The Three

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Artemesia was carrying the food tray as she was heading toward Saraya's room. So many thoughts trailed through her mind regarding the human woman. She was amazed that Sybil's magic spell worked since not many took the chance to use it. Sybil was determined to use the summoning spell because she thought someone from a different land could help save Baldwin, their King. While walking, she noticed a group of three female elves coming her way; they were her three students training to become knights in the female division. 

The four females stopped in their tracks; the three females bowed to their leader. "Carwen, Lydia, and Vena."

"Lady Artemesia, forgive us for the intrusion, but we were supposed to have training today. You have not arrived, and we were concerned," said Lydia, the youngest of the three. The young elf looked to be in her late teens, but she was eighty years old in elf years. Her light brown hair was short, with white flower hair clips on each side of her hair. Her eyes were esmerald and sparkled when the sun shone upon them. Her face and skin were clear and slightly pale like milk; her light pink lips were thin, giving her almost a child-like look. 

Artemesia couldn't believe she had forgotten her promise to train her students. She wanted to keep an eye on Sybil if the spell went wrong. She also wanted to keep guard so no one would know that the Princess used forbidden magic. However, Saraya's presence would eventually come to light, and everyone would know the truth. The lady-in-waiting hoped that Sybil would get Orion's support. "Ah, forgive me for not performing my promise to you ladies. I have been busy as of late. Lady Sybil wished for my presence."

The three female elves looked amused. "Of course, Lady Artemesia. We wouldn't want to take away your time from her Highness. We know how much you enjoy being in her presence," said Carwen while wiggling her eyebrows. Carwen was the eldest of the group and looked in her early twenties but was in her mid-eighties in her elf years. Not only was she the eldest of the group of three, but she was also considered the jokester among them. Her shoulder-length wavy hair was red; her eyes were scarlet. Her skin was light beige with a small beauty mark under the right side of her plump pink lips. Although Carwen had an innocent look about her, one could sense mischief within.

"Well, I am Her Highness's lady-in-waiting. I am to obey her commands since it is expected of me." There was a slight stutter as she spoke; she tried to avoid blushing. 

"I know that this should not be our concern, but word spreads that you might have feelings for Her Highness. We will always support you, Lady Artemesia, but others may hold opposing views since Her Highness is of royal blood." Vena was close to Carwen's age and was considered the beauty of the group. Her long emerald hair was above her waist, and her eyes were navy blue. Vena's skin was warm ivory, which made her hair and eyes pop. Although Carwen and Vena were close in age, Vena had more of a youthful appearance, similar to Lydia's. When Artemesia first met her, she couldn't deny that Vera's beauty almost matched Sybil's.  Out of the three, Vena was the voice of reason.

"What elves speak are rumors. One likes to speak of what they don't understand. Remember, Her Highness is of royal blood. She must do what is best for the royal family and Alfheim."

"That is correct, Artemesia. You all should remember well of what the royal family stands for," said a muscular voice. 

The four female elves flinched. Someone was walking behind Artemesia, who stopped midway. Artemesia turned where she and the three elves bowed. "Prince Baalden, forgive us for not noticing your presence." Baalden stood six feet and five inches tall, considered the tallest of the siblings. He had platinum long hair that went past his waist; he wore a thorn-like silver crown to represent his place in the royal family. His skin was warm beige; his eyes were ultramarine, which glowed. Like Orion, he had a broad face and body but wasn't as muscular as his brother. What was noticeable was his crooked nose, which he was born with. 

"You troublesome three tend to speak your minds of what should not concern you. You must be careful what you speak of the royal family."

"Please forgive them, your Highness. They are still young and are still learning what is expected of them. I take full responsibility for their carelessness." Artemesia and the rest still bowed their heads.

Baalden chuckled and motioned them to lift their heads, which they did. "You cannot always take responsibility for their actions, Artemesia. They are their own individuals. However, I have heard some rumors about you. Particularly of the possible feelings you might have for my sister."

Artemesia squeezed on the tray's handles but slightly looked down. "Those are just rumors, your Highness. I know my place; it is impossible that a low-born should be with a high-born, much less a royal." Carwen, Lydia, and Vena had their hands behind their backs, but hearing their leader's words hurt them.

"As it should be. It is not uncommon that two of the same gender can marry but my sister has to produce future children for the good of the family and our country. Just remember that a union of two females or two males cannot work. Understand?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

The Prince huffed, feeling proud of his speech. "Now, I wish to speak with my sister. Is she in her chambers?"

"No, your Highness. I believe she is visiting his royal Highness, Orion."

"Then why do you take food with you? My sister does not eat this late."

The Prince was intelligent and did not miss any certain detail. Artemesia knew that the Prince was cunning and would do anything to get any information if it meant destroying someone he did not favor. "It is for myself, your Highness. I have been so so busy with my duties that I almost forgot to eat."

It was silent among everyone, and Baalden took note of the female elves. "Very well, please inform Sybil that I wish to speak with her when she has the chance. Good day to you all." 

Baalden turned and walked away, leaving the female elves alone; everyone sighed in relief. "By thoe gods, I thought he would never leave! Curse him! He is too proud even for being a royal!" said Carwen.

Lydia put her arms around herself. "He is very intimidating. I am glad that he is not King."

"If King Baldwin does not change, then I fear His Highness will use the opportunity to take his majesty's place," said Vena. She noticed Artemesia's quiet and decided not to press the other issue. "It is best that we take our leave. Lady Artemesia, we can train another day if you wish."

Artemesia broke out from her daze, turned, and smiled. "Thank you, Vena. Forgive me for forgetting. I will make it up to you all. Now, please excuse me, I must go."

The three elves watched as their leader walked away. Baalden's words couldn't leave their minds. "Prince Baalden's words were very harsh. He enjoys making others suffer," said Lydia.

Vena closed her eyes and sighed. "I agree, but there is some truth to what he said. The royal family has a duty to Alfheim, and they must do what is best for their family and country, even if it goes against their happiness. Come, we must not speak more of this. We have training to do."

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