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A tear was felt dripping down from one of her eyes. A feeling of sadness overwhelmed her all of a sudden. Also, Saraya felt strange; it was as if she was floating in midair. Her consciousness was slowly coming back, and the memories were slowly returning. The asteroid, the screaming, the library, and the voice that she heard in the library; everything was coming to her all at once.

Was she dreaming? 

Was she dead? 

Everything was dark since her eyes were still closed; Saraya wanted to open her eyes, but the sensation of intense pressure kept them closed. The floating sensation suddenly ended, and Saraya felt she was lying still. It felt comfortable, and it soothed her mind and body.

"The spell worked!"

"I cannot believe that the summoning spell worked! I worried that you would have destroyed all of us!" The voices sounded feminine. One sounded angelic and soft; the other almost masculine with a hint of feminity."She has been unconscious for three hours, Sybil. Aren't you worried that she may not wake at all? Or worse, that his majesty will discover what you have done?"

"I do not care what my brother thinks. I am doing this for him and Alfheim! He has closed his heart to our kind, and his subjects slowly lose faith in him."

Then, Saraya was able to open her eyes slowly. Her eyesight was blurry, but she was slowly regaining sight. She let out a low groan, and the headache disappeared, but she felt that her body was heavy and weak. When her eyes were opened and her sight returned, she first saw the ceiling decorated with paintings that reminded Saraya of Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. "Am I dead?" she asked in a weak whisper-like tone.

There was a sudden gasp, and soft footsteps came close to Saraya. "No, you are very much alive. I am happy you are awake; I was worried the spell would have been too much for you." Saraya's eyes turned to the right and saw a beautiful young woman whose beauty was breathtaking. Her skin was light and shined like the moon; her eyes were light blue like the ocean waters. Her lips were pink and plump; her golden-silver hair was long and straight with two braids on each side. Her appearance was that of an adolescent with a hint of maturity. Saraya took a while to process looking at the woman and was astounded that such beauty existed. However, the most noticeable trait was the woman's ears; they were long and pointy. "How are you feeling?"

"O-Okay..." Saraya's throat felt dry, which made it difficult to speak. "Wa-Water, please."

The young woman nodded and motioned for another woman behind her to bring a cup of water. Saraya was assisted in sitting up and was given a cup of water, which she slowly took a sip of. "Hmm, you look like us, but you are not of our kind, that is for certain. Oh, how could I forget to introduce myself? I am Sybil Hávarðr, Princess of Alfheim."

Saraya stilled. "Alfheim?"

"Yes, do you have any knowledge of our nation?"

This still confused Saraya as she was trying to process what Sybil said. "I-I read about it and heard of some shows about it." She did remember reading some websites about it and seeing others playing video games that involved different mythologies. 

Sybil and the woman beside her looked confused. "Sybil, I believe that the spell still has some of its effects on her." Saraya noticed the other woman with light gray armor with a rune symbol of Sowilō carved into it. She wore a light grey dress with some black pants beneath it. The woman looked more mature with a scar over her left white eye, while her right eye was golden brown. Her light brunette hair was put in a single braid on her right shoulder. The woman had a slightly youthful appearance but had a somewhat broad face, making her look masculine. The woman was taller than Sybil, standing at six feet tall. "Forgive me, I am Artemesia Bjorklund. I am a knight but also the lady-in-waiting for Princess Sybil."

"I-I'm Saraya Yadav. Are you sure that I'm not dead?"

Artemesia did a slight bow and chuckled. "A pleasure to meet you, Saraya. Please be reassured that you are alive and well. You also have an intriguing name. Where are you from?"

"Los Angeles, California."

The two women looked confused. "Where is this place you speak of? It is not any country or planet we have heard of," asked Artemesia. 

Saraya was also confused. She still couldn't forget that Alfheim was mentioned, and not only that, she couldn't help but look at the women's ears. They were longer than any ears she had seen in a person. "What happened to your ears? I must be dead; this place looks too good."

It became silent in the room; Sybil eyed Saraya carefully. "I am sensing your aura and you have no magic within you or any power. I am trying not to overreact, but is it possible that you are a...human?"

"A human!? Sybil, that is ridiculous; humans became extinct more than hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

Saraya felt her body stiffen. Humans, extinct? "Wh-What are you trying to say?"

Sybil sighed. "The spell chose you and went to the past; I didn't know that was possible. To answer your question, Saraya is that humans went extinct ages ago due to an asteroid. With that in mind, you are the only human left. Due to my spell, you were brought here to Alfheim, the Land of the Elves."

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