CHAPTER 4 The Stag's Return

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Months had passed in the kingdom. The city was coming together nicely. All the buildings had been repaired, and there was life in the market again. Merchants had started coming from far away again, bringing new spices and foods and strange new tools and ointments. The villagers were looking more alive. Even the farmers had had great crops this season. Many children had been born, and livestock had been born. There was a sense of rebirth in the kingdom, and none more noticeable than the queen herself. She was near birth. The midwives had all gathered to be by the queen's side. "Now when the prince is born, you will need to find a way to take him from her. He'll need to be sick. I have Helena waiting in the stables to deliver. I have kept her from giving birth for a week. I can't hold it back any longer. Give the queen this in her tea, and before nightfall, we'll have a prince," the stag said as he handed the midwife an herb. She looked at him concerned. "Will my debts be repaid?" she asked. "Your debt to me will be paid. Now go. Let's bring a prince into the world," he said as he rushed her back to the castle. The stag had worked for months, preparing for this day. Calling every favor he was owed, working his way from Helena to the midwives. Each step was calculated and masterful. He got the farmers drunk at the pub for information and worked with the merchants for more information. No one was safe from his eyes. He had a way of getting people to talk to him and each detail more valuable than the next. The stag was arming himself with bargaining tools to collect his favors. The more he knew about the people he was collecting from, the more he could make a better deal. The farmer he granted his son's life had a lust for the merchant's wife. "Farmer, do you remember me?" the stag asked. The farmer looked up from his tilling. "No, sir, I'm afraid I don't," he replied. "You should. Your son's life held in the balance once!" the stag shouted. The farmer dropped his hoe and fell to the ground. "I knew you would return. I have heard rumors you were here. What do you ask? It is yours," he said. "I don't ask for much, just what is owed to me." "What you have asked for from others is more than what is owed to you. And I'm sure what you have come to ask is more than you deserve. But you did return my son to me. That I would pay anything for," the farmer replied. "I'm glad to hear that. What I need from you is that pig." He pointed at the farmer's prize pig. "I can't. That pig is the only thing keeping my family alive. She has twenty babies every time," the farmer objected. "Then if I can't have the pig, I will take your son's life instead and let the merchant know his wife sneaks off to see you in the night," the stag said as he walked away. "Wait! You can take the pig," he said defeated. "Good. I will leave you with this seed. When you need it most, all will be right. But make sure you need it. If you plant it too soon, all will never be right again." He handed the seed to the farmer and left with the pig. His first of many favors collected. The bargaining went much smoother than he expected. Now he would take the pig to another farmer. A farmer who didn't owe him a favor. The only farmer that refused him years ago. He was now going to reward his restraint of greed. The stag offered to make him the most powerful man in the village next to the king, and he refused to take what wasn't his. He said if destiny meant for him to be the most powerful man in the village, he would be without his help. Now the stag would reward him with this prize pig and restoring balance to the valley. He would still get him to give what he needed, the information about his neighbors. Although the man wasn't greedy, he kept his pain close to him. He arrived shortly to the farmer. "Hello, can I help you?" the farmer asked. "I have far to reward you," he said. "Reward, reward me for what?" the farmer asked. "Years ago I came to you offering power. You turned me down. You told me that if your destiny was to be the most powerful man in the kingdom, you wouldn't need my help. Do you remember me now?" the farmer looked shocked. He knew exactly who he was. "I do. What have you come to reward me for then?" he asked. "You were able to resist temptation. Not many have been able to resist me. For that, I have brought this pig. She gives birth to large litters of piglets. She'll be able to help you regain your farm," the stag stated. "Stag, I resisted you years ago, and I will do the same now. I have no need for charity. Even if it's from the gods themselves." "Sir, you misunderstand what I'm here for. You have earned this. I'm not here to give charity. You should know me well enough to know that I never give anything without a price. Since you were able to resist me, I have come to reward you. It is the nature of things," he stated. "What if I don't want your prize?" he replied. "Then it will go to a waste." The farmer was wise not to trust the stag. He often conducted himself in beguiling ways. He would arrive needing help and leaving with a debt. He had heard many tales about the stag's influence. "Then leave it and go," the farmer replied. "May I ask you a question?" the stag asked. "I knew you would try something. Ask!" the farmer replied. He was losing his patience for this game. He knew the stag was up to something. "The merchant in the village, he once promised you grain at a fair price and then sold it to another for more, didn't he? When he did this, your crop was never planted that year. This is what started your farm's decline. Why didn't you seek help from the king for aid?" The farmer thought about it for a moment, why he never asked for help from the king. The farmer wasn't an angry man, but years of troubles weighed on him. At every corner, he would find despair. He always wondered why. "I never thought I deserved help. I was just outbid on the grain." "Why, you must have felt wronged. You had an agreement with the merchant?" he asked. "No, I figured it was just not my turn to be lucky." The farmer replied. The stag was shocked this farmer was without error. He was truly humble. The stag wouldn't be able to get anywhere with him. "This pig is ready to deliver. I only ask, when the piglets are ready to be sold, you let me take them to market. This way, I will be able to fetch a good price for them." The farmer looked at the pig. "It would save me the trouble of going to town. I like to stay put these days." The farmer had agreed, and the stag left the pig in his hands. He was able to get what he wanted without trickery. This was new for the stag. The stag hoped everyone he approached would be as agreeable. Now he had the leverage to get the merchant to do what he wanted. The merchant loved to haggle. The piglets would make it easy. The merchant's wife was in love with the pig farmer. She'd be able to recognize the pig. The merchant's wife would help sell the piglets. She could get her husband to do anything. The stag was counting on her ability to convince her husband to buy them. If that didn't work, he'd use the merchant's greed against him. The stag would even get revenge for the farmer the merchant cheated. In a few weeks, his plans would all come together. He was now on his way to meet with Helena. She had a meeting with the stable master. The stag was trying to get her into the castle to make the switch. He was going with her to conceal her pregnancy. The stag needed Helena in the castle when she gave birth. It would make the switch much easier. With the stag's powers of persuasion, he'd be able to convince the stable master she was healthy and strong. Once Helena worked in the castle, he'd be much closer to his goal. They left for the castle midday. Helena was worried about her child. She didn't want to work in the stables so close to her birth. She was afraid to lose her baby. "Are you sure this is safe? I won't lose my baby working in the stables?" she asked. The stag knew she was scared. "Helena you will be fine! The midwife suggested working in the stables to make the birth easier on you. She has been delivering babies for decades. I'm sure she knows what she's doing." Helena was there when the midwife had recommended working in the stables. The midwife had told her it would be the safest place for her to have her baby. If she gave birth in the castle, there would be a midwife there. The queen's midwife would be able to help her. "I know she suggested working in the stable. I don't understand how this will help. It will only make me tired," she asked. "Helena, the hard work will bring the baby early and increase the chance of a smooth delivery while strengthening your body for a long delivery," he replied. She still had reservations about working in the stables so close to her delivery. Both the stag and midwife had assured her she would be fine. It was her first child, and she had no idea what to expect. The trip to the castle didn't take long. They had arrived already. "What is your business here?" the guard asked. "We are to meet with the stable master!" the stag replied. The guard let them pass into the courtyard, and another guard led them to the stables. When they arrived, the stable master was waiting for them. "Good! You're here," the stable master said. "I'm glad you could meet with us," the stag replied. "Now, you said you have a horse trainer to exercise the king's horses?" he asked. "Yes, Helena here is very talented with horses! She has a gentle persuasion with horses," the stag replied. The stable master was shocked. Never before had he employed a woman to train the king's horses. He would consider it. "Sir, you must be joking. I need someone who is strong and masterful, not gentle!" "Stable Master, just give the horses an opportunity to meet her. You will be amazed!" he replied. The stable master wasn't impressed with the stag. He would entertain his suggestion and see if she could control the king's horses. "Very well, let her try," he stated. Helena had never worked with horses. The stag had charmed her. The horses would follow her every command. The stable master brought out two horses which he had trouble with. "Let her command these two. If she can, she has the job!" he dared. The stag was sure of his charm. Helena looked at him with fear in her eyes. "You'll be fine," he said. Helena went toward the horses. They bucked up a bit and then walked calmly to her. She turned, and the horses followed her. The stable master hadn't seen anything like it before. He was amazed. "Put a harness on one," he said, tossing her a harness. She let it fall to the ground. She reached for it, and one of the horses picked it up for her. She slipped the harness over the horses' heads. Helena said nothing but turned around to see the stable master negotiating with the stag. They were discussing the price of her services. "That's not enough. I'm leaving my wife to train the king's horses. You should be able to offer more than two dinars per day. She's worth at least ten dinars per day!" the stag shouted. "There is only one person who can solve this. The king himself. We should go, court will be over soon. Leave her here." They left Helena with the carriage. The stag looked at Helena to reassure her. He headed off to the court, leaving Helena with a guard. When the stable master and the stag reached the door, the guard stopped. "Guard, stand aside, I have business with the king regarding his horses' care," the stable master demanded. The guard looked puzzled. He could only imagine that the stable master was angry about something. There was no need to stand on ceremony as he was. The guard opened the door, and the king's scribe announced the stable master. "Sire, the stable master seeks an audience with you," the scribe announced. "Show him in, scribe," the king replied. The stable master proceeded toward the king followed by the stag. They would meet with the king and put a rest on their argument. "Sire, I have found a trainer for your horses. We can't agree on a price," the stable master stated. "You have already been given an imperial order regarding this matter. Why are you here wasting my time?" the king demanded. "Sire, I wouldn't be bothering you, but this man has brought a woman to command your horses. It's not her sex that makes this difficult. The two demon horses obey her, sire! He's requesting more for her services than I'm allowed," the stable master stated. The king knew the horses he spoke of. Surprise came over the king's face. No one had been able to command them. "Sir, what is your price?" the king asked. The stag took a moment to consider his response. He couldn't use his place as a stag here. He would give everything away. He would need to be human about his request. He would need to be gracious in front of the king. "Sire, I was merely requesting ten dinars per day for her skills. She is exceptional in many ways. Without her on my farm, I will need to hire a housemaid to do her chores. She is worth more than ten dinars for what she can do. The two dinars he has offered wouldn't even pay for her meals, sire," the stag pleaded. As he spoke, his art of persuasion reached the king's ears. "Stable Master, is she as talented as he says?" he asked. The stable master thought about it for a moment. "Sire, she is!" "Then give him ten dinars per day for her services, but she must remain in the stable. Have a room prepared," the king announced. With the decision made, they left the court. They returned to Helena. The stag told her about the meeting with the king. She was very happy to be paid ten dinars. It was a lot. The stag's plans were coming together. He left Helena in the care of the stable master and returned to the farm. He would need to summon the midwife when he returned. He sent word to her before he left the village. He wanted her to meet him at the farm. He needed her for more than switching the babies. His lust for the female form was great. The midwife was young and willing. She hadn't felt the touch of a man, and the stag wanted to be her first. It was a little after dusk when the midwife arrived. She knocked on the door. "Hello, come in," he said with lust in his voice. He'd only touched Helena since he took human form. He was ready for another. "You summoned me. Is Helena all right?" she asked, taking off her cloak. "Helena is fine. I summoned you to go over what we have planned," he said as he closed the door. "Sir, I'm not sure I can do what you ask," she said. "But, Melissa," he said seductively looking into her eyes. "I've more to discuss with you than that." She was nervous. He was only wearing a towel. "Sir, maybe I should return later. You're not dressed," she said. "Melissa, have a seat. I have much to discuss." He sat down on the bench by the table. Melissa followed him and took a seat. He leaned in close to her ear. "Melissa, you're a midwife, have you ever experienced making a child? Ever experienced the touch of a man? Ever wondered how it happens, the miracle of pregnancy?" he said softly. Melissa shot up from the bench. "I should go. I know all about how a child becomes," she said as she headed for the door. The stag gently reached her hand, and she stopped. "Melissa, let me show you," he said. He got up from the bench, dropping his towel. He reached around her shoulders and turned her. She was breathing heavily. Her entire body was trembling. He led her to his bed. "Trust me, you'll never regret our newfound partnership," he said. She tried to resist him, but her body wouldn't follow. She would do as he asked. Now and in the future, she would be under his control. The stag's persuasion was legendary. No one could refuse him if he was calm and they were in need. Kentar watched the stag's handiwork. He watched him weave his web of favors and deception. He has had his hands full with Zanar and Tarina. They were both trying to mother Lisa. Tarina was feeling the loss of her connection with Lisa. While Zanar bonded with Lisa, her anger toward Tarina grew. Lisa was confused. She had known both as a mother. Lisa wanted to have both of them in her life. But Zanar was bent on keeping Tarina away from her. Kentar could only watch, hoping it wouldn't end badly. He looked on as they raged at one another. "Tarina, I'm well now. I don't need you to look after Lisa anymore. You've done all you need to. I would appreciate it if you would leave the mothering to me!" Zanar shouts. Tarina was heartbroken. "Zanar, I only want to help. A goddess needs us all. Please understand, I don't want to take your place, just enjoy her company," Tarina pleaded. "You have always wanted to be me. Have everything I have. You even tried to take my husband. When will you understand I hate you? You get everything handed to you. Everything you desire is given to you. You aren't getting my daughter." Zanar raged as she grabbed Lisa and stormed out of the room. Tarina was left with her tears. She didn't understand Zanar's hatred for her. She had never hated Zanar. Quite the opposite. She envied her. She had what Tarina could never have. What she thought was given to her had a price. Nothing she had received was ever free. A piece of her soul went with it. Leaving her with what she wanted but empty after getting it. She had always wanted respect. Something she had always wanted and would never get. Kentar knew of no way to help Tarina. Anytime he came to her defense, Zanar came unhinged, always thinking Tarina put him up to it. Days had passed since the stag met with Melissa. The pleasure she felt would enslave her to his will. Every detail was in place. Soon the prince would be born. Only hours until he'd arrive. The stag could feel it in the air. It was time for him to return to retrieve the piglets. They'd gain him access to the stables again, pretending to arrive late in the evening after the merchant closed. When he arrived at the farm, he had the piglets in a carriage. The farmer wanted nothing to do with the stag. The stag finally had respect for someone. He was the only person who didn't need him. The stag checked the carriage for strength and left. Within hours he'd have completed the task Kentar had set him to do. The sun was setting as he carted the piglets off to the castle. He was looking forward to having this over. Many years of trickery were lost for this one debt. Kentar saved the stag's life, and in return, he had cost him everything he'd been working for. The stag was grateful. The cost for his life was much greater than his thankfulness. He wanted to be done with this and enjoy the lust he felt for the female form. Since he became a man, he had only had two women. His desire was out of control. He could feel his hunger growing. His control over the people would be gone. His years of manipulating would be gone as he'd done with the switch. He could regain control and enjoy his love. It wasn't long, and he was at the castle stables. "Sir, can you help me?" the stag asked. The guard was shocked to see him. "Sir, you need to move along. This is the castle stable. No one is to be here! Move along!" he shouted. The stag looked around. "Sir, I have arrived late. My piglets will die without shelter!" the stag said in a worried voice. The guard looked in the carriage. "There is a stable in town," he said. "I tried, and there was no one around. Please, sir, I will be gone before anyone finds out!" he pleaded. The stag was charming the guard. "There is a stable girl, I'll go get her. She can stay with you to be sure," the guard signaled to the other guard and left to get Helena. He was gone for only a moment. When he returned, Helena was with him. "She'll show you to an empty stable. Be wise to leave all as you find it," the guard warned. Helena showed the stag to the stable. She was shocked. The guard didn't recognize him. "Why are you here? Why didn't the guards recognize you?" she asked. "I wanted to check on you. I was worried about you," he said. Helena wasn't sure how sincere he was. She knew he had done much to get here. Before she couldn't question him further. One of the queen's midwives rushed in. Just as he had planned. "Sir, the queen is giving birth just as you said!" she shouted. "Quiet! Someone will hear you. How long until the child arrives?" he asked. "The queen will deliver anytime," she replied. "Then go and don't return till you have the child," he demanded. It was then Helena knew his plans. He had promised her nothing. She only imagined he would fulfill her dreams. Her own desires betrayed her. "What have you done?" she asked. "Nothing you will remember, Helena," the stag replied. As he said this, she fell to the ground in pain. It was time for her son to be born. The pain was sharp. She felt it from every inch of her body. She knew what the pain was. The midwife had prepared her for it. She had told her the pain would build, and right before her son was born, the pain would be the greatest. Helena was hoping she was at that point. If the pain got stronger, she felt like she would die. "I'm confused there was no other pain until now," she struggled to say. "Don't struggle. Lie back. The baby will come on its own. You didn't feel it until now because I hid the pain from you. I need your son to come now, not before the queen's. They need to be born at the same time. It has been destined by the gods themselves. Your son will be king. Now lay back and push," the stag demanded. Helena laid back, and the stag threw her dress back. Her son would be born now. She would never know him. She wouldn't even remember this conversation. The child Helena would bore tonight will grow up to be King of Vanesly. The son she'll care for will be the real prince of Vanesly. Neither would feel the loss nor realize it was not their son. It would be seamless. Only three would know the children had been switched. The stag, the midwife, and Kentar would know what really happened. The stag controlled the midwife with her desire for pleasure. She'd never reveal what she knew. Within minutes the baby was born. He was a healthy boy. In the queen's chambers, the baby was born quiet. The queen was scared. Her son hadn't made a sound since he emerged. The midwives rushed the child away, and several stayed to comfort her. "Where is my son?" the queen demanded. "They have taken him to be washed and changed, my queen," they assured her. The queen calmed down. The midwives in the room were not as calm. Her son was dead. He was stillborn. "What are we going to do? The queen will die if we bring her son to her dead. Her physician will blame us. We'll be sent to the stocks for sure," they clamored. "Wait, there is a way. Right now the stable girl is giving birth. We can switch the babies!" Melissa suggested. They were shocked at the suggestion but only for a moment. "Do you know this woman?" they asked. "I do. She's my patient." "Will she agree to this?" they asked. "I don't know. All I can do is ask her," Melissa said. She knew she would be back with her son. She left with the stillborn child. She was heading to the stables. Melissa hurried so no one would see her. She looked around every corner, being careful not to be seen. What were mere moments felt like an eternity to Melissa. Melissa rushed into the stable. "Melissa, hand me the child," the stag rushed her. "I told you the raspberries would do this. Why did you make me give it to her?" Melissa demanded. "The child is fine," the stag cleared the child's throat, and the baby cried. "See, he's fine." Melissa was shocked. "How did you know?" she asked. "The gods informed me all I need to know. Now take this child to the queen," he said as he wrapped Helena's son in the royal blanket the prince was in. Melissa rushed back. "It's a miracle!" she said. "I never made it to the stables. He began to cry before I got there. He's fine," Melissa stated as she charged through the door. "So you didn't switch them?" they asked. "No! I didn't have to," Melissa replied. The head midwife examined the prince. "He seems fine to me," she said as she washed him and dressed him then took him to the queen. While they rushed the child away, the maids washed and dressed the queen. They changed the bedding, preparing for the king's arrival to meet his son. Soon the king would join them. It was early morning now, and the prince was born. The stag had completed his task. Helena was still passed out from the delivery. He loaded her in the front of the carriage with the baby. He moved the carriage out. As he reached the entrance to the stables, the guard approached, "I hope all is well?" he asked. "Yes, I'm indebted to you, sir. They all survived," he said, handing him a heavy bag of coins. "Sir, this is too much," he said. "It's well deserved. You have done well by me," he replied. The stag rolled the carriage out of the stables. He was heading to the merchant. He had promised the farmer top dollar for the piglets. He was repaying a debt he caused years ago. The merchant wouldn't be able to say no. It was only a few minutes when he arrived at the merchant's store. "Sir, you can't park there. I'm opening my store!" the merchant shouted. "I won't be long. I have something you'll want," the stag replied. "You have nothing I want, move along," he demanded. The stag got down from the carriage. He touched the merchant's shoulder. "I have something you will want," he said as he ushered him to the back of the carriage. By now his wife was in front and followed them to the back of the carriage. When they reached the back of the carriage, the merchant's wife rushed forward. "Oh! They are so cute. We must have them. We must!" she said. "Woman, go back in. Let us men talk," the merchant ordered. The merchant went into his store for only a moment and came back with two heavy sacks. "Here is what you ask. Now leave!" the merchant demanded. The piglets had served the stag well. He drove the carriage on, leaving the merchant with worthless piglets. The king would need them but seize them as a gift and not pay a thing for them. The stag headed for the farmer to pay him what the merchant had promised him years ago. Helena had yet to awaken. When she does, her life would be fulfilled with her son, Thomas, by her side. The stag felt odd toward her. His lust for other women was gone. His desire was for her. He didn't know what had happened to him, but his feelings of unyielding desire were gone. 

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