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Chapter Thirteen

Like I said, it was a great start to the weekend. Layla came back down fifteen minutes later still fuming.
"What did you say?" Freya asked her.
"Told him that he can shove this stupid love triangle up his arse, she's not fucking doing it." She replied pointing to me. I wasn't doing it, was I fuck! I was going out with the girls, getting drunk and I certainly wasn't coming back alone. I wasn't spending my night moping around while everyone else had fun.

We began getting ready, I'd wiped my facemask off and had begun my makeup. Emma had connected to the speaker and was playing her "Let's get drunk" playlist which was actually good to be honest.
By 9 o'clock we were standing outside waiting for an uber to take us into town.
"It's fucking freezing." Talia jumped up and down slightly as we stood outside. We all kind of huddled together, November was really Novembering this year- it was fucking numb outside.
"Where the fuck is this bloody taxi, has anyone got drink?" Layla passed me a bottle of half drunken wine, I opened the bottle and gulped some down before passing it back to her and she finished the rest off.
"Oh thank fuck for that." Freya and Talia simultaneously exclaimed as the Uber pulled into the carpark. We all got into the car and headed off into town.

"Now before we go in, Erin I don't want to alarm you but the boys are here." Emma turned to face me as I got out of the car, I shrugged not bothering if we'd be meeting the boys.
"No Harry's here and Katie's with him." The muscles in my face fully relaxed in seconds and my face was now just a blank expression.
"You're joking me right? Fuck it! Shots anyone?" If I was going to have to sit in a club all night with the guy I loved and his girlfriend then I'd need to be drunk, really fucking drunk. The second I stepped foot in the club I walked straight over to the bar.

"Six tequila shots please." I asked the bartender, he nodded his head and turned his back to me.
"Did you get me one?" Layla asked me and I shook my head no. I called the bartender over and asked for another two so Layla could have them, he nodded and a few seconds later I was handed 8 shots.
"Here's your two." I passed her them. "You're not having the rest of them are you?" I simply nodded yes and continued knocking back six shots. My throat was on fucking fire but that didn't stop me from ordering another two and a porn star martini, like I said I was not doing this night sober.
"Wait! Is fun Erin back?"
"Indeed she fucking is, where is everyone?" I took the final shot and grabbed my cocktail from the bar before I followed Layla over to the booth. She ran over to Cal and I took a seat beside Talia and Simon. Katie and Harry were all snuggled up across from me, it was as if she was trying to get even more closer to him than she already was- if that was even fucking possible. Was this bitch trying to make me jealous? Oh please, I didn't even bother starting a conversation with anyone and instead I drank my drink, grabbed Layla from Cal and went straight to the dancefloor.

"That stupid fucking bitch is deliberately trying to piss me off!" I shouted into Layla's ear.
"Well Harry's staring at you, pretty sure that's pissing her off!" I looked towards the table and low and behold Harry was looking at me, I shrugged it off and walked up to the first guy I saw. I turned him around and pulled him in for a kiss, Layla stood about a metre away from me shocked at my actions but then again she'd seen this happen many times. The last time I did something like this was after Aaron and I had broken up although it wasn't a random stranger I was kissing, it was his best friend. Layla liked to call it a "hoe phase" but I prefered the term "I'm young, single and having fun phase." I pulled away from the random guy and turned to face Layla. "I need a drink." I was drunk, those shots had really took a toll on me. I hadn't even been in this club for half an hour yet and I had already managed to drink a large cocktail, eight shots and kiss a random guy.
I turned to look at the table after I'd ordered another cocktail and saw that not only was Harry looking at me but so was practically everyone.
"Harry didn't take his eyes off you the whole time, he looked really fucking angry Erin!" I thanked the bartender who'd given me my drink and Layla and I walked back to the table.

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