CHAPTER 17 Birth of the Dark Side

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Thomas returned home with Lisa and his son. When he arrived, Thomas appeared to be dead himself. His every happiness lay in his arms. With his son on his back and his dead wife in his arms, he was exhausted. In hours his world went from exuberance to devastation. Helena ran to her son. "Thomas, what's happened?" she screamed, taking the baby from his back. The stag took Lisa from his arms. Thomas fell to the ground heartbroken. Helena tried to steady him as he fell, but she couldn't hold him up and the baby. The baby began to cry, and so did Helena. "Can you do anything for her?" she asked. "If I were in my true form, I could. The ground would give me strength enough to revive her. It's a curse, I've found happiness with you, and our son's happiness has ended. If I could reverse it all, I would," he said, crying for the first time in his life. The stag was now human and now more human than most. Helena finally saw John for who he was. They'd stayed together for the last twenty years for Thomas. Now he was a man with a life all his own. A life with problems all his own too. Helena could finally give in to her passions for the stag. She'd been fighting her feelings for him since they first made love. She'd only let him have her one other time. The first time she gave birth to Shawn and the second when he brought the invitation to the engagement banquet. She knew what he did to her real son, and she would soon need to reveal that to Shawn. He was coming into powers of his own and would need a guide. He married Lisa and planned for a happy future. The fates had other ideas in mind for him. His future was unknown to him but planned out nonetheless. Thomas was lost to her for now. His heart was broken and full of grief for his wife. Helena took the baby inside to feed him. While John put Lisa down gently to attend to Thomas. Lisa was already gone. There wasn't anything he could do for her. He needed to get Thomas inside and warm. He was soaking wet from the storm. The storm was still in full force, and there seemed to be no end in sight. "Thomas, I need you to walk. Help me, son," he asked. Thomas struggled to get to his feet but finally did. He shuffled toward the door, keeping his eye on Lisa the entire way. As they reached the door. "John we'll need to bury her in the forest where she died. She belongs to the forest. She needs to rest where she was happiest," he mumbled. "As soon as you're well, my son. Let's get you dry," he replied. Thomas struggled inside. He had no strength. John helped him into the house. As soon as he was dressed and in bed, John went to attend to Lisa. As he returned, her body was gone. All that was left was a mark on the ground. A charred crown lay where she was. "Helena, come here!" he yelled. Helena came running. "Did you hear anything?" he asked. "No, I've been busy with the baby," she replied. "Do you know what this is?" he asked, holding up the charred crown. Helena knew what it was. "Oh no!" she said! "That's Zanar's crown. What has she done?" Helena cried. "Helena, what does this mean?" he asked. Helena knew it was a mark of revenge. They might not be able to bring Lisa back to life, but Zanar could. Zanar had the powers to. She always wanted her daughter by her side, and now she would. "It all makes sense. If Zanar caused her death with her lightning, she wouldn't be dead. She'd be in transference. She separated her from her soul. She did this on purpose," she relayed. The stag was aware of transference. He used it before to scare people into doing what he wanted. How would they explain this to Thomas? He wouldn't understand. "What do we tell Thomas?" she asked. "What can we tell him. This war between mother and daughter is out of our hands. I'll just tell him he slept too long and I buried her already. That, he'll understand. He'll need to take care of his son. Where is the boy?" the stag replied. "Her son is healthy and strong. I don't know how to take care of a god," she said. "Helena, you're a roe. Taking care of a god would be the same as a young stag," he said. Helena had never taken care of a stag before. It was time for her to come clean about the switch of the babies. "Stag, I've never taken care of a stag, and you know it," she said. It was out. The stag knew what she meant. "The night in the stables. I gave birth. A girl came in with a baby. You told me to sleep, that nothing was the matter. I heard and saw everything. Thomas is not my son, and you know it. Soon Shawn will start to feel his powers. He'll need help to understand them," she revealed. John didn't know she knew. There was a lot she knew that he was unaware of. "You knew all this time and said nothing. Why?" he asked. "All I ever wanted was a child. Which one, I didn't care not until now. Whatever your reasons, I don't care. It may be the reason for our current situation," she replied. "Helena, I had to. Kentar demanded my help. He saved my life centuries ago and held on to his favor. If I didn't help him, he promised to send me back to the moment we met and leave me there to die," he pleaded. "I don't care. You are full of pride, John. After knowing you this long, I imagine pride wasn't the only reason. When Thomas wakes up, we need to take him to Shawn. They are friends, and Thomas needs a friend now more than ever," she demanded. John just stared at her. She was his equal in every way. He'd found her. All he wanted was to spend the rest of his life with her. Happiness was within his grasp only to have tragedy block his path. Helena went into the house to prepare for the short trip to the castle of Trover. They would start there to find Shawn. John stood in the courtyard holding the crown. He was looking at the Kingdom in the Sky. "Zanar, I hope you've gotten what you want. It'll be the last time you stand between me and my happiness," he declared as he headed into the house. Their son was lifeless, and their daughter-inlaw's child was hungry. Tragedy seemed to be readily available than they'd like. While Helena was in the house packing, the guards returned. John sent them with the physician over six months ago to look for survivors. "We bring news, Sir Yardingly," a guard announced. John only hoped it was good news they'd brought him. Anything else might send him over the edge. "What news have you brought?" he asked. "The king lives, sir!" the guard said. "King Trine?" he asked. "No, King Shawn. We've sent him help. He'll meet with you at Trover, sir," the guard replied. "I'll gather my things," he said. John went into the house to tell Helena what they've told him. They needed to leave immediately whether Thomas was fit to travel or not. John went into the house to gather Helena and Thomas. "Helena, the guards have returned. Shawn is alive. We need to take Thomas to his friend. Together they'll help each other." Helena had already gathered enough herbs to heal anyone she needed to. The baby was sleeping now. "He's calm now. Can you wake Thomas?" she asked. "I'll let him sleep. I'll lay him in the carriage. He needs his rest," he stated. Helena knew he was right. There was no reason to wake Thomas right now. He would wake when he felt rested. They loaded the carriage, placing Thomas and his son together. "They look so much alike. His son looks exactly like him," she said. John kissed her, and they were off. Helena rode in the carriage, watching over Thomas and his son. Helena wondered what was going through his mind. She wanted to know exactly what happened. They left to perform the blessing of life, and they returned a broken family. When he'd wake, hopefully, he'd confide in her. She wanted to hold her son like she did when he was a child and tell him everything would be all right. Shortly after contact with the guards, the dragon returned to report. "Shawn, King Shawn, I only found some contingent of guards looking for survivors. I had them send word to their commander. They're going to send help as soon as they can," he relayed. "Dragon, it's okay to call me Shawn. I know my father expected a formal address, but we don't have time for that right now. Did they say who sent them?" he asked. "Yes, a Sir Yardingly." "Ah, we're in good hands. That's either Thomas or his father who sent the guards. They're good people," he said. Davina listened to their conversation. She had no idea what the dragon's name was. In all these years she never knew it. "Dragon, what's your name?" she asked. They looked at her funny for a moment. Then Shawn realized he didn't know it either. Christian just observed for now. His role as protector had changed, and he was trying to soak it in. "I thought you'd never ask. My name is Stim," he said. "Wait, that's the name you used as a merchant!" Christian piped up. "I see someone's been paying attention. I never changed my name," Stim said. They all started laughing. For years Davina and the king just referred to him as Dragon, and he never corrected them. "Since I woke up all dragons, I thought we might want to know your name," she said. "By then I would have told you. I'm the only dragon you know. I didn't think it mattered before," Stim said. "Ah, Stim, I see you're well," a voice called inside his head. "And now my name is important. We have guests. The dragons are here!" he announced. "They're here?" Davina asked. "Where?" Shawn demanded. "Ah, Stim, we'll be there soon. How are you going to kill the humans?" the voice asked. "We aren't," he said. "The human brought you back, and I have made allegiance with the humans," he told the voice. "Stim, the humans steal our gold. They have to be destroyed," the voice said. "Look into my soul, look in my heart, look in my mind, combine yours with mine and see where you are blind," Stim said to the voice. As he did, the voice grew silent. A few moments went by before he heard the voice again. When he did hear the voice again, it was outside the window. "Stim, I see!" was all he said. "I'm glad you can," he replied. Everyone was confused. "See what, Stim?" Shawn asked him. "Shall we go outside to greet your subjects?" he asked. "Stim, what does he mean I see?" Shawn demanded this time. "I merely showed him why an alliance with the humans benefitted all dragons," he replied. Shawn's concern was growing. There were things about the dragons he didn't know. He was considering a history lesson. "Then we shall meet our subjects," he said. There was something afoot, and Christian could sense it. They all shuffled through the castle to the courtyard. When they reached the courtyard, the sight they were about to see would keep them awestruck for a long while. As they exited, what stood before them they would not soon forget. There wasn't an empty space. The dragons covered every inch of the courtyard and blackened the sky. "Your Majesty. Your father hunted us. Your grandfather hunted us. Tell me, why has Stim decided you are different?" a dragon asked. Obviously, he was their leader. "Tread carefully, sire!" Stim said. Shawn stepped forward. "I may be related to those that hunted you, but I am not them. We have a shared enemy. The gods have never shared the heavens with you. Zanar set in motion all you have endured. She stole the pearl and placed it in the hands of the King of Trover. Thus starting the feud between the two kingdoms. I am the son of the King of Vanesly, and my queen is the daughter of the Kingdom of Trover. Through our marriage, we have ended the feud which began so long ago," he said. The dragons considered his answer. As they conversed in their minds, Stim could hear what they were concerned about. But before he could say anything in his defense, a dragon asked, "So what happens to us when Zanar's destroyed?" "That would depend on your king," Shawn answered. "Our king?" "Yes, since Stim is the only dragon that survived, he's your king," Shawn said. "There's much you don't know about dragons. Only the dragon that controls the sapphire can be our king," the dragon replied laughing. Davina spoke up. "Then since Stim has the sapphire, he is your king," she said. For the first time since he met her, he was glad she hunted the sapphire. The dragon looked shocked. Lastly, he looked gracious to know they wouldn't have to fight over control of the dragons. "Your Majesties, then. We should discuss your plans for Zanar," the dragon said. "There's plenty of time to discuss that. You've been gone a long time. I suspect you may want to rest and catch up on what has happened since you were gone," he replied. Shawn left the dragons with Stim. He declared him their king. Which he'll be glad he did. "Davina, I need a history lesson on dragons. Since you're the only one here that knows dragons. You should be the one to catch me up," he demanded. "Shawn, I know a better way. The sapphire can tell you everything you want to know about the dragons. Stim used it before to explain to your father who he was. I was shocked when your father didn't kill him on the spot. If it weren't for Zanar, he would have. He saw the value of having a dragon as an ally. I'm not sure what he would have done afterward. When Stim is done catching them up, we should ask for his assistance. To see if he'll let you view the dragon's history from within the sapphire," she said. "Well, until then, tell me what you know," he said. As Davina instructed Shawn on the high points of dragon history, Thomas was on his way to Trover. He'd been asleep the entire trip. When they arrived at the castle, Lord Yardingly gave instructions to have him taken to the guest quarters he stayed in for the wedding. The guards did as instructed. "Helena, I've sent a courier to Vanesly. He'll be there within the hour. His instructions are clear. To have Shawn arrive in the morning. Then we'll find out what happened at Vanesly," he said. "I'm glad. Thomas will need as much help as we can give him. Seeing Shawn will help him," she said. "I certainly hope so," he agreed. "I've been worried since I saw the crown. I know what it means, and I'm afraid for everyone," she cried. "In the morning we can take care of that. I've been watching her darkness spread over the land. We'll be able to stop her," he assured her. Helena gave a midwife her grandson. She would take good care of him until his father could. They followed a maid to the room they were in for the wedding. "Make preparations for the king. He'll be here in the morning," he relayed. The maid hurried away to prepare for the king. She would have to wake up everyone. She went from room to room to inform the staff the king was returning. The physician found it confusing. "Maid, who told you the king was coming?" he asked. "Lord Yardingly. He arrived late in the evening," she said as she rushed off to tell the rest of the staff. The physician was delighted. Lisa should have had her baby by now, and he was looking forward to seeing the child. The physician went back to bed knowing everything would be all right. The courier arrived shortly after the dragons. He'd never seen so many. As he walked into the village, he wasn't sure what to do. His orders were specific, so he must deliver the message. As he continued forward, the dragons were eyeing him. Stim could feel his presence. "Leave him be and bring him to me," Stim ordered. The terrified courier was picked up by a dragon. He was almost certain they would rip him apart. When they didn't, his fear left him. Someone was controlling the dragon. They were protecting him from certain death. All the stories he'd heard about dragons said he would certainly be killed. Shortly after the courier was lifted off the ground, he was dropped on a balcony of the castle. "What news do you bring, courier?" Shawn demanded. He needed to catch his breath, but as he did, he handed the letter to the king. The courier passed out after handing the letter to Shawn. He opened it and read it. He looked at Davina. "We're needed at the castle of Trover immediately. Thomas of Yardingly is sick and needs me! Stim, Zanar is advancing on Vanesly. We'll go to Trover and see to Thomas. I need you to hide the dragons from her. I will send word when it's safe," Shawn ordered. Stim understood the urgency in hiding the dragons. Before Shawn had finished giving him the order, the dragons were gone. "We'll be in the lair, Majesty. Send for us when you can," he replied as he disappeared. "Davina, take us there now. This can't wait till morning," Shawn demanded. Davina did as she was asked. In minutes they were at Trover. It wasn't a minute too soon. Zanar was at their back door. Her swirling cloud of blackness encompassed the castle. The thunder and lightning smashed the ground. Her darkness turned everything black as pitch. Killing everything in its path. As the center reached the castle, Zanar appeared in the throne room. "Now it's all mine. If they want their kingdom back, they'll have to destroy me. Wouldn't you agree, Queen Kelva and Goddess Lisa?" She laughed as they cried. Standing to her left were the two women who'd brought her to the dark side of Jarren. 

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