Chapter 17

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I sat down on the chair inside Adrian's office. He unzips his leather jacket and throws it on a small couch next to the large window. Although he hasn't said anything since we got back I could see the irritation weighing on his shoulders.

“Why didn't you send me back to my room? Why bring me here.” I asked, trying to hide nervousness in my voice.

He ignored me and opened a cabinet, grabbing a medical aid bag. “I'm not going to let you walk around the mansion with weapons. Not after the stunt you pulled tonight.”

He walked until he was in front of me and reached his palm out. I look up at him and then back at his palm. “The knife.” he said. I grabbed his knife and handed it to me, folding my arms. He turned and threw the knife on the table but kept standing in front of me.

“What?” I asked, getting annoyed. Why was he still standing here, like he was waiting for something.

He leaned forward and I inhaled sharply when his hand reached under my shirt. His fingers grazed against my skin and he pulled the gun out. “This too.” his face hardened and he stepped away.

“Can I go now?”


I ran my fingers over my face and watched as he pulled the USB out from his pocket. With the usb still in his hand he walked over to the door and opened it. “Wait here.” he ordered and closed it.

My phone beeped and I reached for my phone, reading a message from Cindy.

Are you free tomorrow night? We haven't seen each other in ages.

I looked back at the door and without thinking I typed back.

Meet me at Ally’s tomorrow at 9 o'clock.

I slid my phone back into my pocket, when I see a wallet laying on Adrian's desk. I looked back at the door before sprinting towards it. I opened the wallet, it was packed with money. I can't carry all the money with me so I'll have to take his credit card. I flipped through all of his cards, why does he have so many? Atleast with so many cards, he won't even realize when one is gone.

I pulled one out and slipped it into my pocket before going back to the chair. The door opened and Adrian walked in. I glanced down towards his leg.

“You're still bleeding from the bullet. Maybe you should let me go back to my room and get it checked out.”

He scoffed. “You're just saying that to get away from me. Why? Do I make you nervous or something?” he said, his eyes now having a dangerous gleam inside them.

He is but that's not what I tell him. “You can never make me nervous.” I lied and stood up from the chair, glaring at him.

He smirked and grabbed his gun, then slowly started walking towards me. He points the gun in front of my face, in the middle of my eyebrows. I took a deep breath. “In fact. I think it's the opposite.” I said.

I lifted my hand and moved the gun away from me using the back of my hand. “What makes you think that?” he questioned.

“Because.” I look up. “When Louis came to fetch us this evening. You acted like nothing happened. Like your hands weren't under my shirt minutes ago before he came. In fact when we got home you were so mad that you locked yourself in your room. Unable to look me in the eye.”

He titled his head, holding eye contact but I could see that my words got to him. I watched his chest move up and down from his deep breaths.

“Good night Adrian.” I smiled and walked out. Ignoring the rapid breathing of my own heart.

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