of Forton!" she screamed, thinking she would outsmart him. "I'm not the King of Forton, but I am the King of Vanesly!" he yelled back. She was done and couldn't refuse entry to a king. Even with her life in danger. "Please understand! My life is in peril if you see the child," she pleaded. "I'm a king, I'll protect you! Let me in!" he shouted again. By now a crowd had gathered outside her home. She opened the door. "Only you, sire, please!" He looked over at Thomas. "Indeed," he said as he entered. As Shawn entered the home, he was anxious. If he was right, this was his son. "Where's the child?" he shouted. The woman was terrified. Her orders were simple: don't let anyone see the child. Now she had broken that simple rule. "Before I show you the child, I need to know you'll protect us. Why do you want to see the child?" she asked, shaking. "If I'm right, it's my son," he said. The woman dropped to the floor. She now knew who the child's benefactor was. "Oh no, then Zanar sent the child to me." She started to cry. "Where's the child?" he asked again, helping her up. She got to her feet. "Follow me. I put him down to sleep." She headed toward a small room. Shawn was right behind her. He was so excited. He was separated from his bride, and now he was close to meeting his son. She started to pick up the baby, and Shawn reached for him first. As he picked him up, he removed the blanket holding him up. Then he removed his nightshirt. As he examined the boy, he saw what he was looking for. "It's him! What name did they give him?" he asked. "I was told his name is Teldor," she replied. Shawn smiled. "Teldor is Kelva's grandfather's name," he said. They had talked about her grandfather during their wedding reception. "What were you looking for?" she asked. "I have a birthmark of a stag on my back. I was looking for the same mark," he said. "We need to get you to a safe place. Zanar will soon find out what's happened. Gather what you need and we need to go. I will send guards to gather the rest," he demanded. He placed the blanket around Teldor and headed out of the home. As he exited the home, a smile the size of the moon lay across his face. Thomas couldn't believe it. The child was his. He rushed toward Shawn to help him. The crowd had grown since he went in. "Make room for the king!" Thomas shouted. As he said this, the crowd moved away from the home. As if they didn't want to be hurt. "Shawn, is it him?" Thomas asked. "Yes, help me get the woman in the carriage. We need to get her to the castle. She thinks Zanar sent him to her to watch. She's in danger," he said. They rushed her to the carriage before anyone could ask what was going on. Shawn just stared at his son. All this time he had thoughts about him. Almost sure he had a son. He dreamed of his birth. In his dreams the birth was frightening. He'd never seen a child born. So not knowing what to expect, he wasn't sure why it was frightening. Now his son was safe with him. Bringing Kelva home would complete the picture. All that was left was how to bring Kelva and Lisa home. Defeating Zanar was all Shawn could think about. As they rode in the carriage, everyone was silent. Shawn admired his son. Getting to know what he looked and smelled like. Thomas was happy for him. His son brought a spark of light to Shawn. Before now Shawn didn't know how empty he felt without Kelva. He was almost like a shell of a man with a mission instead of living. His revenge was forever on his mind. Maybe he could live a little now that he had his son. It wasn't long before they were at the castle. Pelnar was waiting for them at the gate. "We must hurry, Zanar's advanced on the Onles. She's discovered their secret!" he shouted as they pulled into the courtyard. Thomas got out, helping the wet nurse followed by Shawn and his son. "What is going on? We don't have time for guests right now!" he shouted, rushing them. "These aren't merely guests. I would like you to meet my son, Teldor!" Shawn said. "Your son? When did you have a son?" Pelnar was confused. "Zanar took Kelva on our wedding day, but we were alone before she attacked. By luck, I thought I saw her in the village. I followed this woman, and he has my mark!" Shawn explained. "How fortunate. We should let my nurse take care of him while we talk," he suggested. "If you don't mind, now that I've found him, I don't want to let him out of my sight," he requested. "I completely understand," he replied. "Also, his wet nurse needs protection. Do you have a place for her?" Shawn asked. "I can find her work," Pelnar suggested. "I don't think she needs work. She has her own support. She needs a guard to protect her. Since Zanar knows she's caring for Teldor, she'll come for him. Also, I need to send someone for her things," He relayed. Pelnar wasn't sure what to think about these developments. "Whatever you need. We need to get things moving along." He ordered his guards to the woman's home. They headed into the castle. Shawn was very distracted by his son. His attention needed to be on Zanar and how to bring balance back to his kingdom. Thomas could understand his distraction. When his son was born, he didn't want to be without him. His loss of Lisa made each moment with him more important. Taking care of his son helped him deal with the loss of his wife. Right now Shawn's attention needed to be on the conflict. "Shawn, I know you've just found your son. He's your only link to Kelva, but we need to focus. It may be a good idea to let the wet nurse take care of him for a few more hours," Thomas suggested. Shawn considered what Thomas said. He wouldn't be able to focus on their discussion holding his son. "Thomas, I'm starting to realize that too. He's captivating! I have the rest of his life to share with him. I just don't want to miss a moment," he eagerly stated. Sadly he knew this was for the best right now. "Wait! You've taken care of him for the last few months. A few more hours won't hurt you. I'm willing to leave him with you during our meeting," he said as he handed Teldor to the wet nurse. "He'll be safe, sire!" she replied. "Guard, watch them vigilantly. This is the heir to my kingdom," he demanded. The guard nodded, and he escorted them away. As they entered the king's library, he had a buffet waiting for them. "I had my chief prepare some food for us. I imagine you might be hungry after your carriage ride. Shawn, I appreciate your sacrifice with your son. I need you to be focused. When my son was born, I didn't want to leave his side either," Pelnar said. They proceeded to the table and loaded up a plate. "You have great taste in food!" Thomas said. "That's my chef who has great taste," he replied. As soon as they were finished filling their plates, Pelnar started briefing them on what he'd learned. "I know you've heard the rumors about Zanar's daughter sending her decree to the northern kingdoms. We've been able to confirm this. Goddess Lisa is assisting her mother with her campaign. Thomas, I'm sorry, I wish our reports were wrong, but it's Lisa. We're not sure if she's a willing participant. Zanar has many ways to get her subjects to do what she wants," he assured them. "I'm aware of what Zanar is capable of. What have you learned about the Onles?" Thomas asked. "The Onles commune with the trees every five hundred years. This is their rebirth season. Zanar has learned this, and she has returned to the Kingdom of Onles, torturing the trees. Burning some and cutting pieces off others. We can't help the Onles, but we can distract her from torturing them. I sent a small battalion of soldiers to attack Vanesly. I need your help. You said before you have dragons as your subjects. We need them to aid the soldiers in their attack," he suggested. "We can send them to help. When do you need them there?" Shawn asked. "The soldiers will attack on the full moon. Zanar's powers will be at their lowest. She'll be vulnerable to attack," he said. Shawn looked at Thomas. They could save Kelva and Lisa from Zanar. "Are you going to enter the castle or merely attack it?" Shawn asked. "I know what you're thinking, but it's too risky. We can't rescue Lisa or Kelva. Even if we try, we may lose too many soldiers. I don't want to give her the upper hand," Pelnar said. "Leave to rescue to me. We have a way Zanar won't be expecting," Shawn said. Pelnar didn't like the plan, but it might help them rescue the Onles. "What are you thinking?" he asked. "Davina, Zanar thinks she killed her. She can materialize us to rescue them," Shawn said. "That may help us save all the Onles," Pelnar said. He was considering the decision to rescue and distract Zanar. The full moon was only days away. "How will we be able to get word to the dragons before the full moon?" he asked. "That's not a problem. All will be in place for the attack." Shawn stated. "How can you be sure?" he demanded. "As I said, Davina has the gods' ability to materialize anywhere she wants. As well as being able to communicate directly to Stim," Shawn stated. Thomas was hopeful. He had an opportunity to see his wife again. To be reunited with her would bring his life full circle. "Then we're in agreement. We'll attack on the full moon and save the Onles," Pelnar announced. Their meeting was over. Shawn would be able to spend the next three days with his son. They may just return hope to the people who were fleeing Forton at the same time. They needed to hurry back to Avalon. The goddess had thoughts of changing the order's name in their new home. She thought about Lavanscious. The meaning of Lavanscious was land of heavenly spirits. Their traditions were steeped in the name Avalon. Changing the name seemed to change too much. 

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