Insecure - Moritz Seider

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TW: talk abt body insecurities. please feel free to skip if this triggers you in any way!

We're making her Larkin's sister for the plot

Brooke hates her body.

She's not as skinny as other girls. Her thighs are big, her stomach isn't flat, she has stretch marks, acne scars..

But tonight, Moritz said he was going to her place after the game. Brooke knew it was a rough loss for them, so she didn't object. God, did she want to, though. It's been a bad insecurity day for her.

All day she's been in her oversized sweats and one of her boyfriend's sweatshirts that he left there, his draft sweatshirt. Now she needed to try and push that all off when Moritz got there so he wouldn't know.

Brooke never hold Moritz about her insecurities as she didn't want that all to fall on him as he already has enough to worry about with hockey. When her door opened, she shot her head up and saw her boyfriend step through the front door.

"Hey babe." Brooke smiled, hugging Moritz. A smile grew on his sad face as he wrapped his arms tightly around his girlfriend.

"Hi, Liebe." He muttered into her hair. "Is that mine?" The man asked, referring the woman's sweatshirt.

Brooke tried figuring out what to say to make nothing seem suspicious. "Uh, just looked comfortable?" What told Moritz she was lying was the question in her tone. 

"Brooke.." He dragged. She sighed.

"Just not a I guess." She mumbled. The taller man grabbed her cheeks lightly and guided her to look up at him.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Moritz whispered softly. When Brooke tried diverting eye contact, he rubbed his thumbs on her cheeks which caused her to look back up, knowing that was his way of silently encouraging her to tell him.

The girl sighed before giving in. "I guess, uh, I just don't like my body." She admitted. "Like, I don't look like Tate McRae or Gigi Hadid. Hell, I don't even see what you see in me." If Moritz didn't press his lips against hers she could've kept rambling on for hours upon hours.

When he pulled away, Brooke received the saddest look she'd ever seen on his golden retriever face. "Why would you ever question yourself, my love?" He asked her. "You are the most beautiful, kind, spirited person I've ever met. I would never blink even a singular eyeball at another person, because you're it for me." Moritz said, rubbing his thumb gently across Brooke's cheekbones while his other hands rubbed her arm.

By now, she had tears brimming her eyes. "Aw shucks." She said, causing a laugh from the both of them. "You're too good for me, Mo." 

"If anything you're too good for me!" Moritz exclaimed, his German accent prominent through his excitement of making his girlfriend feel better.

Brooke giggled and leaned into his chest happily. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her in an over exaggerated way. After a few minutes she went to find a movie while he changed out of his suit, which they both forgot he was in that was probably extremely uncomfortable.

When Moritz walked back in, he saw Brooke cuddled under the blankets, asleep. It seemed that her dump had tired her out. But he smiled and cuddled in beside her, putting on a hockey game quietly. He took the opportunity to make a post for his beautiful, beautiful girlfriend.

 He took the opportunity to make a post for his beautiful, beautiful girlfriend

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Caption: my beautiful, beautiful girlfriend. how did I get so lucky?/mein schönes, wunderschönes Mädchen. Wie konnte ich so viel Glück haben?
Liked by trevorzegras, dylanlarkin71 and 94k others
Tagged: brookiecookie


@dylanlarkin71✔️: keep my sister happy yeah?
↳@moritzseider✔️: dylanlarkin71 yes sir 🫡

@user29759: how could anyone hate her?

@user02578: omg he loves her so much it's so cute!



So jealous of men frfr


WC: 650

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