Chapter 20

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I wasn't a man that easily gave into temptation, but god how i wanted her to kiss me right now. I know I'm going to regret it tomorrow but that's tomorrow's worries. 

"Exactly." my lip curled. “You can't.” and I pulled back. Her cheeks were red and I could tell she was having an internal battle with herself by the way her eyes dilated. A few seconds later the bed dipped and she leaned over pressing her soft lips against mine. 

My eyes widened and my body stiff at the kiss. I didn't actually think she'd do it. She stopped kissing and tried to pull away but I grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss. She wasn't going to get out of this so easy. 

This was the first kiss where I actually wanted to kiss the other person. Fuck it felt fucking amazing. She felt amazing. This time it wasn't Vanessa forcing her lips onto mine but…my wife. She let out a soft moan as her hands grabbed onto my shirt. 

I pushed her back onto the mattress without breaking the kiss. I smoothed my hand up and down her thigh making her shiver underneath me. She opened her legs, giving me space to slide in between them. My length painfully pressing against the front of my pants. 

I snapped out of my lustful trance and broke the kiss, she stared up at me out of breath, her chest moving up and down with her cheeks all puffy. Her expression was different and it wasn't the normal harsh look she always give me but something more innocent. 

I couldn't tell if it's because of the kiss or the blood she has lost in the bathroom. Shit what am I doing? This wasn't part of the plan. 

I stood up from the bed and walked out into the bathroom, leaving without a word. I adjusted the front of my pants so it wasn't as painful. Then removed my suit and took a long cold shower. I was hesitant to go back inside but was relieved to find Maxine already sleeping. 

I walked near the bed lamp, and when I tried to switch it off my gaze landed on my hands. The inside of my palms were red and a bit irritated so I went back into the bathroom and searched for something to soothe it. 

I switched off the night lamp and climbed into the bed next to her and immediately fell asleep after my head touched the pillow. 

Early morning I woke up finding Maxine still quietly asleep, I walked out of the room and towards the front desk asking them which room Louis was staying in. 

I ran my hands through my messy hair. “I need to use your phone.” I asked, standing in front of his hotel room. Last night was mostly a haze but I remember most stuff. One of them being that I might have lost my phone. 

He opened the door and I stepped inside, his room was much smaller than the one me and Maxine were staying in.“Where's your phone? Damon has been calling me nonstop.” Louis spoke and handed me his phone while buttoning his shirt. 

“I don't even know.” I said with honesty. I dialled Damon's number into Louis' phone and walked towards the window waiting for him to pick up. I already knew why he wanted to speak to me, he must've found out about the shooting and technically, he's still first in line to become the leader of the Nights according to my father's wishes. Yet he's acting like he already is. 

But that's one of the reasons I married Maxine. To become first in line and surpass my brother. All that's left was my father's approval. Which was mostly none to zero. 

“Louis, have you talked to Adrian?” my brother immediately asked. 

“It's me, Damon.”

He sighed. “I've been calling you all morning. What the fuck happened last night and why did Richard attack you?”

“This is my business Damon, keep yourself out of it.”

“Your business?” he scoffed. “Don't get an ego just because you married before me. Whatever you do affects the family name and comes with consequences.”

“And father wants you to call him as soon as possible.” he said and ended the call. 

I squeezed the phone in my hand as my body tensed. Now he decided to make contact? He's been on vacation with his girlfriend for what... 5 years and hasn't called us since he left. 

Louis approached me. “What now?” 

“My father wants to talk to me.” and Louis eyes widened. “Sounds serious. I'll go get some coffee.” he mumbled and walked out of the room. 

A message beeped through as Damon sent my father's number via message. I didn't want to talk to him, especially so early in the morning. But I dialled the number into Louis' phone and held it against my ear as I sat down on a sofa. 

“Adrian?” my father's familiar stern voice entered my ear.

“It's me.”

“What am I hearing you married before Damon?” he spoke sounding all grumpy. 

“Because I'm capable of ruling this family.”

“No you're not and everyone knows it. You never were, do I have to remind you that you couldn't even kill someone nor hold a gun without shaking.” he chuckled. 

“It's been years. I've changed.” my voice cracked. 

“No,  you'll always be your mother's son. Being weak and looking for ways to avenge her death. I know you better than you know yourself Adrian.”

I leaned my hand on the wall infront of me and closed my eyes. He didn't need to bring her up. 

“Sign the divorce papers with whatever whore you came to an agreement with. If you don't, I'll just have to take matters into my own hands. And that won't end well will it?” I could hear him smirking through the phone.

“I have things to do.” I gritted through me teeth and pushed the end call button. I could hear the crack of the phone screen under my hand and released my strength. 

I looked at the phone and slid it into my pocket. Louis will just have to get over it. I'll buy him a new one later. 

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