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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Like I said, the second I got into work I went straight to Mitch's office to ask him about properties in the area. He asked me a bunch of questions about things I'd like, what I wouldn't like, the usual questions really. For the first hour of my shift we looked at potential places but then decided on just setting a meeting up for the end of the day to discuss things in more detail, he'd look over a few places and gather all the documents before our meeting.

The second I logged onto my computer I was met with over a hundred emails that I spent the next, well up until lunch replying to.
"Erin you're back! How are you?" Amy stopped in her tracks as she walked past my office and noticed me sitting on the chair.
"I'm good, just stressed as usual. How are you? How's things with Tobi?" I asked inviting her in, she sat on leather couch that was in the corner of my office and took her heels off.
"Really good, we really fucking like each other but we don't want to rush into anything in case it all goes tits up so we're taking things slow." Rubbing her foot as she spoke, I felt her pain because wearing heels day in and day out fucking kill.
"What about you and Harry, Tobs said something about him thinking about asking you to be his... shit do you know about that?" She added flinging her hand over her mouth as she stopped herself from finishing her sentence.
"Haha, yeah I already know— he grew the balls and asked me so we're finally officially together. As a matter of fact he's already moved in." I laughed finishing off an email and sending it before diverting my attention to her.
"Already! Why?"
"Aw god it's a long story but basically my brother's moved down here so he's moved into Harry's old bedroom and Harry's moved into mine and Layla's but not for long because I'm hopefully buying a place soon."

The two of us decided to get some lunch and catch up since the last time I saw her which was over a week ago now and in that time we managed to gather to my gossip, so much that we'd actually lost track of time and headed back to the office fifteen minutes later than we should have. We both went our separate ways, I went to meet with clients while she did whatever she had to do but we made a promise to have lunch with each other again tomorrow.

Before I knew it the day was almost gone and I'd just reached Mitch's office for our meeting.
"Okay Erin, I've found a few places I think you might like around your current area— this one's only a few minutes away." He pointed to a sheet of paper with a picture of a mid sized house. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a front and back garden— from the looks of things it seemed pretty perfect and exactly what I needed. Harry could have his own room for all of his YouTube stuff and the other room could just be used as a spare room until we needed the use for it, if we ever did. It was well within our price range as well, absolutely perfect. I didn't even bother taking a look at the other properties, I had my heart set on this one.
"Can you make another copy of this so I can take it home and show my boyfriend? Oh and set up a viewing as well." Mitch nodded opened up his diary, he scanned the page for a minute. "I can do a week today at twelve if you want to go on your lunch break or we can go Thursday after hours?"
"Book us in for Monday, I'll let Harry know."

Quick meeting huh? I was out the door and in Harry's car within ten minutes, the second I sat in the car and plugged in my seatbelt I practically shoved the piece of paper in his face out of excitement.
"We have a viewing next Monday at twelve, will you be able to come?" I asked looking at him as he drove out of the car park and onto the main road.
"Yeah of course, oh and I have a surprise for you when we get home." He replied with a smirk on his face. A surprise? I love surprises!
For the whole journey home I pestered Harry about my surprise but the man just didn't give in, I literally never spoke about a single thing other than what it could possibly be and he just sat beside me laughing.
The second I got out of the car I rushed into the building and straight to the lift, I literally could not contain my excitement and Harry was still laughing away to himself.

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