Game Days - Easton Cowan

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"Come on, Allie. Please." Alisson's younger brother, Cole, begged. He really wanted to go to the London Knights game but their parents were busy, as always.

Alisson sighed. "Fine." The kid did a celebration dance. "Go get your jersey and I'll get two tickets." The family bought season tickets at the beginning of the season for games whenever they could go. To make it even better, they were glass seats.

Cole ran to his room and put on his 'Cowan' jersey as well as his London Knights toque. "Come on, Allie. Hurry up! We're gonna miss warm up!"

Alisson laughed. "Kid, it's a ten minute drive."

Warm Ups

"Told you." Alisson said in a sign song voice as she and her brother sat down just before warm ups.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He mumbled. When the boys started to run out, he instantly put his hand over the tunnel class to high five the guys running out.

Allie went to pull out her phone to respond to Snaps but before she had a chance, she made eye contact with the prettiest hockey player she'd ever seen. The mystery guy held eye contact for a moment before snapping out of it, shaking his head lightly, and getting back to warming up. She read the back of his jersey. Cowan.

Holy shit. She has a crush on the Easton Cowan.

On the ice with Easton

Holy shit.

Easton just saw the prettiest girl he'd ever seen in his whole life at his game, sitting in the stands right beside their bench, and she made eye contact with him. He knew that he may not have been the hottest guy on the team, with a bit more of a baby face and being only 5'10 compared to someone like Kaleb who's not only hot but 6'6. But he knew that he had advantages other guys didn't, like he's respectful and romantic, not to mention just how pretty he is.

This mystery girl, however, to him, just seemed way out of his league. She wasn't tall, maybe 5'3-5'4, brown hair, green almost grey eyes, and round glasses that framed her round face perfectly. To say she was beautiful was an understatement.

But he couldn't let this knock his focus off the game. Easton needed to focus on the game ahead of him. If they win this, they clinch a spot in the playoffs. He needs to talk to that girl after the game.

Post game - win

The final score of the game was 5-3 for the London Knights and Easton couldn't be happier. The vibes in the room were immaculate and everyone was buzzing with joy. However, as happy as he was, all that was on Easton's mind was that mystery girl.

"Easton! Go to the signing hall!" Coach yelled above the loud music.

Easton smiled and nodded, running up to the hall where kids lined up for a signed picture of him. Once he sat down, he began signing pictures and items for kids and teens in the line. A kid around fourteen walked up with his older sister who appeared around Easton's age. He was shocked once he saw who it was.

The mystery girl.

But, he signed the kid's jersey, which he was happy had his name stitched in the back, with a massive grin. The kid left but his sister stayed for a moment longer. Easton rose an eyebrow towards her, trying to be subtle, but ultimately failed when a childish grin grew. They were the last in line so there was no one that she was holding up.

"I'm Alisson." Allie began. Easton held out a hand to shake hers.

"Easton." He grinned. "I saw you in the stands. You're really pretty by the way." Allie blushed at his words.

"Thank you." She smiled. 

"I was wondering if, maybe, you would want to go to dinner tonight? If you can of course. If not that's compl-" Alisson cut off Easton's rambling.

"Of course." Her face lit up like a tree on Christmas morning. "I'm assuming you need a few minutes to change, so I'll drop my brother off and you can text me a location?" She questioned. 

"That sounds perfect!" Easton exclaimed happily. He then took his phone out and handed it to Alisson. "Can you put your information? Just so I can text you the place." She smiled and nodded, putting her information in the device before handing it back.

Allie looked up and to her left when she heard her brother walking back over to the two. "So I'll see you in a bit?" She asked.

Easton nodded as he stood up. "Of course! I'll see you soon."

The date that night went really well to say the least. Alisson and Easton really connected on multiple levels. Both of them grew up near each other in Ontario, they both love hockey, they hate school too. It really felt to them both a new relationship was blossoming.

That's why it sucked when the night came to an end.

"This was so much fun." Alisson smiled softly as the two stood outside the restaurant after their date.

"It really was." Easton said. "Would you maybe want to go on a second one?" He asked her with a nervous edge to his voice. 

The girl nodded quickly and hugged him tight. "Easton Cowan, I would love to go on a second date with you."


This was SO CUTE.

Ngl kinda based the oc's looks off of me lol because I couldn't decide what to do for her


WC: 906

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