Council Pt.1

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Sybil was outside her chambers until night arrived in the skies. She was relieved that Saraya was asleep, but she knew that Saraya wouldn't be able to stay in the room for long. The Princess would eventually have to let Saraya out in the open, but she had to prepare everything. One of the first struggles was to get through the council.

Tonight was the meeting to discuss Baalden's position. "Princess." 

The Princess noticed Artemesia walking toward her. "Oh, Artemesia. Did you ask your pupils?"

"I did, Princess. I also told them that Saraya is a human; they were shocked and afraid. However, they all agreed to be her protectors; they will stay quiet about her existence."

A sigh escaped Sybil as she paced back and forth. "Well, at least I have one minor thing to worry about. The council will have a meeting tonight, and I must try to convince them to give us time to get Baldwin and get out of his shell." Her fingers fidgeted. 

Artemesia's eyes softened, and she walked closer to the Princess. She gently held her hands and gave them a soft squeeze. "You mustn't worry yourself too much. I know that everything you do is not only for the good of Alfheim but for his majesty. I can see that Lady Saraya has a good heart, and I believe she might change his heart." The female knight smiled. "Patience is a virtue."

"Try to tell that to the council," said a masculine voice.

The females gasped; Artemesia immediately let go of Sybil's hands. "P-Prince Orion, please forgive me. I-"

"There is no need to apologize, Artemesia. You have good intentions but we must also be realistic. The council is running out of patience and I don't know how long we can tame them."

Sybil walked to her brother. "We cannot lose hope, brother. You know that Baalden is not fit to be King. If worse comes to worse, you must become King."

Orion looked at his sister's worried eyes; she didn't want Baalden to be King. He, too, felt the same sentiment, but the Prince felt that he didn't want to be King of Alfheim. The responsibility was too much to bear. "You know how I feel about the throne, sister. I am not fit to be King."

Artemesia had her hands behind her back and tried to keep a straight face, but her hands and fingers were fidgeting. The urge to speak was strong, but she knew one shouldn't involve themselves in the royals' conversations. While Artemesia was deep in thought, she didn't realize Orion noticed her uncertain look. "Artemesia, if you wish to speak, please do so."

This made the female elf return to reality; a blush tried to come through her face. "F-Forgive me, your Highness. It-It is just that I believe you are mistaken. Mistaken of you not being fit for the throne. I believe that one who does not have a strong desire for the throne is best for the throne. You have no lust for power; Prince Baalden does."

The royal siblings were silent and then looked at one another. Sybil smiled at Orion as she gently touched his arms. "Please, Orion. If something were to go wrong in tonight's meeting please offer yourself to the throne. We must try to convince the council to give my idea a chance to bring Baalden back to us."

The Prince sighed. "Let us go. We cannot keep the council waiting." He then looked at Artemesia. "Please look after Saraya." Orion motioned his sister to follow, and she did so; they left Artemesia alone, standing in silence. 

The walk toward the tower of the council felt agonizing and lengthy. For the royal sibling, going to the council felt like a punishment from Hel; death would have been merciful. Many of the council members were ruthless and would do anything for the well-being of Alfheim, even if it meant sacrificing their own. The council had their quarters within the palace, the farthest part of the enormous building. One had to cross a bridge to get there and then climb up a pair of stairs. It would take an elf a day to get to the top, but the royal family members could use their magic to travel to different parts of the castle quickly. 

Orion and Sybil eventually reached the bridge connecting the main palace to the council's tower. The tower was so long that it looked to touch the skies; the walls were plain white with simple green vines, giving it some life. They crossed the concrete bridge; guards stood at every corner of it; they bowed to the royals. Once on the other side, there was nothing but stairs that were spiral-shaped paths that could make one feel dizzy. The sibling stood at the center of the barren interior, a brick that lifted the sibling went up in supper speed until they got to their destination. 

Two elf knights guarded two large, dark brown heavy doors. They bowed and opened the doors. The cold air hit the siblings, making their nerves quiver. However, they kept their natural faces as they entered the council meeting. The meeting room was round with banners of sigils of the royal family and other noble families. The council members are from prestigious noble families, and laws decreed that it was to be kept as such. By the banners were floating fire that dimly lit the room. However, slightly extended, thin windows were covered in see-through white curtains. On certain corners were pillars where guards stood watch. In the center was a round table, and in front of the table was a throne-like chair that was bigger than the rest. Fifteen chairs surrounded the round table; each had an occupant. 

The occupants were silent, with stern faces and judgemental eyes that could destroy one's confidence and joy. Orion and Sybil walked toward the table where there were two empty seats and sat upon them. They noticed Baalden sitting on the throne chair with arrogance and pride when they sat. Sybil tried her best to conceal her anger, but she didn't want to give her brother the power he wanted. All eyes were on the siblings; Orion broke the silence. "Council, let us begin this meeting."

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