CHAPTER 15 Death of the Gods

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Months had gone by since Zanar exiled Lisa from the Kingdom in the Sky. She'd been living with Thomas and his family. She was accustomed to lavish surroundings and had adapted well to her new ones. Lisa had been sick for a few weeks now, and Thomas had sent for a physician. His mother said she was fine, but he was still concerned. He sent for a physician anyway. When the physician arrived, it took only a few moments for him to realized what was wrong with her. "I have good news," the physician declared. Thomas gave him a funny look. "What is it?" he asked. "You are going to be a father. I suggest you get a midwife to attend to your wife," he said. Thomas was shocked. He'd only been married a few months. He looked at Lisa and smiled. She could tell he was terrified. "Thomas, it's natural. You will be ready when the child comes." She comforted him. Helena's excitement was a little more noticeable. "S—John, we're going to be grandparents!" she yelled as she ran out of the room. Helena almost called him Stag in front of Lisa. Thomas had known his father was the stag for a year. He overheard his mother yelling at his father. He heard his mother call him Stag. Revealing his secret answered so many questions Thomas had about his father. As Helena ran out to tell John the good news, the physician followed. Since Zanar destroyed Vanesly, no one had seen any of the royals. "John, we're going to be grandparents. Lisa's pregnant!" she said. "And you said she was fine. I thought you women can sense these things," he teased. "John, stop it. We can, but I didn't think that would happen so soon," she said. "Helena, how quickly you forget. Thomas was created on our first try!" he said, grabbing her waist, pulling her close to him. The physician approached. "I'm sorry to interrupt. I need to speak to you regarding Vanesly," he asked. They weren't sure exactly what he needed to talk to them. "Vanesly's been destroyed. I used to work in the palace. I wanted to see if anyone's left, but when I got close, I could see all the signs. The farm animals were all loose and wandering free. I'm not sure, but I don't think anyone's left alive," he said. Helena couldn't believe it. "What do you mean? Lady Jacqueline, she went to see her daughter. Did she return?" she asked. "I'm sorry, but no one returned," he remorsefully replied. "John, we have to do something. The kingdoms, they'll fall apart." "Helena, I'm sure someone's all right. Physician, send our guards to see if anyone's alive. When they've finished, we'll decide what to do then. Until we know, protect King Indahl's orders. Life will continue as if they are alive and well till we know otherwise," he commanded. The physician left with their guards and their orders. The stag's guards would search for any remaining villagers. They knew what had happened. It had to be Zanar. She made good on her threat. Everyone involved would pay. Lisa wanted to tell her father as soon as possible. She couldn't go to him to tell him. "Lisa, do you remember where we met?" he asked. "Yes, we met by the lagoon." "Your father told you that would always be your place. You can go there, and he'll come. He'll know you are there and come to you," he said. Lisa couldn't believe she forgot. Thomas helped Lisa out of bed and got her dressed. When he was a child, it seemed longer to get to the lagoon. He realized his mother must have walked him in circles to get there. It was always closer than he thought, only taking minutes to get there. When they arrived, her father was already there. "Father, how did you know?" she asked. "Lisa I can hear your thoughts. I'm always with you." He smiled, knowing he was going to be a grandfather. "I'm so proud of you. You've turned into the woman I always knew you'd be," he said. Lisa was overjoyed to see her father. They sat and talked for a few hours. When he went to leave, Lisa wanted him to stay. "Come back to the house with us?" she asked. "I can't, Lisa, a lot has been going on since your mother banished you. She's lost her throne. She's gone crazy, Lisa. I need to get back before she does something," Kentar said. He said his goodbyes to his daughter and his son-in-law. Zanar had already started in on Tarina and Vanary. Kentar needed to get back to Zanar. When he finally did get back, he arrived in the middle of a battle. "Tarina, you planned everything. You've always wanted to be the queen of the gods, and now you are. Are you happy with yourself?" she screamed, throwing energy balls at her. Tarina was doing her best to get out of the way. "Zanar, I didn't plan anything!" she screamed. "All of you, you've been jealous for years! Vanary, you've always wanted my powers. How does it feel?" She launched another energy ball at him. Kentar arrived just in time to jump in front of his friend, absorbing the impact of the energy ball. "Kentar!" she shrieked. When the smoke cleared, he was gone. She had killed her husband in her rage. "Now see what you've made me do." She continued throwing energy balls in every direction. She didn't care who she hit now. As the hours flew by, she knew it would all end soon. Either she would kill all the gods, or they would give up. Energy ball after energy ball, she would take her throne back. "Tarina, where are you? I know you're still alive. If you weren't, I would have my throne back. Where are you?" she was ranting now. A constant flow of energies engulfed the room now. The energy flowing from everywhere. "I'm here, Zanar. You've taken everything from me too. My husband and my friends. What more do I have but your throne. It was thrust on me. I never wanted it!" she screamed. "You expect me to believe that? You've been after everything I've ever loved. You went after Kentar but couldn't get him. Then you went after my daughter for your own. Then you made me sick so I can't take care of her. It's always been about power with you!" she screamed at her. Tarina could see she was mad. She'd destroyed everything. "Kill me, Zanar, and it's all yours. Then you can have everything back just how you want it. There's something you're overlooking. If you feel you know it. Lisa, can you feel it? I can. Feel!" she demanded. She knew she felt something new. She may have banished Lisa, but the connection of the gods was eternal. She could feel it. A new god. "How? It can't be!" "It is, Zanar. New life! You won't be able to kill us all. He's the one, Zanar. I know you never read the prophecy or you would have been happy with the weddings. The rest of us knew it was going to happen. Kentar followed his path. Thomas is the true prince of Vanesly. He's the blood of Vanesly. It's not the station of Vanesly that will save us but the blood!" Tarina screamed. "Zanar, the prophecy is known to all of us who needed to know it, or have you forgotten?" Tarina asked. Zanar never read the prophecy. She only knew what Davina told her. "Tarina, I've never read it. I only knew what Davina has told me!" she yelled. "You should have read it. One of your own will be engulfed by pride. Her child's child will save you all. Do nothing and all will be well. Pride will kill you all!" Tarina shouted. At that moment Zanar lost control. She only heard the "Her child's child will save you all" from Davina. "I've read it. I know the prophecy. That's why I told you her path was chosen. You had to have it your way. If you would have accepted it, everything would have been fine. You can't, and I know my fate," she continued. Zanar couldn't believe her ears. All this time Tarina knew this would happen. She knew Zanar would kill them all, yet she tried to be her friend for decades. Always being pushed away. Zanar could finally see Tarina as a friend while she watched her die. "Tarina, I'm sorry!" "Zanar, I've always known. All I ever wanted was your friendship and love. You were the only god who didn't fall for my tricks. I knew you would be my very best friend," she said as she died in her arms. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Zanar screamed at the top of her lungs. The Kingdom in the Sky was no more. Zanar destroyed paradise. Leaving nothing whole. A few of the gods survived, scattering on Jarren, hiding from Zanar. Her hatred and anger for them turned her dark inside. She'd killed everyone who truly loved her and banished the only other one she loved. Her daughter was going to be a mother, and she was not going to know her grandchild. Her greed and pride had left her with nothing. Shawn was left with a kingdom with no subjects. He was looking after Davina in his mother's chambers. Somehow he was bringing her back to life. He had certain powers he didn't know he had. Looking out over his kingdom, the sky was growing black to the north. The Kingdom in the Sky was black. A swirling black cloud was forming. Whatever was happening, it didn't look good, and if it had to do with Zanar, it couldn't be good. She had decimated his entire world. So he could only imagine what she'd done there. All for the sake of love. What had he done? He buried both his parents on his wedding day. Lost his bride and all his subjects in one day. Now he was left with a wounded sorceress and a stone dragon. How could he recover from this? Even his bride's parents had disappeared. He was all that was left of two kingdoms. He'd need to look for survivors as soon as Davina awakened. How long would that take? As he looked to the north, he knew nothing good could come from the storm he was witnessing. He'd need to redeem his kingdom when he could. He surveyed the castle and village. The buildings seemed to be the same. She only banished the people living in them. He had not gone far outside the kingdom. Shawn was not even sure how many of his subjects were banished. He knew everyone within the village and castle were gone. He was hoping they just ran away and would return someday. It had been months though. So if they did run away, they might have returned by now. What of Christian? He sent him to prepare the wedding chamber in their new home. Had he been spared, or was he gone too? He would have returned by now. Shawn was unaware of his orders to Christian. King Trine sent him to retrieve his wedding present to his son from the dragon's lair. Christian hadn't been able to get out of the lair. He was able to get in with the king's talisman, but he couldn't get out. King Trine forgot to tell him how. He was so concerned with the wedding he forgot to tell him. When Davina wakes up, she could transform the dragon. The dragon would sense someone was in his lair and save Christian. Shawn wanted to see if Trover was spared. Maybe Kelva was with her parents. How he wished he knew what happened to everyone. His parents, at least he knew their fate. It was no more comforting, but at least he knew. He'd had many sleepless nights waiting for Davina to awaken. When he did sleep, all he could see was the death of his parents. When he was not dreaming of his parents, he'd see Kelva's face at the moment he lifted the veil followed by her scream when Zanar attacked her. All he had left was the brief moment they stole away together during the banquet. They couldn't wait to be alone. He tried to remember that moment but only heard her scream. He preferred the nights when he didn't sleep to the nights he slept. Tonight his body took over, and he slept. His nightmares haunted him in the day as well as the night. He couldn't get away from seeing his parents killed. He was sleeping in the chair by the bed. Tonight the freight in his dreams would become real for a moment. Davina was awake. She stumbled from the bed to Shawn. She fell, reaching for him. She touched his leg. "Shawn!" she stammered. He felt her touch him but thought he was still dreaming. Davina had been asleep for months. He grabbed her. "It's all your fault. Your lust for revenge killed my parents and ended my wife's life. Why did you have to do this?" he shouted. "Shawn, help me!" she whispered. She was weak, and he thought he was asleep. "Shawn!" With her last word, he realized he was awake. "Davina, you're awake!" He was excited. "Barely. I need you to get me a few things. I need to make a potion to help me regain strength." He wrote down what she needed and rushed to the physician's quarters. He gathered everything she needed in a few minutes and headed back to her. "Will you be okay?" he asked. "I'll be fine in a few days. I just need to mix these and drink them. You should get some rest." "I can't I keep seeing my parents' death," he said. "Go to bed thinking of their love and you should sleep better." As she said this, he fell asleep. His body finally gave out. 

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