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Cries and screams echoed around the world for the same reason; it was something that had never happened before. The event that was about to occur would affect every human being on Earth; an asteroid would hit Earth. NASA and other organizations from different countries found the asteroid. An emergency meeting was held in Switzerland to discuss the findings, and everyone agreed with the conclusion: an asteroid as giant as the moon would hit Earth. The scientists had to go and tell the world leaders about the situation, but they knew it would have been pointless.

There was nothing that the world leaders and other scientists could do to stop the asteroid. It was the year 2050, and since 2023, humanity has reached its lowest point. Economic depression, inflation, political corruption, division, greed, racism, technology, and global warming had gotten worse, all due to humankind looking the other way. Politicians throughout the years have made many budget cuts that affected the people, especially those of lower income. NASA and further scientific research were among the many that were affected. If the political leaders had done that, then scientists would have caught it early and would have made plans to either destroy it or evacuate as many people as they could.

The news terrified political leaders; they wanted scientists to work with architects to build anything to help them escape Earth. The scientists refused; they had enough of the corruption and greed. There was no point in following the orders of politicians; that was the main reason the world had become the way it was and what it would become. Without the approval of world leaders, scientists announced the news to the world.

The asteroid would arrive by the end of the week, and it was best to do everything they wanted and be with their loved ones. The week was agonizing to many people, while some accepted the upcoming demise. One of these people was Saraya Yadav, who lived alone. Saraya didn't have the best family life; she was the product of an affair, and her mother was a naive woman who didn't receive much attention from her religious parents. Saraya's father was a businessman from India who wasn't faithful to his stay-at-home wife. Saraya's mother worked in the hotel her father was staying at and had their affair, which lasted for almost a year. However, Saraya's mother found out that she was pregnant, and she hoped that her lover would leave his wife and family for her.

It didn't go the way she wanted, and he left her. Saraya's mother went to her parents, but when they found out that the father was Indian, they disowned their daughter since they were highly religious but also racist. Now alone and with no support from her family, she found her former lover and discovered his wife's page and information. Not only that, she saw where he worked. She threatened that if he didn't leave his wife, then she would tell her and tell him his job. The businessman threatened to sue her, but his reputation would have been ruined, and he could lose his position in the scandal. The two came across an agreement where he would help pay for his former lover and his illegitimate child if they were to keep quiet. He would only do so until Saraya turned eighteen. 

It was agreed, and when Saraya was born and grew older, her father kept his word, but he never once asked for or visited her. During her childhood, her mother went out partying, and there were times when she didn't come home for days, which made Saraya learn how to take care of herself. She had no one to depend upon and also didn't want to go to foster care. Her mother gave her a small portion whenever her father sent money, but the child saved it in her secret compartment. Even as a child, Saraya knew she wanted a better life. As she grew older, Saraya's mother became a drug addict, but when Saraya turned sixteen, she was able to work part-time and save more money for an apartment. Her mother tried to take her money, but she would not let her. 

When Saraya turned eighteen, she moved out, and the money from her father stopped coming in. It was found that her father had changed his information and deleted his information, so neither knew where to contact or find him. She also never saw her mother again but had a good idea that her mother was homeless or dead due to her drug addiction. The young woman worked hard all her life and couldn't afford college since the government cut financial aid. However, that didn't stop her from wanting to learn, so she always went to the library to read and learn. Saraya's dream was to make a daycare, but those dreams would never happen due to the asteroid coming to destroy the human race. 

Saraya felt saddened that she could never make her dream a reality but accepted her fate. It was the end of the week, and everyone around the world noticed the light in the sky getting closer to Earth. For her final moments, she went to her favorite library in Los Angeles, the Hoose Library of Philosophy, located at USC.

Saraya had stayed in the library for two days, and on the final day, she made herself some rice and curry, her favorite meal

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Saraya had stayed in the library for two days, and on the final day, she made herself some rice and curry, her favorite meal. Since everyone was in great panic, everything was left unlocked and opened. No one else was in the library except Saraya, for which she was grateful. She wanted to be by herself in her last moments. The young woman looked at the many sections to see which book would be her last read. While looking, strong winds were heard outside, and the screams were getting louder; the asteroid was coming soon. 

She hoped it would arrive in two hours or less, so she didn't want to waste her time. While looking, she couldn't shake off the feeling that her body became warmer. Then, Saraya stopped before a section about mythology and legends, which always fascinated her. While looking, there was a book about elves and a book in particular that seemed like a romance. "Hmm, maybe this one will do."

When getting a book, Saraya heard a sudden echo coming from inside the library. The echo was so loud that it slightly shook the library. The young woman looked around and asked if anyone was present; there was no response. Saraya sat at a corner of the library between two shelves and began to read. While reading the book, she realized it was about a forbidden romance between an elf king and a human woman whose people were at war. Saraya sympathized with the two main characters; they were of different origins, and they didn't want a fight between them. While reading, she felt the ground shaking, and it didn't stop; the asteroid was coming. The young woman kept reading, hoping to finish the book before dying. 

Suddenly, she heard the echo again, but it was more apparent as if a woman was speaking. Saraya stood and looked at her surroundings; there was no one. "Hey! I heard you! Where are you!?"

There was no response, and the shaking was getting worse. The bookshelves and the books fell to the floor, tables and chairs shook violently. Saraya got away from the bookshelves and left the book she was reading. She realized that she would never be able to finish her last book. Screams of the people got louder outside, and the skies turned brighter. Saraya closed her eyes to not be blinded by the light and her ears. The young woman then lay on her knees as books fell on top of her. "This is it!" Then, the woman's echo got louder, and she could hear it with her ears covered. Her body became warm and surrounded by a lilac light. Her head began to hurt so much that Saraya felt dizzy and fainted. 

An unconscious Saraya suddenly disappeared before the asteroid hit Earth, destroying the human race and all living beings on Earth.

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