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Artemesia finally arrived at Sybil's chambers with a new tray of food. She noticed Orion and Sybil speaking to one another outside the doors. "Your highnesses, I brought Lady Saraya her food as requested."

The royal siblings stopped speaking as they focused on Artemesia. "Ah, delightful. Before you head inside, we wish to speak of something with you." Orion put his hands behind his back. "We must keep Saraya's existence a secret at the moment. It will come to light eventually, but not before certain preparations need to be done."

"This is where your guidance, Artemesia. My brother and I thought Saraya should have bodyguards to protect her. Having a human in Alfheim is uncommon; many may wish to be near her. We also don't want her to feel she is in danger an be uncomfortable. With that in mind, I wanted your view on whether you would be agreeable with the guards I thought about." Artemesia looked at Sybil, who confidently smiled. "I was thinking of Carwen, Lydia, and Vena."

Artemesia couldn't stop focusing on Sybil; she couldn't get enough of her smile. Her smile would always bring peace to those who were in turbulent times. Her thoughts were interrupted when Orion gently patted her on the shoulder. "Oh, forgive me. I have been thinking about it. Yes, I am agreeable to three. They are trustworthy and take their duties seriously."

Orion smiled. "I also agree. The three seem trustworthy. You are training them to be good soldiers in the Alfheim Army." The Prince greatly respected Artemesia since she was one of the main commanders of the female elves section of the army. He also believed Artemesia to be a skilled warrior who would be a great candidate to be a general for the Alfheim Army. "Since we all agree, it is best that the three should come forward. I-"

"Brother, it is best that I speak with them since I was the one who summoned Saraya. It is my responsibility to ask them if they could do such a task."

"What task do you all speak of?" asked a masculine voice. 

All three froze as they looked toward the person who walked toward them. "Ah, Baalden, good morning," said Orion.

Baalden stopped midway, giving himself and the three space. "Interesting to see you three here. It's as if you all speak with secrecy."

"Not at all, brother. I wished to speak to Orion regarding an opinion."

"Really? You even needed the opinion of your lady-in-waiting? Usually, those below do not need to pry in the conversations of royalty."

The siblings glared at their brother, who looked amused that his words had an effect. Orion knew Baalden had pride and looked down upon those, not of the royal family; even nobles didn't escape his disdain. "Artemesia's thoughts are appreciated, and she has the experience that not even the royal family has."

Baalden's amusement didn't fade. "Yet, you are the main General of the Alfheim Army; you still needed the opinions of-"

"Baalden, that is quite enough! We shouldn't be bickering with one another!" Sybil looked at Artemesia. "Please leave the food inside and go along with what we asked of you." 

Artemesia nodded as he bowed to the royal siblings and entered the room where Saraya stood by the balcony, looking out the window. "Lady Saraya, you mustn't be out of bed. Your body is slowly healing from the effects of magic."

Saraya looked at Artemesia and sheepishly smiled. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was just tired of being in bed all day. If I am to regain my strength, I need to do some exercise." Saraya walked toward her bed, where Artemesia put the food tray down. There was a small basket of bread with grapes and apples and a bowl of what looked like soup. 

"I will step out for a moment. Whatever you do, do not step out of this room," Artemesia said in a whisper-like tone. "There are others outside and they cannot know that you are here."

"Y-Yeah, sure. I won't go out."

Artemesia smiled as she walked out of the room where the royal siblings were speaking to one another. She bowed to them again and went on her way. The siblings were silent for a moment until Baalden broke the silence. "I have noticed that you and Artemesia have been busy as of late, Sybil. Have you been planning something?"

"No, brother. You tend to think over your head. You know I tend to like learning new magic spells when I have the chance. Since we are in an undeclared war with Lilith, I have been under stress."

Baalden chuckled. "It is not necessary for you to stress since it is us males who tend to do the thinking. I did tell you that it was best that you didn't participate in the meetings with the council. You do not have the strong mindset for it."

Sybil knew Baalden was trying to get the rise out of her but refused to fall for it. She smiled as she walked a couple of steps forward. "You underestimate me, brother. You view me as a meek female. However, I tend to prepare for the worst. Admit it, you do not wish me to be in the meetings since I tend to have hope for our brother, Baldwin. Everyone knows that you are desperate to be King since you were overruled once before."

Orion was amazed by his sister's words. He then noticed Baalden becoming serious. Orion tried very hard to refrain from laughing. "Now, brother. You should know how our sister is. She cares deeply for the good of Alfheim, and since she is of the Royal Family, she has every right to be in the meetings."

It was quiet among the siblings, and Baalden eventually chuckled. "Right, where were my manners? I informed Artemesia yesterday that I wished to speak to you, but your servant seems to forget things. The council wants to have a meeting regarding Baldwin's state. He hasn't been attending to the council meetings."

"When will the meeting be? Tonight, when the full moon rises. I hope you both can convince the council that Baldwin will still be fit to be King. Remember, we all have to think of the greater good of Alfheim." Baalden smiled. "I will see you both tonight." The Prince walked away from his siblings, and as he walked, he couldn't shake off the feeling that his siblings were hiding something, and he was determined to find out.

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