Council Pt.2

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Everyone was silent, and neither made a single move. Orion and Sybil felt tense, but they knew that many of the council enjoyed trying to intimidate the royal family members. The Prince had enough of their games and crossed his hands together. "Again, this meeting is to begin. We do not enjoy having our time wasted, council."

One of the councilors scoffed. "Such words coming from our Prince. Do you believe that any meeting about the greater good of Alfheim is a waste of time?"

Orion and Sybil eyed the particular councilman and dreaded anything coming from his lips. "You misinterpret my brother's words, Lord Hermes. We know that you try to play a game with us. If you truly care about Alfheim's beings, then our time should not be wasted." Sybil glared at Hermes. The Princess was not the type of elf who held ill will toward anyone, but Hermes was the exception. Ever since she was a child, Hermes always tried to take control of meetings and tried to have the last say. Her father and Baldwin never let him have the last say, and Hermes hated his lack of power. However, she and Orion knew Hermes wanted Baalden on the throne since Baalden was easily corrupted. 

"Anything we say is not a waste, Princess. Since Prince Orion began to speak first, it is only just that he should speak first."

"Yet, my brother was not the one who called this meeting. Since you all did, then is it not appropriate that you all should speak, Lady Agnes?" Agnes was another council member Sybil did not enjoy being with. Like Hermes, Agnes was from one of the six prominent families of Alfheim. The two council members held so much arrogance and pride that they believed that even the royal family was beneath them. 

Another councilman cleared his throat and motioned out his right hand. "Princess, Lady Agnes, please, let us not argue. It is true that we called this meeting but it is of great importance."

"Thank you, Lord Benzion." Orion looked at Benzion, whom he admired and respected. Unlike the other council members, Benzion was half-elf and half-dwarf, which the other council members looked down upon. Alfheim was the realm of the elves and the home of other beings. Dwarves, goblins, dragons, and other creatures were welcome in Alfheim at Baldwin's insistence. However, Baldwin distanced himself after the incident, and the council tried to overrule the law to allow other beings to live in Alfheim. "Now, what is the sudden urgency?"

Benzion nodded as he looked at the paperwork. "Prince Orion, we received word that the witch, Lilith, has full control of Svartalfheim, and we also received word that there is a caravan of dwarves coming toward Alfheim to seek refuge." 

Orion was then given the paperwork and read parts of the reports of dwarves heading toward their nation. He didn't see a problem with having dwarves arriving at Alfheim, but the amount was too large, and he knew that it would create civil unrest among the elves. Alfheim and other nations were at war with Lilith, a powerful witch who wanted to take control of the planet. However, Lilith's power was only growing, and there was a possibility that she learned new magic that the leaders of other nations didn't know about."So if what these reports say is true, what of the King and Queen of Svartlfheim?"

"We do not know for certain, Prince Orion. We must assume the worst," Benzion said with a grim expression. "So what would you like us to do with the caravan?"

All eyes were on Orion, and he knew he had to choose carefully. Baalden, Agnes, and Hermes wanted him to make the wrong decision so Baalden could have complete control. "We cannot take all of them since we need to think of our citizens. I want our military to be sent to the border of Alfheim until I meet with the other leaders of the other nations to see what can be done. However, there is another option we can give the dwarves."

"Which is?" asked Benzion.

"If the dwarves wish to take refuge in Alfheim, then they can either choose to wait where they will stay or join the Alfheim army." 

The council looked at each other and mumbled. Baalden raised an eyebrow but was expressionless. "Prince, Orion, I believe that is excessive. The dwarves escaped from their homeland and sought refuge. What if they are not in agreement?" asked Benzion.

Orion knew Benzion was fond of the dwarves, but Orion had to think of Alfheim and its citizens. Since Baalden and other council members waited for him to make mistakes, it was something he could not afford. "I understand, Lord Benzion. We cannot let our emotions guide or decisions. We all are at war, and we need fighting hands in our cause. If one wants refuge, one must return the favor. Everything comes with a cost. No one wants to fight and die in a possible war, but change is wanted to be seen, then action must be made. My decision is final. Are you all in agreeance?"

Everyone looked at one another, and many said, 'Aye.' Hermes and Agnes eventually and reluctantly agreed. Baalden said nothing and fixed himself on the chair. "You made a wise decision, brother. Now, we must speak of the other important topic, Baldwin." Orion and Sybil glared at Baalden. "He is refusing to do his duties all because of the curse Lilith gave him. Truly, is he so embarrassed to show his face?"

"Don't speak so cruelly of our brother, Baalden! Lilith's spells are monstrous, and we don't know how Baldwin feels!" Sybil felt that she had to think of something quickly so the topic wouldn't change to Baalden having control of Alfheim. Yet, I agree that Baldwin needs to rule Alfheim, and Orion should be co-regent until Baldwin returns. I mean, Orion has military experience, and his magic skills are superb. I must say they are better than yours."

Baalden glared at his sister. "You should be careful with your words, sister. I am the eldest and traditions should-"

"You had your chance, but you ruined it, and Baldwin was a wiser choice. I know that Baldwin can be reasoned with but he needs to be taken out of his shell. I actually have an idea in mind."

"What is this idea, Princess?" asked Benzion.

Sybil stood up from her seat. "You all will know soon enough, but I need your approval. I believe that my idea will get Baldwin to get out of his prison. Meanwhile, I believe Orion is better suited to make decisions. After all, we have to think of the greater good of Alfheim, do we not?"

It was silent momentarily, but everyone except Agnes, Baalden, and Hermes agreed. Even if the three didn't agree, they were still overruled. Sybil was relieved but knew that she had a time limit before Baalden would try a loophole. Orion didn't want Alfheim's responsibility on his shoulders, but he also didn't want Baalden to be in control. He had no other choice but to accept. He and his sister looked at one another and knew that Saraya was their only hope to get Baldwin out of his shell.

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