CHAPTER 11 Contract Upheld

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The king arrived at the dragon's lair after sunset. The trip took longer than he'd expected. The last time the king was distracted by the banter, as well as a nap. He didn't really know how long it took to get there the first time. "Guards, you may stay here until I call for you," the king stated as he got down from his carriage. The guards would wait for the king. He was in no danger here. If he were in any danger, the guards would be no match for the dragon. The king proceeded to the gate of the lair. Before he said a word, the gate opened. He figured the dragon must be watching. If only it was that simple. The king entered, walking into the main chamber. When he arrived, the dragon had other guests. Guests he never imagined to see in the Dragon's lair. He finally remembered what the feud between the kingdoms was about. "King Indahl, I'm surprised to see you. I have a funny feeling about meeting this way," the king said, glancing at the dragon. He wasn't pleased by this surprise. The dragon knew what the glance meant. He had forgotten about the Kingdom of Trover. Many years ago King Indahl's great-grandfather made a pact with the dragons. In this pact, the dragons promised to bring wealth and power to the Kingdom of Trover. King Trine could remember the story his grandfather told him about the pact. The King of Trover had stumbled upon a giant black pearl. It was the size of a man. What he didn't know about the pearl would save him from certain death. The dragons had lost it and would do anything to retrieve it. The King of Trover brought it back to his kingdom. He was going to offer it to the gods for protection from the elements. To take their kingdom out of famine and into prosperity. Before he could send a messenger to the gods, he was visited by a dragon. The dragon had a simple message for him. "Come to the lair" was all the dragon said. The king wasn't sure what to make of it. He didn't even know what lair the dragon was talking about. His only option was to follow the dragon. Without a word, he left with a guard on horseback. The dragon led them for hours before they reached the lair. When they arrived, the king was shocked to see many dragons. More dragons than he thought to exist. He had never seen so many dragons. There were so many he couldn't even count them all. At that moment he was scared. He had been brought to his death, or so he thought. "I'm glad to see you came so fast," one of the dragons said. The king wasn't sure what to say. "I'm curious about why you've brought me here." The dragon was quiet, looking at the dragon they followed. He realized he hadn't done what he was sent to do. Then the dragon spoke. "My messenger was instructed to ask you to return the pearl to us. I see by your question he didn't inform you of the nature of our request." The dragons looked at each other for a moment before continuing, "The pearl you found in the forest. It belongs to us, and we would like you to return it to us." The king thought for a moment. His kingdom had been terrorized by the dragons for centuries. The dragons had prevented them from farming, creating famine. He was going to ask the gods for help. Here he was faced with the very dragons that had been plaguing his kingdom. "What will you give me in return?" was all the king said. The dragon considered the question. "What do you want for it?" The king was excited. He could ask for anything he wanted. What his kingdom needed were peace and prosperity. "I want a truce. Your kind have plagued my kingdom for centuries. Killing my citizens and burning our crops. I want a truce. If your kind promise to leave my kingdom alone, I will give you the pearl," the king demanded. The dragon had no plans for a truce with the humans. It went against their code to return the gold to the earth. "If we break the truce, how would you be able to retaliate?" The dragon knew the answer to the question. "You can't break a pact," the king stated, "so I won't need to retaliate." The dragon considered his next move very carefully. "It is done then. When you return the pearl, the truce will begin." "But wait! I need your help with one more thing. The neighboring kingdom has its sights on conquering my kingdom. As well as peace for my kingdom, I want you to attack their kingdom," the king stated. He was being greedy now. The dragons didn't have any trouble with the kingdom near him. "I see no reason to attack your neighbor. This is more than we can offer. Besides, we can always destroy your entire kingdom," he answered. There wasn't anything he could think to respond to that. "If that was all you needed to do, you would have already destroyed my kingdom," the king replied. He realized the pearl must be important enough they have to ask for it. Why else would they have gone to such lengths to ask for its return. The king had them at their own game. "What you are asking for is dangerous. Return the pearl to us and we'll do as you ask," the dragon said. Before the king could ask anything more, they were all gone. The king returned to his kingdom and gathered the pearl then returned to the hallow where he met the dragons. They were waiting for him. As he placed the pearl on the ground in front of the dragons, it was done. "It was then that your father ordered the death of all dragons. At least when they started attacking the kingdom," his grandfather finished. King Trine was taken back to when he was a child listening to the story his grandfather told him as he remembered what it was that sent their kingdoms feuding. "Why are you here? I know about your family's pact with the dragons. Now isn't the best time to remind me of the pact," King Trine demanded. "You misunderstand my presence. I knew you were coming here. Our queens are planning the banquet. I noticed a party leave the castle this morning. I should have sent word I was visiting with Lady Jacqueline. I figured we can go on a ride or a hunt. Get to know each other better. Especially since our children will join our kingdoms. There's much to discuss," King Indahl stated. "How did you know I was coming here?" he asked. This would be difficult to explain without sounding crazy. "A few months ago I came to the lair. I knew it would recognize me because of the pact. I thought there were no more dragons. So I was surprised when I entered and was almost killed. I wasn't harmed. A small bonus of the pact. No dragon fire can harm me or my descendants. You can only imagine his reaction to an unharmed human intruder. It was then that he realized who I was. He brought me up to date as far as what has happened to him. This morning I saw you leave in an empty carriage. I knew you were coming here," King Indahl rambled. He was nervous. The marriage of their two kingdoms benefitted him more than any pact with dragons. "So you know everything then." King Trine sounded defeated. The dragon knew what he was alluding to. "He knows everything about me. All the torment I suffered as a human. I wasn't even a dragon when the pact was created," he said. At that moment the king was elated. He understood what the dragon was telling him. His plans wouldn't have to change. "Did you bring a carriage with you? Two would make this go much faster," the king said. "I don't need a carriage when there are so many available." He laughed really hard as he pointed around. The dragon didn't get the joke but started laughing just as well. The one thing he didn't get was human humor. Every joke he heard wasn't very funny, but he would laugh for appearances. Zanar had been awake for a few months now. The entire time she was asleep, no one noticed that Tarina was pregnant. The gods' concern for a fallen comrade took their attention over everything. Most traded nightly watch and talked to her in the day. Tarina had some comfort in knowing her husband, Vanary, celebrated their impending child. The midwife attended to her every need. Her depression over the lack of attention was something she couldn't help her with. Now that Zanar was awake, she couldn't wait to tell her. Tarina was going to deliver any day now, and she'd like to have Zanar be a part of the birth. She was trying so hard to get her approval, hoping this child would heal their current battle. She accused Tarina of trying to steal Lisa from her. She'd see it wasn't true. Tarina was very hopeful. She'd even checked with Kentar on the best time to share her news. Both Kentar and her physician thought it would be good for her to get out of bed and live again. Of course, it was really up to her. If they only knew how much Zanar hated Tarina, they wouldn't have agreed. It was morning, and Tarina was on her way to share her news with Zanar. Her excitement was overwhelming. Tarina wanted nothing more than to share with Zanar that she was pregnant. Within moments she'd get to do just that. Unfortunately, her body would tell more before she could say a word. As she reached her room, her nerves began to take control. She was starting to doubt her decision. Wondering if it was a good idea after all Zanar's been through. Before she could decide, Kentar came up from behind her. "Good, you're here. I've had her breakfast brought to her already. She's waiting on the balcony for you," he said, ushering her in. As he pushed her through the door, she was on her way. The decision was made for her. "Who's there?" Zanar called. She didn't respond. She slowly walked toward the balcony. A few moments passed as Tarina watched her eat her breakfast. Then she was ready. "Good morning, Zanar! Kentar told me you were up and feeling better. He suggested I come by and see you. I've been asking about you for weeks now. I would have come earlier, but my health prevented it," she said, rubbing her stomach. Zanar noticed her gesture. She wasn't about to play cat and mouse with questions. "Tarina, why are you here? I thought I made it perfectly clear that we aren't friends. I don't even want to try to be friends and have felt this way since we were children. I'm happy for you to be a parent. Now you can raise your own and leave Lisa to me. If you don't mind, I would like to finish my breakfast in peace. So leave me be, and on your way out, will you send my husband to me. I need to clear a few things up." She turned away from Tarina. Tarina was shocked. When Zanar shouted at her before, she thought it was her illness. Now she was calm and even more upset than before. Tarina ran out of Zanar's room crying. Kentar was confused. He knew his wife could be cruel, but what was she up to now? He watched Tarina run down the hall. Then he headed in to talk to his wife. He had no idea what was wrong with Zanar. Why would she make Tarina cry? She was so excited about sharing her pregnancy with Zanar. Only to have Zanar make her cry. Kentar was angry. "Zanar, what did you do? Why is Tarina crying?" he shouted. Zanar couldn't believe he was yelling at her. "Kentar, why did you send her in here? We've never been friends. All she's ever done is try to take what I have. She's tried to steal you from me. She's tried to be Lisa's mother, and now she wants me to be happy for her because she's pregnant. I've never liked Tarina. Now I'm supposed to pretend we've always been friends. What has gotten into you?" she yelled back. Kentar has never heard anything like this before. He thought they were friends. Sure they would argue, but all friends argue sometimes. "My love, I thought you were friends. When did this all start?" he asked concerned. Zanar didn't want to deal with this. She didn't want to answer for her feelings toward Tarina. It had never been a secret how she felt about Tarina. Although Tarina was under the impression they were friends, they'd never been friends. "I don't want to talk about this. I've never been her friend. I just want to eat my breakfast and get on with the day. Can't you understand?" she asked him. He just looked at her. It was like he didn't know her at all. "I don't understand you. All she's ever tried to do is get your approval and respect. When you were pregnant, she helped you with everything. She even took care of Lisa when you were sick. You need to consider what you've done! Think about why you hate her and you might be surprised. I don't think you are being reasonable. Enjoy your breakfast. I'm going to make sure Tarina's okay," Kentar said as he was leaving the room. She knew what he was alluding to, but it didn't matter to Zanar. Tarina had always been in her way. No matter how much she wanted to be a friend, it'll never happen. Kentar was concerned for the health of Tarina's child. Her pregnancy hadn't been easy, and the current drama may impact her health. Heading to Tarina's home, he noticed some commotion near the midwife's quarters. His worst fears were realized. All he could hope for was a healthy mother and baby. It had begun, and soon there would be a new god if all went well. A god's childhood went fast. Lisa was already a teenager. While in a coma, Zanar's daughter grew up fast. She went from a toddler to a teenager within months. Tarina's son would also age very fast. It was part of becoming a god. They may enter the world as mortals do, but that's where the similarities end. A mortal birth was one of the many mysteries of the gods. They emulated mortals but dreaded everything they were. Seeing Tarina reminded Zanar of the broken marriage contract. While Zanar was incoherent, she canceled the engagement. She was now aware of what she did. Now she'd need to send word that the engagement wasn't canceled. "Messenger!" she yelled, Within minutes a messenger was in front of her. "You called?" he said. "Yes, send this to Queen Derna immediately," she demanded. The messenger turned and left. He knew the message needed to get there without delay. The consequences for failing Zanar were harsh. He didn't want to suffer the fate of failing her. Queen Derna and Lady Jacqueline were busy planning the engagement when the messenger arrived. "Queen Derna, you have a messenger waiting for you," a page announced. The queen wasn't expecting anyone. "Have them wait in the hall. I will be there in a moment," she replied. The page left the terrace and returned to the messenger. "I need to attend to this sudden messenger. I will return shortly," the queen informed Lady Jacqueline. They acknowledged her, and she left the terrace. The queen walked slowly toward the hall. She hadn't sent out any invitations yet. A messenger could be from almost anyone. Maybe even her husband's hunting party. She couldn't think about who sent the messenger. When she reached the hall, she recognized the messenger. He was Zanar's messenger. She could feel dread building in her gut. "Your Majesty, I have a letter from Goddess Zanar," he said, handing her the letter. "You can leave now, messenger. I will read this in private," she said, leaving the hall. "Your Majesty, Zanar would like a response immediately. I will wait here till you are done reading," the messenger said. The queen didn't need this. She knew what it said without reading it. The queen started to cry. She collapsed on the floor, gripping the letter. Her world was crashing down around her. She thought she was done with the gods. How could she do this? She let her go, and now she was demanding the engagement be upheld. "There's no other answer she'll accept. Tell her the engagement is accepted," was all she said as she ripped herself from the floor. She ran to the terrace crying. "The engagement is off. I just received a letter from Zanar. She's holding us to our engagement to the goddess Lisa. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to stop it," she said as she collapsed on the ground. Lady Jacqueline was shocked. She knew Zanar had canceled the engagement herself. "How can she do this? I won't accept it. Nurse, bring Princess Kelva we're leaving," she said. "Wait, I will send for my husband. He'll know how to get out of this," Queen Derna said. "There's no way out of it. Since we haven't made a formal announcement, there's no way out of it. Prince Shawn is till engaged to Goddess Lisa. We waited too long. There's nothing we can do. There's nothing King Trine can do either. This doesn't affect our friendship, but it will end our friendship eventually." Lady Jacqueline left. Leaving Queen Derna sobbing on the terrace. Tavara couldn't wait for King Trine to return. The list she sent him to get would be useless now. She'd be able to use it to decorate the castle. Maybe that would distract the queen from her anger. Tavara's anger was only growing. This last stunt was feeding her anger. She wanted revenge for herself before. Now she wanted revenge for everyone Zanar had ever hurt. Tavara felt righteous in her want of revenge now more than ever. As she thought about her revenge, she went to the queen's aid. "My queen, we should get you to your room. This isn't the way you should be seen by your subjects," Tavara said. She helped her up, and they headed up to the queen's quarters. The maids stayed in the garden with Prince Shawn. He was concerned for his mother. He was more concerned about where Princess Kelva went. They were playing, and now she was gone. "Nurse, where did the girl go?" he asked. His nurse could see he was sad. "She went home," was all she said. Her answer seemed to give him some relief. He sat looking out over the garden. He was very calm and seemed disinterested in playing. For the prince, it was out of character to lack interest in playing. It was at this time he knew what his future was going to be.

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