Chapter Thirty-Six

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Zilah runs after her but couldn't catch up. The sudden change in Ezra's behavior didn't escape from his eyes. He had a bad feeling that if he couldn't find Ezra fast, something bad will happen.

He knows what things Ezra faced before she became the hero of this world. The endless experiments, the tortures, unknown substances injected on her almost every second and all other things the scientists did on the lab that are inhuman.

He almost know everything about her and with all of this things she just witnessed, her memories in the past will surely surface. With her strength and power she could do anything to all of the 'guest' of this auction, but he needs to stop it for her sake.

Zilah runs to the venue and looks around. Everyone are wearing different mask to hide there identity. He took out a mask he stole on the way here and puts it on. He sat on one of the empty chair infront of the stage and prepares for anything to happen.

"Good evening dear guest! Im your host for tonight's auction!! Let me introduce some of the valuables you will see tonight! This is your chance to get all the rares treasures around the world. Priceless gems, rare pets and some exotic slaves you might get interested on. We all have it here!!" The host said as a smirk graces his face behind the mask.

He scans all the 'guest' below him, thinking that this is his opportunity to be rich!!! Gold coins could almost be seen on his eyes as he watch all the 'guest' who are still continuing arriving on the venue.

"Please sit tight, relax and enjoy the auction everyone. May the biggest bid wins!! Good evening!"

As the host walks off the stage, a panick burly man came running to him anxiously.

"Boss we have a problem"

The host looks at the burly man with irritation that made the man infront of him shiver in fear.

"What's the problem now?? The auction will start soon!?"

The man shivers more, reluctant to report the issue at the basement but he still told him after being glared at by the host.

"All of the items are gone boss" the man didn't look at the host, panick can be seen on his eyes as he search for a way to escape.

"What did you say??"

"Boss, our items are g---"

The man couldn't finish his sentence when the host knocks him out cold. All the other guards steps back, trying not to get involved on the fight.

The host looks at them and shouted

"What are you all waiting for?!?! Find them!!!!" The host throws the nearest object to them and a poor guy was hit on the head.

Even with a bleeding head, the guy still runs to find all the missing 'items'.

The host grabs his hair in frustration and walks in circle thinking why such a big thing happened when its the day of the auction!?!?

"Boss, we found this girl running on the halls" one of the guards who is draging a white haired girl said.

The host looks at the girl with a little confusion on his eyes. He doesn't remember having an 'item' like her at all. He walks closer to the girl, cups her cheeks and forces her to look at him. A smirk appeared on his face and he lets go of the girl.

"Put her on the cage and don't let her get away"

The guards drag the girl to a cage and toss her in. The girl landed on the ground with a bang, her white hair covering her face.

"Hey slave, why don't you look up and let me see that pretty face of yours, hmmm??" One of the guards said, looking at the girl laying inside the cage.

The girl ignores her and stayed still as if she didn't hear anything. That made the guard irritated. As the guard is about to open the cage to teach her a lesson, the other guard stops him.

"J, stop messing around. We can't damage our products remember and we still need to find the other items"

"Tsss. I know, i know. Your lucky little girl. Your probability not pretty anyways"

As the guards walks away, the girl inside the cage slightly looks up at their retreating backs. A cold, vicious light appeared on his blue eyes.

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