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Carwen, Lydia, and Vera were with other female knight elves on the training grounds. The female elves were practicing with either bows and arrows, sword fighting, healing, or combative fighting. The training grounds had at least four sections separated by walls not to disturb training sessions. Males and females had their training grounds so they could not disturb each other. Xilgwyn arrived at the sword fighting section of the female training grounds, and many female knights bowed to her with respect.

Xilgwyn was considered the best knight among the female elves. However, many in Alfheim believed she held higher talents than her male counterparts. That was why she became the main lady-in-waiting to Princess Sybil. Xilgwyn looked at the sword fighting training grounds and found the three training with one another. "Carwen, Lydia, and Vera, please come forth!" she called out. Everyone, including the trio, stopped what they were doing and immediately went to Xilgwyn.

The three female elves bowed; Xilgwyn motioned them to follow her away from the training grounds toward a small meeting room where the captains of the female knights met. The doors were closed, and the elves were silent.

Carwen, Lydia, and Vera were surprised by the sudden call but were excited if they were going to be given a mission. Since Xilgwyn was highly respected, it was a dream for a female knight to fight alongside a respected knight. "Forgive me for interrupting your training. However, I called you three because of something of great importance. Princess Sybil asked me to fetch you three since you all are reliable." The three knights looked at one another in excitement. "I also agreed with her decision. However, there is something you three must know and other must not. Whatever is spoken here must stay between us. Understand?"

"Yes, Lady Xilgwyn," the three said in unison. 

Xilgwyn sighed. "Lady Sybil has done...a forbidden spell." She noticed how serious the three elves had gotten but continued. "She did a summoning spell, and what was summoned was a...female human."

The trio gasped and were in shock. "A-A human!? How is that possible if they were extinct for centuries!?" yelled Vera.

"Vera, calm yourself! Do not speak so loudly, or others will hear of our conversation! No one must know of this yet! Sybil could face terrible consequences if found early."

Lydia massaged the sides of her head. "Lady Xilgwyn, wouldn't the Princess still be punished for practicing a forbidden spell!? Also how could she have summoned a human. Unless..."

"Unless the spell traveled back to time and saved the human before their annihilation. Extraordinary. I never would have imagined that the summoning spell would be used to such an extent," said Carwen. Carwen was always interested in studying magic. Although the royal family had magical gifts, it didn't stop Carwen from studying them.

"Yes. One way or another the human was summoned; her name is Saraya and she has been in Alfheim for a few days. She is still frightened but is slowly opening up to me and Princess Sybil. Prince Orion learned of her summoning not too long ago."

 "What do you and Princess Sybil want us to do?" asked Carwen.

"Eventually, Lady Saraya's existence will come to light and cause an uproar. Also, unwanted ears will soon hear the news when her existence is exposed. Princess Sybil wants you three to be Lady Saraya's ladies-in-waiting."

The three female elves looked at one another and then at their mentor. "What!? The Princess wants us to protect a human!?"

"Vera! Keep quiet!" said Lydia.

"How can I stay quiet!? What the Princess did was against the laws of Alfheim! If we accept this duty, then we could also get in trouble!" Vera paced back and forth as her hands fidgeted. "What happens if the council find out!"

Xilgwyn crossed her arms while looking at the female elves. She wasn't surprised that she received their reactions. She knew they were nervous about knowing the truth about Saraya's existence, but the elder couldn't trust anyone else but the trio. "Yes, the council will find out, but Princess Sybil did this for the greater good of Alfheim."

"How so, Lady Xilgwyn?" asked Carwen.

"King Baldwin has gone to a state of depression due to what that witch did to him, and the council is getting restless due to his lack of responsibility as King. The council may vote to take him out of his position, and there is a possibility that Baalden will become the next King of Alfheim." The room became cold. The trio shivered at the thought of Baalden becoming King of Alfheim; he wasn't as beloved as King Baldwin and the rest of the royal siblings. "Prince Sybil wants to use Lady Saraya to take King Baldwin out of his shell and remind him how his role is still important to us." Xilgwyn smiled. "We have Prince Orion to our side; he could make the council see reason."

Silence reigned; Vera stopped pacing as she stood with her other friends, who looked thoughtful. Lydia sighed as she looked at her mentor. "Alright, I will agree to be this human's lady-in-waiting."

"Are you certain of your decision, Lydia?" asked Xilgwyn.

"Yes, I do not wish to see Baalden as King. King Baldwin is better suited since he has a love for Alfheim. It's just that he is lost. If Princess Sybil believes that this human can help our King, then I will also be in agreeance."

Carwen and Vera looked at one another and then to Lydia. "I, too, will be the human's lady-in-waiting. Either way, I am curious about knowing about humans. Perhaps one day I can write a book that will be known throughout Alfheim and other nations," said Carwen.

"What about you, Vera? I know it is much to take in. If you do not wish to involve yourself with this, I fully understand and respect your decision."

Vera sighed. "I am frightened of what the council will do and decide but Baalden becoming King frightens me even more." She took a deep breath. "I will also become a lady-in-waiting for the human. Besides, it is not every day one has the opportunity to see one."

Xilgwyn smiled and felt relieved that the trio agreed to the responsibility. She knew that there would be many trials ahead, but it was not only for the greater good of Alfheim but also for their King. "Thank you all. I will speak to Princess. Meet me by the Princess' chambers tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, you will all meet Lady Saraya."

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