CHAPTER 16 Unbalanced

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Zanar sent the Kingdom of Vanesly to the Sparin mountains. The mountains had a subzero temperature. The cold didn't normally transform elves into monstrous creatures. Zanar placed a spell on the elves' bodies, transforming them into huge monstrous creatures when they reached the mountains. She also placed a reverse spell on the elves. They would need to be courageous to find it. With the immense strength of the elves that arrived first dug huge holes in the side of the mountain within minutes. They scooped up the elves that hadn't transformed and tossed them inside the newly formed cavern. They blocked the entrance with stones and trees they ripped from the ground. The transformed elves built doors out of wood as soon as they could to protect their people. They placed rocks and dirt on them over the doors to hide them. They feared Zanar wasn't done tormenting them. Trees and shrubs were planted over the rocks to further hide the doors. Their strength removed the solid rock from the mountain like snow, carving the city out of the mountain. Within days a city would lay inside in the mountain, protecting the elves from the cold. The experience was unreal for most of the villagers. The villagers that didn't change were afraid of the ones that had. King Indahl and Lady Jacqueline made the journey unchanged. With them was their son, Bendar. He was much older than Kelva. His wife died many years before Kelva was born. Bendar's wife never produced an heir, and he never remarried. Princess Kelva would bring the two kingdoms together. Now their future was uncertain since Zanar had scattered them to the winds. Bendar wasn't as fortunate as his parents. He was one of the first elves to arrive. He had changed most of all the elves. Zanar would have protected him had she known. She was his godmother. When Zanar was younger, Lady Jacqueline was her friend. At Bendar's birth, Zanar and Kentar became his godparents. Zanar thought it was funny to be called godparents since they were the queen and king of the gods. She had changed so much since they were friends. Years went by and their friendship faded. Now what was left of the royal house of Trover was trapped inside a mountain of emeralds. Hiding behind giant doors, keeping the cold out. The only trace of the city was the emerald rings on the doors. The mountain city of Nuar was born out of tragedy. In Elfin, nuar meant emerald rings or green rings. The Kingdom of Vanesly was no more. Zanar made sure of that. King Shawn now had a kingdom of three. Davina was now awake, and Shawn needed her to reanimate the dragon. He needed all the help he could get. "Tavara, Davina, are you sure you can wake him up?" he asked. Davina knew she could help him. He gave her a spell to help in the event he couldn't help himself. "He knew this would happen, and he planned for it. Tri ah ne voum," she said. As she did, the stone dragon shook violently. Her words would awaken more than she realized. "Ah, Davina. You remembered what I told you. I'm glad Zanar thinks you're weak. Otherwise, she would have killed you." The dragon laughed. "What does he mean by that?" Shawn asked. "We have history. She thinks I'm the same girl she once knew. She changed me years ago," she said. "Does that help us?" he asked. King Shawn didn't know what was going on. Davina told Shawn about the plans they had with his father. Their plans of revenge against Zanar. "Davina, how did you say the incantation?" the dragon asked. "The way you said to. The entire phrase at once," she said. "Wait, all four words or the first two then the last two?" he asked concerned. "All four at once," she replied. "Are you sure?" "Yes. Why?" "I'm afraid you may have awakened more dragons than me!" he said. "What do you mean she's awakened more dragons than you?" Shawn asked. "The incantation is to revive all dragons when you say all four words together. When you say them two then two, you only wake up the one you want," he said. "So what does that mean for us?" she asked. "King Shawn, you are about to be the most powerful king on Jarren," the dragon announced. Davina realized what she'd done. "You mean every dragon?" "Yes," he said. "Your kingdom is about to grow by five thousand in one day." "You mean she's just awakened five thousand dragons?" he yelled. "Yes, she did. Is there someone at the lair, Davina?" "I'm not sure. Can you see anyone?" she asked. The dragon closed his eyes. "Shawn, why is your personal guard in my lair?" he asked. "Christian. He lives! Is he all right?" "Yes, but what is he doing there? He has your father's talisman. Davina, do you know why he's there?" he asked. "I'm not sure. If he has King Trine's talisman, King Trine may have sent him there," she said. "Well, the only way to find out is to ask him. Davina, would you please?" he asked. Davina whispered a few words, and Christian appeared. "Where am I?" he asked before he looked around. "Prince Shawn? Oh, thank you, I thought I'd be stuck in there forever. How did you know I was there? Did your father send you to get me?" he rambled. "No. I had no idea you were still alive." "Alive? What are you talking about? Your father sent me to get your wedding gift. I forgot the incantation words to get out," he said. "I married Kelva, and Zanar destroyed Vanesly. She killed my parents and banished my kingdom," he said. Christian couldn't believe it. He'd served the king and queen since he was a boy. His heart was wounded as never before. Shawn let the news sink in a bit. "So what have you planned for our revenge, my king?" Christian asked. Shawn barely had a grasp on the current events. Let alone have a plan of attack. "We need to survey the kingdom and see what is left. To see who is left. I'm now king of both kingdoms. So if anyone lives, they'll become part of my army. I name you my general, Christian. Davina, I name you my advisor. Dragon, if you would be my subject, I name you commander of my army," he declared. All agreed with his wishes. "Dragon, I need you to survey my kingdom. Go now and see what's left of Vanesly," he ordered. He sent the dragon to look over his kingdom. To survey his lands. The dragon left immediately. He flew toward Trover, looking for any signs of life. As he flew over Vanesly, he didn't see a soul. The buildings and homes were untouched, but there were no signs of life. Other than a few animals, there was no one. As he reached the north end of Vanesly, he noticed some men walking through the forest. They wore the crest of Trover. The dragon was glad to see someone. He came down closer to see what they were doing. As he approached, he could hear them talking. "What do you think we'll find?" a guard asked. "I don't know. Sir Yardingly said we were to survey the kingdom and see who's alive and report back to him." "Search and rescue without the rescue," the guard said. They continued along with their search. The dragon knew this was the perfect opportunity to bring in reinforcements. He decided to land and ask them what they'd found. His dragon form might be more than they could handle. He decided to contact Davina before he landed. "Davina, I need you to turn me into a man. I need to talk to some guards of the house of Yardingly. They don't know I'm a member of the house of Vanesly," he said to her in her mind. Davina knew dragons were tricky, but she was learning more and more all the time. She said a few words, and he was a man again. A form he dreaded returning to. He slowly approached them. "Soldiers, soldiers, can you tell me what happened here? I've had an audience with Prince, I mean King Shawn. He told me Zanar attacked, and no one's left in Vanesly except him, his general, and Davina, his advisor. Have you any word?" he inquired. The guards were frightened. "Where did you come from?" they asked. "I came from the castle. I saw you from far away. You're from Trover. Can you send word that the King of Vanesly needs aid?" he asked. "So there's no one alive?" "Only the king, his advisor, and general," he replied. "We'll inform Sir Yardingly of his survival and send help," the guards replied. They'd return to John, and he'd decide what should be done. He'd need to send the King of Trover and Vanesly help as he requested. The dragon returned to his true form with only a word. Davina cast a spell that allowed him to speak man or dragon, and he would become what he wished. As a team, they were beneficial to each other. Davina hunted the dragon for centuries, seeking his Dragon Sapphire. Davina prepared a meal for the grand occasion of his kingship. King Shawn was tired. For months he'd been alone and scared. Now with his friend by his side, he found some comfort. Shawn finally fell asleep. In the coming weeks, he'd have much to do. He was expecting five thousand guests. Trover was intact, and he'd need to move toward it. The subjects there rejoiced in the news of their union. He'd be able to take his throne without contest. Zanar's powers were growing within the Kingdom in the Sky. She'll soon gather enough strength to take Vanesly into her kingdom. While her powers grew, her daughter's child grew. She hadn't forgotten, but she needed to wait till it was born. Lisa would give birth soon, and Zanar couldn't let that happen. Thomas and Lisa were going to the forest to bless the birth of their child. The blessing had been a custom for centuries. Lisa wanted to follow her customs even though she was no longer welcome in the Kingdom in the Sky. She had no idea her mother had destroyed her home. Her mother killed everyone she'd ever loved. The Kingdom in the Sky was gone. As well as the gods. Some of the gods escaped and had been scattered throughout Jarren. They headed for the sacred tree in the forest. It was a giant oak with two forks leading into the sky. The blessing of serenity was always performed by the parents at the fork tree. Soon before the birth, the blessing was performed. Sometimes it was performed during the birth. The sun was shining bright, and the forest was alive. "Lisa, I can't wait to see you holding our child. You'll make a wonderful mother," he said, rubbing her belly. Lisa laughed. "Thomas, ever since I met you, you've made me smile. I can't wait to see you with our son," she said. "Son? How can you tell?" "A mother just knows," she replied. They continued down the path to the tree. Each step bringing them closer. The clouds began to darken out of nowhere, and rain began to fall. They ran to the tree and went inside. "Where did this storm come from? It appeared out of nowhere," she asked. Thomas didn't know either, and the run seemed to hurry along the birth. "Oh! Ouch!" she said. "What is it?" "I think I'm the baby's coming," she replied. Thomas hurried to get the oils out. "Do we have time for the blessing?" he asked. "Just do it as fast as you can. I don't know how long!" she yelled in pain. As Lisa went into labor, the storm grew outside the tree. Thomas was too busy performing the blessing to notice the storm outside was getting worse. It wouldn't be long before their son would arrive. "It's done. We need to say the words together!" he said hurriedly. "I bless this child with all of nature has to provide," they said together. "Oh! Oh! He's coming! What's happening?" Thomas was ready to receive his son or daughter. Lisa was sure it was a boy. "Name him Phillip...Oh...ewh!" She screamed. As she screamed, lightning started to strike outside. Thomas noticed since the strikes were right outside the tree. "Lisa, we need to get to a safer place." "We can't. He's coming now." She screamed one last time. A lightning bolt came through the center of the tree, striking Lisa in the head. Thomas didn't see the bolt come in. He was busy delivering their son. "Lisa, it's a boy, you're right! Lisa, Lisa!" He shook her. When she didn't move, he could see the burn mark on her head. "No!" he screamed. "No!" He couldn't believe it. While his son was being born, his wife died. Thomas waited for the storm to die. He laid next to Lisa until he could take her body and their son home. As fast as the storm arrived, it took forever for it to end. The lightning ended much faster. Thomas couldn't believe his luck. He took so many chances just to be married to Lisa, and now she was gone. Their short marriage together was all he could think about. As he lay next to Lisa, he couldn't help but think about the life he could've had with her. He started to cry, holding their son in his arms and his dead wife in the other. As Thomas lay there, he fell asleep. All he wanted was happiness. Zanar watched as her plan started to come together. Her plans to destroy everyone involved with her daughter's wedding were almost complete. Only a few more details to tie up

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