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Chapter One

"Yeah of course just forward on the email address and I'll send over the details... yeah. Yeah okay, no worries... bye Rachel" I sat the phone down and minutes later I received a message from Rachel containing the email address of one of our new clients. I began typing an email to him and attached all the relevant documents and information at the very bottom.

"Dear Mr Bradley,

As per discussed with my colleague Rachel, our meeting is set up from this coming Friday (August 27th) at noon. As you have requested, I have attached the necessary information and some other supporting documents that may help you make your decision. There is also a link to a website which has some other details you may find helpful. Please have a read over whenever you get the chance but of course we'll go everything in more detail at our meeting.

If you have any question please don't hesitate to give us a call, we'd be more than happy to assist you.


Erin Barnes"

Sending the email off, I logged out of the computer and gathered my things before heading out of my office. I love my job, I was an estate agent and a really good one at that, I'd been an estate agents for around three years now and I have loved every second of it. The company was huge, we had clients all over the world and often I'd have to travel to different countries for various reasons like meetings, viewings, you get the gist.

"Oh are you off?" Layla asked looking up from her computer as I walked past her, I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face her. Layla and I had been friends for as long as I can remember, we'd grown up together in Glasgow, went to nursery, primary and high school with each other and even university before making the decision to move down to London together. We eventually ended up landing a job at the same company, in the same department and our offices where only a few metres apart from each other. A year into working and living with each other, Layla decided to move in with her boyfriend who was now actually her fiancée and I? Well I stayed put and began adjusting to living on my own, thankfully I made enough money to pay all the bills and any other expenses plus extra so I definitely couldn't complain there. Although I loved having my own space it did get really lonely so I'd find myself at Layla and Liam's house often to distract myself from the silence that lingered in my own house.

"Yeah I'm heading to Liverpool tonight to finalise that deal so I've got an early finish." I grabbed the bottle of water from my handbag as I spoke to her, opening the bottle and placing it to my lips to take a sip as she began replying. "Well good luck! I'll see you Wednesday then?" She asked although she already knew the answer, I rarely ever missed a day of work unless I was on my death bed and even then I'd still find a way to make it into the office. I nodded my head as a reply as I finished swallowing the water that was in my mouth, when I could speak again I said goodbye and began heading to the lifts at the end of the hallway. A few people popped their heads out and said goodbye as they always did, I got on with all of my colleagues minus this one girl, Maddison. Maddison and I had "beef" since they day we'd met and honestly I had no idea the real reason why, the girl just really didn't like me and quite frankly I didn't like her either.  Instead of having an office like the majority of us, Maddison was stationed in the middle of the room with around twenty others who weren't high enough within the company to have a proper office although if it was down to me the majority of them would have their own space instead of having to put up with a small glass divider between them and their colleagues. I walked past Maddison in a world of my own but noticed as she gave me a horrible look, I glanced at her and gave her a very sarcastic smile before drawing my attention to the lift doors that were a few feet away.

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