Chapter 4

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When we walked to his car, he puts me in the backseat, strapping me against the seat with the seat belt and locking me in place so that I couldn't move. He locked the car doors and I watched him from inside the car as he pulled out his phone and called someone to get rid of the Uber driver's body.

Minutes later we stopped infront of a mansion and Adrian forced me out of the car. Taking in the scenery, I saw that in the middle of the front yard was a pond that had beautiful black roses decorating it. Around me were multiple cars, that I assumed was mostly his.

He ordered his men that was gaurding to entrance of the mansion to take me to a guest room. I struggled against them the whole time, as they dragged me up the stairs.

The two men stopped in front of a door and pushed into the dark room. My butt slammed onto the carpet and they shut the door behind me, locking it with what sounds like a key.

I jumped up from the floor and started shaking the door knob aggressively. "Tell your boss he better let me go. I'm not going to stay here!" I yelled. It was quiet, they gave me no response and walked away, leaving me here alone and trapped.

"My father will come for me." I lied even though a part of me knew there was little to no chance that he'd come for me.

Especially not, after he finds out that I left Maddison and drove off leaving her in the hands of another mafia man.

But what I do know, is that instead of saving me he'd burn the whole place down to find Maddison and take her home.

Even if he does hate me, he couldn't just leave me here in the hands of another mafia.

I turned around, facing the room I was in and pushed my back against the door frame, slowly sliding down to the floor. With a struggle I removed Adrian's tie that was wrapped around my wrist, leaving my skin sore and sensitive. I threw it into some corner of the roon and tried to ease the soreness by rubbing my wrists in a gentle motion.

My heartbeat quickened, my skin felt clammy and my body was exhausted. The dark room reminded me of my childhood, bringing back awful memories.

Here in the dark, I was locked up and alone. The same as many nights I've experienced before.

I closed my eyes trying to calm my mind and body. The memories surfaced, I tried to fight it but it was hopeless. I stood up searching for the light switch, touching the walls.

I let out a groan of frustration not finding it, so walking like a blind person, I moved over to the bed and laid down, putting myself in a fetal position.

When I was younger my father locked me inside of our basement everytime I had angered him. It was dark and I had to sleep on the cold tile floor. He didn't bring me any food or water, nothing to sleep on either as form of punishment.

He'd punish me for talking back, punish me for not being able to fight properly and he'd punish me until the day I was able to do exactly what he wanted me to do.

I remember crying for hours straight and as time or even days passed. That sadness slowly turned into rage. I used that anger my father gave me to train, fight and most importantly to kill. I guess it was also my coping mechanism, a way to escape reality. To escape from the fact that my father actually hates me.

My mother couldn't do anything, atleast that's what she told me. She told me that I had to push through it, no matter how bad it was. And she reminded me that I could get through anything that was thrown at me.

She's the main reason why I'm still alive today.

I don't know why Adrian captured both Maddison and me. Or even what he plans on doing with us. As far as I know. Our families didn't really communicate with each other. So it can't be because of something my father did. Right?

I pushed my face into the pillow, the blankets on the bed smelled freshly washed and clean. I didn't have the energy to worry about my circumstances now.

A small light was coming in from the outside, through a small window, just enough to make me more comfortable. I peeked back to the door and opened the blankets, climbing in underneath it.

I should try to get some sleep while I still can. It's a good thing I'm a light sleeper so if someone opens the door to try and kill me. I'll know and be up before that happens.


The next morning I was woken by the smell of breakfast coming from inside the room I was in. I didn't even hear someone enter which left me with an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling. Was I really that tired?

I sat up straight and looked at a plate that was left on one of the tables inside this room. On the plate was toast, eggs, avocado and next to it was a large glass of what seems to be apple juice.

He captured me, yet he's letting them bring me breakfast. What kind of mafia does that? And why am I not dead yet?

I clenched my hand over my stomach when it growled at the food in front of me. I was starving, but I couldn't l eat that. I looked away knowing he could've let them poison it. I can't die here and won't be killed by a man.

I looked around, the sun was out and I could see the room I was in more clearly now. It was simple with neutral decor and furnishings. Sunlight filtered through the white curtains, illuminating the queen-sized bed with white linens.

Next to the bed was a polished dresser and small desk offering functional touches. Behind me, in the corner was a door. I slipped out from underneath the covers and walked towards it, opening the door.

It was a private bathroom, it was tiny and had all the things that were needed. It was small, with a shower, toilet and a sink.

I closed the door and walked towards the small window. I touched the window, looking for a way to open it. But as I pulled the rest of curtains aside I realized even if I managed to open it I wouldn't be able to escape. The Night family was known for their tight security even more than we Russo's were.

Not just that, looking down I saw how high up I was , mostly like on the top floor of the mansion. I'd fall to my death if I tried climbing down. And it's not like the room has anything I could use to escape anyway. The sheets were to thin and there were nothing I could use as a robe.

As I kept looking out of the window, I heard voices coming from outside. I saw 3 men standing on the ground talking to one another. At first I wasn't 100% sure if it was Adrian, but from the gloves and heavy clothes the person was wearing, it could be.

I started knocking my fists on the window. He turned around, watching me. It was indeed Adrian. A slight grin forming on his lips. I gave him the middle finger and he climbed in his car ignoring me as he drove out of the gates.

I rubbed my face in frustration, walked back to the door and knocked on it aggressively. I could've easily broken down the door, if it was just a simple wooden door, which it wasn't. By looking at it, I couldn't tell from what material it was made of, it was solid.

There wasn't a way for me to escape and even if I did, they'd catch me the second I stepped outside the door. My only option was to stay here and wait for someone to pull me out of this room.

Sitting down on the floor, I catch a glimpse of Adrian's tie from last night and went to pick it up. It was cold and smooth against my hand. Grabbing it I stormed towards the window and finaly manage to open it out of frustration. I throw it out of the window and closed the window with a thud.

Deciding to take a quick shower, I pulled out a chair and rested it underneath the doorknob to prevent someone from getting inside. After pulling out clothes I found in one of the drawers I stripped myself naked and climbed into the shower. I let the hot warm water stream all over me, closing my eyes and try to relax.

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