Dusty Dosty - Lukas Dostal

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Let's say this was the 13th of Feb before they're game two nights later against Ottawa where the Ducks demolished them

Daniella hates the media.

Sure, Lukas has lost his last couple games, but to call him 'dusty Dosty' or 'bust' all over social media? That's too far. Lukas has been reading all the comments lately even though Daniella has recommended he doesn't and it's been taking a massive hit on his mental game.

"Love.." Daniella sighed as she walked into she and Lukas's bedroom only to see him scrolling through the comments once more.

He gave her sad eyes as she gently took his phone away and set it down before climbing in beside him, hugging him close to her. "Mají pravdu?" Are they right? He asked her softly.

"Samozřejmě, že ne, lásko. Není to vaše chyba, že se váš tým neukazuje." Of course not, my love. It's not your fault your team isn't showing up. Daniella mumbled into Lukas's hair as he laid his head on her chest. The sound of her heartbeat comforted him slightly. "Ve čtvrtek jim dokážete, proč jste tady." You'll prove to them why you're here on Thursday. She whispered softly as he slowly fell asleep.

"Děkuji, lásko." Thank you, love. He said softly as he felt his eyes grow heavy, falling asleep on his girlfriend's chest.

Daniella sighed heavily after she noticed Lukas had fallen asleep. The comments were killing her as she noticed how Lukas had slowly become discouraged to play as his mind began believing the people. But her hopes were not knocked that he would knock those haters out on Thursday against the Ottawa Senators.

Thursday, before Lukas leaves

"Prohraju a pak na mě budou všichni bučet a smát se mi." I'm gonna lose and then everyone's gonna boo and laugh at me. Lukas rambled to Daniella as he paced around the living room right as he was supposed to leave. 

"Lukáši, přestaň." Lukas, stop. Daniella said, grabbing her boyfriend's arm to stop his pacing. "Uděláte to úžasně. Přestaňte o tom pochybovat. A teď jděte, nebo přijdete pozdě!" You're gonna do awesome. Stop second guessing it. Now go, or you'll be late! She exclaimed, shaking him slightly which caused a smile to grow on his face.

"Miluju tě, Daniello. Uvidíme se tam." I love you, Daniella. I'll see you there. Lukas said, kissing her forehead before leaving.

Daniella smiled widely as she watched her boyfriend run out the door with an extra spring in his step. She hadn't seen him this excited to go to a game in a while, and she was living for it.

Canadian Tire Centre

Daniella walked into the arena with her 'Dostal' jersey on. Once she was through security, she sat down in her seat right beside where Lukas skates around in between plays. As she sat down, the teams both skated out for warm up. Lukas looked over to where her season ticket seat was and immediately grinned when he saw her there. When he skated past her, he tapped his stick right in front of her. To post on Instagram, she took a picture of him.

 To post on Instagram, she took a picture of him

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Caption: Má lásko/my love
Liked by goalie.lenna, dosty.fan and 26 others
Tagged: dostyy_2


@goalie.lenna: he playing tonight?
↳@dani..2000: goalie.lenna yup!


Post game

The Ducks did it! They won 5-1 against the Sens. One of the guys kissed the top of Lukas's helmet which made Daniella laugh a little bit. Now, she was down by the locker room waiting for Lukas to walk out. When he did, he smiled at her and held out his arms as she ran at him and jumped into his arms.

"Kdo to říkal." I told you. She whispered, gripping onto him like her life depended on it. "Nejsi Dusty Dosty." You're not Dusty Dosty.


I love Lukas Dostal so much fam. He doesn't deserve as shitty of a team as he has.

Also, did you guys like the translations? Thought I'd try it out.

WC: 681

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