Chapter Five

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     Three days have past and the rain still have no sign of stopping. Ezra finish all the furnitures, made some clothes, pillows and curtains out of the cotton she harvest. She still have some cotton left and she is thinking on making a carpet so Kairo can roll on it comfortably.

     During the days that have past, she and Kairo get to know each other. When Ezra do something, Kairo helps her. When she walks around the house, Kairo follows her and now they both know each others habits. Kairo looks at her like his master or something and she didn't mind it at all. It's good that Kairo is learning from her, he might need it in the future.

    Ezra still recieves the strange signal in the past three days but she always blocked it. She didn't care who it is, no one can disturb her and Kairo's peaceful life now.

   "Kairo" Ezra called, Kairo look at her and made a noise "Let's play a game called hide and seek. You hide and I will find you. The winner will get a belly rub" she explained. Kairo wag his tail in excitement, he loves belly rub very much so he needs to find the best hiding place to win!!

    Ezra unknowingly smiled, her human DNA is starting to activate very slowly.

   "I will count to ten, then I'll find you" she said and Kairo nodded.

    Ezra close her eyes and counted while Kairo run around the house trying to find the perfect place to hide.

   "8, 9, 10! Ready or not here I come" Looking around the living room, no figure could be found. Ezra walks at the kitchen but still nothing. She look at other places but still couldn't find him.  Then, Ezra saw an open window, she got a bad feeling. She hurriedly run to the door and opened it. On the ground, paw prints could be seen.

    Ezra didn't waste anymore time. She followed the prints and find Kairo behind a tree full of bushes. Kairo's wet tail could be seen wagging happily thinking that he is going to win and get a tummy rub.

   Ezra, upon seeing this didn't hesitate and directly carried Kairo back home. She, then bathed him.

   "Kairo, don't do this again understood?" She coldly said while drying Kairo. Kairo nodded, although he doesn't know what he did wrong but he knows that Ezra is angry with him. He doesn't like when she is angry.

  "Wow!!" He said, promising Ezra that he will not do it again.

    Ezra is satisfied with his answer but she is still a little worried that Kairo will get sick, so she made a ginger tea for him to drink. After finishing the tea, they both cuddled  in the bed. Ezra is rubbing Kairo's tummy and he purrs, enjoying the feeling of being rub. Ezra hope that he will not get sick after getting wet in the rain. If he does get sick, she will have to take him in the city to see a doctor. Although she doesn't want anymore contacts with humans, she will do it for Kairo.

   In the middle of the night, Kairo twist and turn in Ezra's arms, feeling uncomfortable and hot. Ezra was awakened by this and found that Kairo's temperature is above normal.

He is sick.


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