Forgive And Forget - Dawson Mercer (Part 2.1)

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It's been a few weeks since Briar last talked to Dawson. All she has is the stuff she had in her car and the things her sister gave her. To Bri, she has no reasoning to talk to Dawson again. She'll just get her stuff one day after he's gone. He obviously doesn't care about her..right?

Wrong. To Dawson, he thought about what he did to Briar over the few weeks and it's regret after regret after regret. He cares about her, and quite a bit too. Jack and Luke are pissed with Dawson right now since they're closer to Bri than Dawson and it's given him a piece of mind. Briar is probably the best person he'll ever have gotten to meet, and he ruined it.

So he decided to try and fix it. Dawson knew that this might go down the drain, but it was worth the shot. The team was on the plane and flying to Buffalo for their game tonight and he knew it was now or never. He sent the text.

Briar and Dawson

Hey, Bri

It's Briar to you.

Can we talk?

And why would I do that? I have
no reason to

Please? I really need to talk
to you
read 2:54pm

Incoming call from Bri 💖...
Accept or Decline

Dawson took a deep breath before answering the call. Luke rolled his eyes when he saw that, already knowing that Briar was calling him after Luke warned her multiple times of his games. 

"Hey," Dawson sighed. "Can we talk?"

"Why do you think I called?" Briar asked in a bored tone. 

"I'm sorry, Bri." He was cut off.

"Briar to you." She said. He sighed again.

 "I'm sorry, Briar. For everything. I was such an asshole to you and you didn't deserve it. Believe me, Jack and Luke show me it every day." Dawson rambled on. By now, the whole team was paying close attention to Dawson to see if he would actually admit what he wants to.

"As they shoulder." Briar muttered. 

"Look, I know you probably don't want to ever see me again, but," He took a deep breath. "Do you maybe want to get coffee when I'm back?" Everyone on the plane was silent as they waited to see his reaction.

The line was quiet for a moment before Briar answered him. "How do I know you're serious?"

"Let me prove it to you. I'm dead serious about this, I promise you." Dawson spoke in a sincere tone.

She sighed. "Fine. Monday at 10:00 the coffeehouse. Don't be late, Mercer." With that, the line went dead.

Dawson's face lit up in a smile even if the line went dead at the end. The boys all cheered and clapped him on the back. Even Jack finally broke and bro hugged Dawson out of congratulations. Dawson knew it would take a bit more to get to Luke since the kid could hold a grudge, but he was committed to proving to the man that he would take care of his best friend. Even if he didn't have the proof yet, he would get it to him.

Monday at the coffeehouse

Briar was already sat at a table in the coffeehouse when Dawson waked in. He got his coffee and sat down across from her. The two were silent for a few seconds before Dawson started talking.

"I'm sorry, Briar. I know that can't even begin to cover it, but I am. Not a single day has gone by since you left that I haven't regretted what I did to you. It was stupid and petty and such a greedy thing to do just for money." He took a breath. "You have no reason to ever trust me again if you didn't want to, but I promise that if you give me another chance, I will make every moment of our time worth it to you. Because, Briar, I love you so much more than you could ever imagine."

Briar smiled slightly. This is what she wanted from him. An apology. A sincere apology that convinced her he really did mean it. Dawson must have noticed the smile on her face because he felt his heart flutter.

"I probably shouldn't do this and Luke might kill me, but I forgive you, Dawson." Briar said softly. Dawson's face lit up. "But if you ever pull that again I swear to God, Mercer." She warned him.

The man laughed. "I would never dream on it, Bri." And it's true. He would never dream on it.


Alternate ending 2 will be released soon!

I'm watching the Devils rn and, don't get me wrong, Jack is one of my fav players on the Devils, but the commentators are meat riding so bad. Like bro has had 2 SOG and they're like "he's had so many opportunities" LIKE GIRL WHAT? But we love Jack, he's awesome.

WC: 798

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