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Chapter Thirty-Five

The hot air hit me like a ton of bricks as I stepped off the plane. I'd flown plenty of times but I swear this was the worst plane journey of my life. Harry and I didn't talk, as a matter of fact he chose the furthest seat away from me. After Dylan kissed me, I walked out of the house and went straight to Freya and Josh's. I didn't know how to process what had just happened, I didn't kiss him back— actually I pushed him away and told him to fuck off. I knew that I had to tell Harry, it would be wrong for me to keep this from him so after I'd developed enough confidence to tell him, I did.
When I managed to tell Harry what had happened we had a massive argument and had fallen out completely, I didn't really want to talk to him after the things he said and clearly he wanted to forget that I was even a bloody person.
I was pissed off sure but realistically I was to blame here, I shouldn't have let Dylan kiss me... I mean I didn't, it just kind of happened before I could even comprehend it but it did and I can't change it now.

The journey to the villa was shockingly boring, you'd think that being in Ibiza with the sun beaming down and the whole atmosphere of being on holiday in general that everyone would be buzzing but there was so much tension that you could definitely cut it with a knife.
When I'd got to Freya and Josh's they'd been arguing, Simon and Talia had also had an argument... in fact the only couple that hadn't been arguing within the past twenty-four hours was Amy and Tobi.
The girls and the boys were divided completely, it was absolutely horrible. I had this feeling in my stomach, I couldn't describe it no matter how hard I try but I just knew something was going to happen.

"What the fuck is going on? Why's no one talking?" Ronnie asked walking through the doors of the villa.
"Just leave it Ron." I told him as I dumped my suitcase at the bottom of the stairs. Usually when I arrive somewhere I'd immediately begin unpacking but this time I was just so pissed off that I desperately needed a drink.
Sometimes I swear Amy can read my thoughts because the second I walked out to the pool, she handed me a drink.
"Thanks Ames." I thanked her as I look a seat on one of the loungers beside her. As I began to drink the cocktail she'd passed me, I immediately wasn't able to swallow it and instead spat it out everywhere.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Freya asked shocked at the sight of me spitting out my favourite cocktail.
"I have absolutely no idea, I think it just went down the wrong pipe." I lied knowning that I wasn't even able to swallow the drink. I sat it to the side and lay back letting the sun beam down on me.

Around an hour later, I walked up to Harry and I's bedroom to put away my suitcase. He was already in the room and noticed me walking in but still he said absolutely nothing and continued ignoring me.
"I'm sorry okay." I spoke breaking the silence.
"Oh you're sorry? What for huh?" I rolled my eyes at his reply and continued unpacking my suitcase.
"I'm sorry that Dylan kissed me and that I didn't kiss him back, should I have kissed him back? Would that actually make you accept my apology?" I sarcastically answered knowing it would piss him off even more but I didn't care.
"Grow up Erin." Was all he said, then the room fell silent again. I couldn't bare the tension any longer, it was practically killing me. Everywhere I walked today there was tension and quite frankly I'd had enough of it.
"Listen Harry, I am really sorry. We were talking about growing up and shit and before I knew it he was kissing me, I swear I didn't even think about kissing him back. I love you, I don't love anyone else but you." It didn't matter how many times I explained what had happened or apologised because it was clear that he didn't want to talk to me.
"I'm going out with the boys." He told me before walking out of the room and downstairs I guess.
I sat on the bed and lay my head against the headboard, I honestly felt defeated. What could I say? What could I do? Absolutely nothing except from give him time I guess.

It took me a good while until I went back downstairs to the girls, when I did the majority of them were drunk already. I wasn't in the mood for drinking and neither was Millie who'd joined us on the holiday as Ronnie's plus one on the holiday so despite the horrible pain in my stomach, I sat with her the whole night getting to know her better since she was basically dating my brother.

"Erin! Er come on, wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw Ronnie and Amy standing above me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes in hopes they'd adjust to the blinding sunlight faster.
"What's up with you?" I asked Ronnie who was stood practically beside the door, he looked angry? No, it was worse than that... he looked like he was going to kill someone.
I turned my head around and saw that Harry's side of the bed remained untouched which confused me, jesus he must really be mad at me.
"Promise me you won't get angry?" Amy asked, I heard Ronnie scoffing in the corner and I already knew that whatever it was, I was going to be angry.
"Harry's urm... he's urm—" Amy began to speak before she was cut off by my very angry brother.
"He's downstairs with a broken nose and two black eyes because he got with someone else last night." Ronnie coldy spoke. That feeling I had in my stomach started again and I suddenly felt the need to be sick... so I was, absolutely fucking everywhere.
"He done fucking what!" I shouted as I'd finished vomitting, call me disgusting but I didn't even bother to clean it before I practically ran out of the bedroom.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!" I shouted to no one in particular, I heard an "oh no" coming from the bathroom and I immediately burst through the blood.
When I did I was met with Harry who was covered in his own blood, Simon and Tobi who was trying their best to stop the blood and Ethan who was cleaning up the bathroom floor.

"THIS IS HOW YOU GET BACK AT ME? YOU ARE A FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE HARRY LEWIS! YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING JOKE OF A MAN, I FUCKING HATE YOU!" My fist collided with his face and he screamed out in pain, I'm pretty confident I broke something else or at least did some damage but I didn't care, in this moment all I saw was red.
Then that feeling in my stomach intensified and I clutched my stomach in pain.
"Are you alright?" Tobi asked noticing my sudden change in mood.
"Huh? Yeah I'm fine." I reassured him but I wasn't fine, I was far from it.
"I'm sorry Erin, I fucked up please forgive me." Harry almost begged but I wasn't budging.
"No, no fucking way! When Dylan kissed me and I DIDN'T reciprocate it, I fucking apologied and because you are a total fucking dickhead, you go and fuck some other girl? IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD IS THAT OKAY HARRY!" At first I was as calm as I could've possibly been in this situation but by the end I was full on screaming as I watch the blood pour from his nose.
The pain in my stomach had stopped, thankfully and I silently prayed that it was over.
"Wait Dylan kissed you?" Ronnie asked popping his head into the bathroom.
"Yeah because he's a fucking dick and seems to think it's fine to go around kissing other people's girls." Harry spoke, my head snapped towards him and I gave him which I can only describe as a look full of hatred.
"I am not your girl anymore, we're done Harry." I stormed out of the room before that pain came back again, I really need to get this checked out because it's been on and off for almost two days now.

"What are you doing?" Freya asked walking into the bedroom to find me shoving my clothes back into my suitcase.
"Harry got with someone, there's absolutely no way I'm staying here Frey."
"Harry did WHAT! Oh my god, are you okay? Do you want me to come with you?" She frantically spoke as she watched me pack the case.
"No, stay and enjoy your holiday. I'll see you when you're back. Ronnie's booking the flights the now anyway, we'll be out of here soon."
"Wait you're going back home? I just thought you meant that you were getting a hotel or something."
"Nah I need to get the fuck out of here, I think we're gonna head back to my mum's for the week." By the time I'd finished speaking the case was packed and zipped up.
"Flight leaves in two hours, you ready?" Millie asked entering the room. I nodded and wheeled the case to the door, Ronnie took it and began heading downstairs.
"Are you sure Erin?" Freya asked pulling me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around her and nodded.
"Yeah, if I stay in this place any longer I'll kill him... or Ronnie will so it's probably best."

The holiday was very short lived, it was practically a day out at this rate. After a very tearful goodbye I got into the car and Ronnie began driving to the airport, I was gutted but there was nothing I could do about it.
Never in a million years did I think Harry would do something like that, I think I was in denial to be honest or just distracted by the pain in my stomach which kept coming and going.
We arrived at the airport in just enough time. The plane journey home was as just as horrible as the way here although in a different way. Not only was I in complete agony but I could for the life of me stop crying. Ronnie and Millie tried their best to help me but they both knew that the only thing that would help was time.
"Erin I really think you need to go to hospital." Millie spoke as we gathered our suitcases from the belt.
"Absolutely not, I'll be fine." The second the words left my mouth I doubled over in pain and screamed.

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