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Chapter Thirty-Eight

"Why the bloody hell is she in this ward Ronnie?" I heard my mum's voice coming from the corridor and my heartbeat got so fast I was convinced it was going to explode.
"She's in here." I heard Ronnie speak as the door opened, Dylan was sat on a chair beside the bed while I sat up holding the baby patiently waiting for my family to join us.
"Erin! Are you... oh my god!" No one had noticed the baby sleeping in my arms yet, instead their eyes were fixated on the not so dead man that sat beside me.
"You're dead! Ellie am I dreaming, Dylan is that really you?" My dad spoke first out of the three, Ella looked like she was about to faint and my mum was stood there with her jaw almost touching the floor.
"Why are you here Er... oh." My mum's eyes finally landed on the baby, I watched as she began smiling, then laughing as the tears came.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She gushed as she rushed over and pulled me in for a hug, she was gentle and extremely careful not to harm the baby.
"I didn't know myself, I just kinda went into labour and she just appeared." I replied chuckling as I passed her the baby.
My dad's head snapped around and he said nothing, all he did was stare in shockat the tiny baby in my mother's arms. Ella was stood in shock as welll, whether that shock was a perfectly healthy and very much alive Dylan or the fact that she now had a niece—I don't know.
"I'm a grandad?" My dad spoke softly as I edged himself closer to my mum, he gently stroked the baby's cheek before wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Ella are you alright?" Ronnie asked our sister who was pale and visibly overwhelmed.
"I—I'm so confused. Dylan's alive, you've had a baby and where the fuck is Harry?!" She exclaimed rather loudly waking the baby up. My mum rocked her back and forth attempting to calm her down which seemed to work because within the minute, the baby was fast asleep again.

"I'm here." The door opened suddenly and in walked Harry with a bunch of pink balloons, a few gift bags and a massive bunch of flowers.
Ronnie glared at him as Harry walked past and straight up to me, wrapping his free arm around me he kissed my cheek and handed me the flowers.
"Wha— why are you here?" I stuttered as I tried to process what was going on.
"Layla called." Was all he said as he passed me the gift bags and set the balloons up in the corner.
I glanced at Dylan who looked nothing but surprised, possibly angry but I ignored that part and focussed my attention on Harry.

Mum and Dad were obsessing over their new grandchild, they both had tears running down their cheeks. I was so happy that they weren't upset or angry about the situation, in fact I'd never been happier than I was in this moment... minus the fact Ella was glaring at me and demanding answers.
"Who's the dad then, Harry or Dylan?"
"Ella Barnes!" My mum scolded her at her rude remark.
"What! It's just a question mum." She snapped back, my mum passed the baby back over to me carefully and practically dragged Ella out of the room. My dad followed on behind quietly making sure not to wake the baby up.
"Yo Dyl, come out a minute." Ronnie gestured towards the door, I knew Dylan didn't want to leave because he hesitated for a moment before standing up and walking out of the room quickly.
Harry and I sat in silence, there were so many things to be said but we didn't want to talk about them— not here anyway and certainly not now.

"She looks just like you." He chuckled as he placed his finger into her hand, she squeezed it slightly which took him back but within seconds he smiled.
"Really? I don't think so." I stared at her little perfect face but still could see none of me, she looked exactly like Dylan.
"Nah she's beautiful, just like her mummy." Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my heart fluttered slightly at his words.
"I can't believe I'm a mum now, it all just feels so surreal."
"Tell me about it for the past two days I've been wondering how the fuck this happened." He chuckled as he spoke and continued stroking her hand, for a moment I thought that everything would be alright between us, that we'd be okay and we could go back to the way things were a few days ago.
"I got her some things, I didn't know what size to get so I just got them all." Harry opened one of the gift bags and pulled out four of the same outfit, all in different sizes.
"They're perfect, thank you bab...Harry." My heart broke as I was forced to correct myself. It took so long for Harry and I to finally become a couple, life kept throwing a million things at us but finally we did it, we were happy but now, now I was miserable without him and according to Freezy and Lux, he was just as miserable.
"Don't worry, there's plenty of stuff at home. I cleared out my room for her." The room he was referring too was the one that all of his video equipment was filled with, the room that had not long just been freshly painted and furnished.
"You don't have to move out you know— you have pretty much just moved in." I spoke with a slight crack in my voice, I didn't want him to leave especially when I needed him the most.
"We might not be together anymore Erin but I still love you and I'm going to do everything I can to make it up to you. Whatever you want, it's yours— if you want me to pack my stuff and move out, I will. If you want me to climb a bloody mountain, I will and if you want me to stay, then I will because I love you and I'll do anything for you." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed a soft, gentle kiss onto my cheek. I smiled to myself before I turned to face him, after seconds of staring deeply into each other's eyes, our lips finally met.

This was how it should've been, in a few years time, Harry and I sat in the hospital holding our newborn baby but things changed and sometimes in life the unexpected things are what you need, they're what make you the happiest.

We sat in silence for a while after I'd pulled away from our kiss, as my family and Dylan walked back into the room I was almost asleep and Harry was rocking the baby back and forth as he looked out of the window. I opened my eyes and saw Dylan stood looking beyond pissed off, he didn't say anything to Harry and instead marched straight over to him and took the baby from his arms. He placed her in the cot and took a seat in the chair beside me, I was exhausted to the point that I could barely keep my eyes open.
"I'd better head home anyway, Mr and Mrs Barnes it was lovely seeing you again— you too Ella. Erin? Er— I'll visit again tomorrow." He tapped me on the shoulder after briefly hugging my parents and sister, I opened my eyes fully and placed my lips upon his for the second time that day. Dylan shifted in his seat beside me and by the time I'd pulled away and said goodbye he was standing up and facing the window.

"Awh he's such a sweetie boy!" My mum gushed taking a seat on the leather couch beside my dad and Ella.
"Have you thought of any names yet?" Ella asked looking at the baby in the cot.
"A few, Olivia, Isla and Skye are our favourites though. We did like Orla but she just doesn't suit it." Dylan spoke for me as he turned around the moment the door closed and Harry had left.

I hadn't realised I'd fallen asleep until I'd woken up by the sounds of Olivia's cries. When I'd woken the only other person in the room along side myself and my daughter was Dylan. Ronnie and the rest of my family had left, where? I have absolutely no idea.
"Where is everyone." I asked rubbing my eyes, sitting up and holding my arms out so Dylan could pass me the baby, I already knew she was hungry just by the sound of her cry.
"Home, they're staying with us until you're both come home." I nodded in reply as I lifted up my top. The room fell silent, the only noise was the sounds Olivia made from feeding.
"Are you and Harry back together?" Dylan awkwardly asked me striking up conversation.
"I don't know— no. I mean not yet anyway, it's all a bit confusing." I stuttered slightly as I spoke, I glanced up at him and noticed how upset he seemed which only confused me.
"Oh, I... I just assumed that—" I cut him off not wanting to here the ending. I didn't want to have this conversation ever but certainly not after I'd barely even woken tree
"Not now Dyl, I'm tired yeah?" He took the hint and never uttered another word regarding Harry or anything even remotely close to Harry for the rest of the night.

A few hours had past, it was dark now and I was finally alone— well I'd never be alone again would I. Olivia stirred in her sleep as I'd just began to drift off, then of course as soon as she settled, a midwife walked straight into the room and turned on one of the lights. The bright light immediately woke me up but thankfully Olivia stayed asleep for the time being.
"I'm sorry for waking you, I just need to take some more bloods etc." She almost whispered.
"It's alright, she's bound to wake up soon enough for a feed anyway." While she took my blood I scrolled through my phone, I had countless texts but just didn't have the energy to answer any of them. It was currently two o'clock in the morning meaning that everyone was no doubt asleep so there was really no point in replying to anyone right now.
"If everything comes back alright you should be able to go home tomorrow— both of you." She peaked her head into the cot and saw a sound asleep baby, with a smile on her face she packed up all of the medical equipment she'd brung into the room with her.
"That's music to my ears, I've been missing my own bed so much." With a sigh of relief I sat up and turned on the tv knowing that Olivia would wake up soon, there was no point in me trying to sleep right now.
"Hopefully you'll be home and tucked up in your own bed by this time tomorrow, good night Erin." I thanked her and wished her a good night before she left the room and left me alone with my thoughts.

I picked my phone back up and clicked onto Ronnie's name, I quickly typed him a text letting him know that I'd hopefully be home tomorrow. I didn't expect a text back until the morning but it meant that he'd be able to get the house prepared for us coming home.
I was going to message Dylan but I decided against it knowing that Ronnie would tell him anyway so instead I messaged Harry.

Harry x

I should be home tomorrow, depending on the results of my bloods xx
Read 02:34

Alright, do you need someone to pick you both up? Xx
Read 02:35

I'm assuming Ronnie and Dylan will, just remind them to bring a bloody carseat please xx
Read 02:35

I will, good night Er xx
Delivered 02:36

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