Chapter 8

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I didn't see Adrian for the rest of the day, which was a relief. A part of me feels like I'm overreacting because seeing someone's underwear shouldn't have been a big deal. It's not like a man has never seen my underwear before. 

Adrian said it with a grin that made me feel like he was mocking me. God if i see him in the hallways I'd probably strangle him to death. 

I calmed my thoughts by exploring the mansion for a few hours. Turns out the mansion wasn't as complicated as I thought it was. I had to climb so many stairs that it started feeling like a workout. Not that I mind, it's been days since I've last trained my body and I couldn't help but feel rusty.

I wanted to get familiar with the place, for when the day comes and I find the original marriage papers. I could shred it into pieces and get out of here. 

It feels od not being back at home. I miss the missions my father sent me out to do, even when I hated it most of the time. 

Later that evening I walked back to my room, punching the air, to get a bit of practice in. If there's one thing I shouldn't get rusty on, it's self defence. I imagine it was Adrian I was punching. I was sweating when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and found Hanna and some guard standing next to her, my bag in his hand.

He put it down on the floor and I snatched up from the ground glaring at him. “Took you long enough.”

He glances back at Hanna before walking away with an annoyed look. “Why are you here? I gave you the rest of the day off.”

“It's almost 5pm. I wanted to help you get ready for tonight.” 

“Oh god. I completely forgot.” I groan, flopping down on the bed. I've never been to one of those, I don't even know what to expect or have to behave. 

What bothers me the most, is that my father will be there. He'll see me with Adrian and realized I'm married to him. Will he hate me even more?

Hanna walked over to me. “Mr. Night was serious when he asked me to help you get ready for tonight. Maybe you can go take a shower while I search for something appropriate for you to wear?”

“Don't choose something very…open. I don't like to be exposed.”

She nodded and I rose from the bed and went to take a quick shower. I wash myself, my fingers gently sliding over my scar. The scar was underneath one of my breasts in a horizontal position. An insecurity of mine and a reminder of one of the worst training sessions with my father. 

An hour later I'm standing outside, in front of Adrian's car. I'm wearing a black dress and my arms are hidden in its sleeves, my shoulders are bare and the dress covers my legs. It hugged my curves elegantly. Hanna curled my hair and put light makeup on. Most covering my pale skin and dark eyebags and on my finger was the diamond ring Adrian had left on my table. 

Adrian walked out of the mansion, his right hand man beside him. He wore a suit, and as I took in his appearance for the first time since I saw him, he wasn't wearing his gloves. His hands were bare and fingers were open. His fingers were slender and the veins were visible. 

Realising I was staring I looked away folding my arms over my chest. The man from yesterday - his right hand man - gave me a slight smile as he walked past me and to the car behind us.

 Adrian briefly glances towards me as he reaches to open the car door. I see the gun tucked in his belt, making me frown. He had a gun to protect himself and I didn't have anything, since he removed all the weapons my mother packed. 

We both climbed into the car, I sat awkwardly as he slid in next to me at the steering wheel. I put on the seat belt not looking into his direction. In silence he started the engine and we drove off, his right hand man following behind us. 

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