Chapter 12

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Stacey looked around the table to take it all in. The other trainers had also joined them for breakfast before school.

She was sitting next to Carole and Brandon at the table, and on her right, Carole cautiously sipped her orange juice.

Asher saw and laughed lightly. "Carole, you realize it's not poison, right?" Carole's face turned tomato red and Cam looked up from his omelet to look at her.

Stacey could've sworn he blushed when he said "C'mon, Asher. Lay off of her. Remember when we all went to that Mexican restaurant and you poured the lemonade on the napkin first because it 'looked weird'?" Cam defended her, practically inhaling his eggs.

Asher laughed. "That's because Stace messed with me and said Mexican restaurants put frog juice in all their drinks!" Stacey looked up at him, half a waffle piece in her mouth. She swallowed it down.

"The look on your face was SO worth it," she said triumphantly, trying to keep herself from blushing. "Don't you agree, Addie?"

She nodded. "MHM. His face was priceless. I told Brandon the same thing and he knocked the tray out of the waiter's hands when they delivered it, remember?" Addie said, laughing.

They all cracked up and Abby, one of the trainers, had tears in her eyes. "Oh you guys are so funny. I remember when Walker, Catherine, Andrew, Sadie, Jason and I used to hang out when we were your guys' age. Actually that was only like 12 years ago or less."

They all talked some more and finished breakfast when Catherine's phone went off. She stood up to go retrieve it but Cam stopped her.

"Hold up Catherine, I've been working on something." He focused on the phone and lifted 2 of his fingers up in a vertical motion and the phone followed.

"You better not drop my phone, Cameron." Catherine warned.

He brought it closer. "Relax, I got it." The phone dropped safely in Cam's hand and he stood up to give it to Catherine. Stacey heard clapping and Cam's head turned around.

Sadie stood up from her chair, still clapping. "That's pretty impressive, Cam. I'm excited to see what else you can do."

"Sadie's our Air trainer." Jason, another trainer, explained.

Stacey stopped eating for a second, confused. How did they know how to train them if she and her friends had control over the elements?

"How do you guys know how to train us if WE can only control the elements?" Stacey asked. The trainers all shared a knowing glance.

"The control is passed down," Catherine explained. "We all used to have one of your powers. I had Water, like you Stacey."

"I had Fire," Walker said. "Sadie had Air, Andrew had Earth."

"Way to steal our turns to speak." Andrew muttered. Walker shot him a sheepish glance.

"What about Jason and Abby?" Addie pressed.

"We're the Diviner trainers. We also had that when we were in our teens. Which was actually 4 years ago." Abby explained.

Jason continued for her. "I was the positive one, like you are now Addie. Abby was the negative diviner, like you Brandon."

"That actually makes kinda sense now. But I still want more answers." Asher said. Stacey agreed with him. She did need more answers. A lot more answers.

A timer on Walker's phone started ringing. "Well, that's my cue. C'mon guys, I have to drive you to school."

"Volleyball tryouts are today! Are you excited?" Carole asked Stacey, sneaking up from behind her. They all had just been dropped off at school by Walker.

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