Chapter 18

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"Everything in your apartment looks like it's made out of nature related trees, I swear." Stacey shivered.

Carole laughed. "True. But it was like that when I moved here."

Stacey sighed. "Same for me. Everything is either white or blue. My curtains look like ocean waves!"

Carole put a finger to her chin. "Does that mean in Cam's apartment, wind blows all the time? When he's there?"

Stacey giggles. "Asher told me whenever he's in his room, it smells like fire."

Carole's head rolls back as she laughs. "Knowing his cooking, that's probably true."

They both crack up again, Stacey laughing and shivering both at once, her teeth chattering. She had taken a shower and came back to Carole's room in her training clothes.

They were black stretchy material, a top which looked like an aligned jogger top. And the bottom were just leggings, in that material.

There was also an outline in the suit. Blue around the sides. She also wore blue socks to go with it.

Stacey's hair had dried up, and was loose around her shoulders. Her hair was dirty blonde, but lately, the brown or dirty part of it started to fade over the last few months.

"Are you alright?" Carole said, snapping Stacey out from her zoning out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. It's just . . ." Carole motioned for her to proceed. "We're only 13. 8th graders. How are we supposed to hold the weight that's like a million times of us, without dying?"

Carole looked down. "I'm not sure, if I'm being honest. But I trust our trainers to get us through this. I'm trying to get through this and it's for sure hard. But none of us are in this alone."

Carole put a hand on Stacey's shoulder. And was about to say something else about it but an alarm on her phone went off.

"Speaking of," she tapped on stop for the alarm. "Training time." She said in a sing-songy voice.


"Only 2 months or so until we go to Bangkok." Catherine said, shutting the glass door behind them.

"Not gonna lie, it's not uncommon to be nervous. Don't worry about it though, all of us will prepare you for it."

Stacey nodded. "There is one thing though."


"So basically," Stacey continued. "I was working on a project and then a while after water from above me that was just there in a big bubble dropped. I'm not sure why though."

Truthfully, she wasn't. Stacey had no idea how she didn't even notice she was spawning that.

Catherine stayed silent for a few minutes. "Did anything, or anybody suddenly trigger an emotion out of nowhere? Like, um, nervousness or awkwardness or maybe difficulty?" She finally asked.

Stacey blushed, remembering when Asher came in. "Yeah." she hung her head low, trying not to show her face.

She could practically feel Catherine's smile as she said "Who or what was it?"

"Asher." Stacey mumbled.

Catherine laughed. "I saw this coming. You really do like him. I know you guys spend a lot of time together."

You have no idea how much was what Stacey wanted to say.

"You have to tell him. Even if you think he doesn't like you. Control over this power won't come if you always feel awkward around him."

Stacey bit her lip. "Can we be sure he's the trigger for my powers on the fritz, though?"

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