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Saraya sat still when told she was in Alfheim, Land of the Elves. Everything was too much for her, and her brain was still trying to process the fact that she was still alive. "Elves?"

Sybil and Artemesia looked at one another and then at Saraya. "I suspect you may not believe us; I cannot blame you for thinking so. It is best that you look for yourself." The two female elves assisted Saraya to her feet and motioned her to walk toward a balcony where the curtains were white as snow and see-through. The closer the women got to the balcony, the fresh air was apparent; it was fresh and clean. The calm and clean breeze brought some comfort to her. She wasn't used to it in her home city of Los Angeles. There wasn't much clean air in Los Angeles unless one lived far from the city.

The young woman was still amazed that she didn't get sick from the city's pollution. When the three women go to the balcony, a bright light hits them, and Saraya has to close her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes; her eyes and lips widened in awe and astonishment. The scene before her looked like a fairytale. She saw a city that was surrounded by a rounded waterfall. The waters were clear and shined with the sun. What surprised her was that the waters didn't make much noise since the currents were swift. Small islands with large buildings resembling small castles were on parts of the waterfall. When she looked down and saw the water beneath, she realized the building was also on a floating island.

From afar, what looked like a cliff of a mountain held small houses made of wood. "Where we are right now is the palace where the royal family lives; the small islands you see are part of the palace, connected through magical bridges. This is only a small part of Alfheim, for the vast land is the smallest besides the country of Svartlfheim."

"Country? Svartlfheim? So...I'm not on Earth?"

"No, Saraya. Again, I understand that all of this is difficult to believe. I previously mentioned that I have done a spell, and you were chosen to be brought here. It is best to go inside so I can explain it more clearly." Sybil and Artemesia motioned Saraya back inside the room and to bed. Saraya still felt slightly weak despite her body's strength slowly returning. "Now, you are in the country of Alfheim, which is where the light elves live. Other countries include Asgard, Helheim, Jotunheim, Muspelheim, Nifelheim, Svartalfheim, and Vanaheim. All countries are part of the planet Yggdrasil."

"P-Planet Yggdrasil?"

"Yes. Believe it or not, our ancestors and the ancestors of other races once inhabited Midgard, or what humans called Earth." This surprised Saraya, but the more she tried to process it, the slower it made sense. It made sense why there were many legends and mythologies about elves, giants, and more. They existed on Earth, subsequently, which is why stories were created. "Our kind lived peacefully with the humans, but then the religion of Christianity arrived, and many people were killed for a supposed god. Our ancestors tried to live in harmony, but many of the religious humans distrusted our ancestors, and many were hunted and killed. The All-Father feared all of our kinds' extinction, so he found a planet where we could live in peace."

Saraya motioned for more water, which Artemesia obliged and poured her more. "So, all of you once lived with us?" She gulped her cup of water. "Y-You said that I was brought here due to a spell. You also talk about magic. How can I believe that all of this is real!? How can I ensure I am not if this is a trick!?"

"She is a difficult one to convince, Sybil."

"She is not to be blamed, Artemesia. I would feel the same if I were in her position." Sybil motioned out her hands, and they glowed in a lilac color. Then, out of Sybil's hand came a light blue-petaled flower. Saraya gasped when looking at the sight. "This is only a small portion of the magic I can do. The royal family are the only ones who can do magic, except for a few others."

Artemesia saw how Saraya covered her lips as if still trying to accept her new reality. The lady-in-waiting felt pity for the human female. However, she knew Sybil had to tell Saraya why she was brought to Alfheim. "Y-You mentioned that humans were wiped out from the asteroid. Are you sure that they no longer exist?"

"Yes, I would not lie to you. They have been extinct for millennia, but as I explained, my spell is more like a time travel portal, and you arrived here in mere seconds, which means thousands of years. It is complex; not only you are the last of your kind, but you are also the oldest as well." Sybil then stood up. "I will bring you food. There is much more to explain, but now is not the appropriate moment since you are still in the process of comprehending your new home. Please rest, but you may not come out of this room since you don't know this palace well enough. We will return soon." Artemesia and Sybil walked out of the room and ensured the doors were locked outside.

The two female elves sighed. "So much in so little time. Sybil, I fear how she will react when you tell her the reason why she was brought here."

"She might get upset, but it will eventually pass. Saraya was chosen and given a second chance in life. Since she is human, she will understand my brother's pain. My family and I have done everything possible to put hope in my brother's heart. However, since that witch cursed him with a spell, he has lost hope in himself. I know there is a way to break the spell put upon him, but I believe that Saraya is our only hope to help my brother find his way."

Artemesia looked uncertain. "What will happen now? Indeed, the human cannot be kept as a secret for now."

Sybil wrapped her arms around herself. "I must tell my brother, Orion. I know he will be furious, but I cannot undo the spell. What's done is done. Please fetch Saraya her food. I must go to Orion."

"I will trust your judgment. I will ensure not to speak of this to anyone. I will go and fulfill your order."

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