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Sybil walked by many halls and floating crystal-like staircases to get to her brother's palace section. There were four siblings in total, and they had parts of the palace to themselves, but the eldest, the King, had the more extensive section and had the right to banish his siblings away if he wished. The palace interior looked like an endless abyss, with plant life covering some parts of the marble-like walls. Some walls and floors in different palace sections were see-through, whereas parts of the waterfall were seen. Handpainted portraits of former royal family members hung on the wall; sculptures were also there for decorations.

The Princess eventually got to a hallway with a dead, but on the other side was where her brother was. Sybil put her leg in the space, but then crystal-like stairs appeared, which Sybil walked on to reach her destination. Once on the other side, Sybil approached two large doors where two male guards stood with long spears. "I wish to speak to my brother. Is he present in his chamber?"

"Yes, Your Highness. I will announce your arrival." One guard slightly opened the door and entered. Moments later, the guard came out and motioned the Sybil to enter. Once inside, Sybil saw her brother sitting behind his desk working on scrolls. 


Orion stopped writing and slowly looked up at his sister; he stood from his seat. Orion stood at five feet and nine inches tall; his wavy shoulder-length hair was silver, and his eyes were light blue. He had a broad, clean-shaven face and a slightly muscular body. His ears were long, which was customary for the elf race; he also had a somewhat long nose. Sybil looked at Orion; out of all her brothers, Orion was considered the most handsome. Many others of Alfheim and other beings in different lands mistake him as a living god. "Sybil, what a surprise to be in your presence." The siblings went and hugged one another. 

"Brother, forgive me for the important intrusion. I imagine that you are doing paperwork for the army."

The siblings separated; Orion motioned his sister to sit on one of the lavish sofas on the left side of his chambers. The two siblings sat on the opposite sides of one another. "I finished meeting with the other commanders, so I am just completing some paperwork." Orion then noticed his sister's face; she held uncertainty. "Something is troubling you. Have you gone to visit Baldwin?"

"I tried visiting him two days ago, but he would not let me see him. From what his steward told me, our brother works in his chambers. I am tired of him always closing himself from the world. The elves of Alfheim haven't seen him for more than a year, and they are restless and worried about their King. Also, the elves are beginning to feel if Baldwin cares for them or can rule." Sybil sighed when she thought about her brother, Baldwin. It had been since the terrible event that caused Baldwin despair. She and Orion tried their best to console him, but it was futile. Their other brother, Baalden, wasn't much help either."

Orion then poured himself and his sister a cup of mild alcoholic beverage. "Of course, Baalden would never be helped. He enjoys the suffering of our brother. Baalden is the firstborn and was supposed to be King after our father died. However, Baalden practiced magic that he wasn't supposed to, and Baldwin took his place since he is the second born."

The siblings were silent momentarily; Sybil looked at her reflection in the light blue drink. She knew what she was about to tell her brother would create tension. "Brother, I am here to tell you something important. I had an idea to help Baldwin escape his sadness."

"Do tell."

Sybil puts down the cup and fixes herself, trying to regain her courage. "I-I haven't told you my idea initially because I knew you may not agree to it."

Orion tensed and squeezed the cup. "What did you do, sister?"

"Brother, we tried everything to help Baldwin; no one can motivate him to get out of his chambers. So I may have tried to find someone who may understand and..."

The Prince stood up from his seat, accidentally dropping his cup and the contents within. "Sybil, do not tell me you used the summoning spell!" When he saw that Sybil didn't answer, he groaned in disappointment. "Sister, what have you done!? You know that spell is forbidden!"

Sybil also stood from her seat. "Orion, please calm yourself! I know I have done a forbidden spell, but I can't stand back and watch our brother and Alfheim fall. We have tried everything and this was my last resort! I wouldn't have done a forbidden spell unless there was no other choice. Please believe me, brother!"

Orion paced back and forth as he massaged his face. "Does anyone else know about this?"

"Only Artemesia. However, I ordered her to be silent on the matter. You know that she does not break her word."

"Who was summoned?"

"A human woman."

The Prince stopped in his tracks; his eyes slightly widened. "A human? They went extinct so long ago. How is this possible?"

"I do not know if I did the spell correctly, but it seemed that the spell traveled in the past. Some way or another, the human was chosen." Sybil crossed her hands hands together. "Perhaps Saraya was chosen because she holds the same pain as our brother; they both have similar circumstances."

"Her name is Saraya?"

Sybil nodded. "She is in one of my chambers, but it is best that she rests until the time is right for her to show herself."

"Sister, have you considered what the council will think of this? You know that they do not take lightly when anyone breaks the laws of our lands. Not only that, but that human will be in danger since Lilith has taken Helheim."

The Princess bit her lower lip as she had forgotten about the council. The council had strict members who were voted to keep the peace and stability of Alfheim. Along with the King or Queen of Alfheim, they assist in making decisions for the greater good of their nation. The council members were slightly lenient regarding royal family members but would only give one chance, just like they did with Baalden. However, if another mishap happened, they would not hesitate to vote to have those particular members punished severely. "The council is the least part of my worries, and I also understand that Lilith is still out and about. However, without Baldwin's guidance and leadership, Alfheim will still fall. This is the only chance we have, and I need your help. Will you do so?"

The silence felt like an eternity, but Orion let out a sigh. "Very well. I will visit this human tomorrow. Make certain to keep an eye on her, understand?"

A sigh of relief escaped Sybil's lips. "Thank you, brother."

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