Sweet Ride

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You awoke from your nap to the sound of an engine revving, you went down stairs ready to beat up whoever thought it would be a good idea to piss you off. You found the motorcycle but not the rider, walking up to it you saw a note attached.

"Yours to keep Aki :). Can't have a member of Toman without a bike." the note read.

"Holy shit!" you exclaimed.

You were no longer pissed now, who would be angry at getting a free bike? But you didn't know who gave it to you because there was no name on the note, it obviously was someone in Toman but who? You decided you were going to get to the bottom of this and thank whoever gave you the bike. Hopping on you revved the engine and hit the acceleration racing into the city.

A few pit stops later and you were starting to get the hang of the bike, with a soda in your pocket and a smile on your face you raced around. Until you stumbled upon Takemitchi and Chifuyu who looked to be in a serious conversation, Takemichi looking highly constipated.

You skidded to a stop beside them Akira style, surprising them.

"Jesus, who'd you get beat up by now?" you asked them, only now just realising how badly their face had gotten beaten.

"The Tenjiku gang from Yokohama came here and started beating up all the delinquents they could find, including us," Chifuyu explained, "now Nahoya and Souya are figuring out where their hideout is so we can beat them up."

"Oh Smiley and Angry are here," you looked around the two to wave at the twins who waved back, "ya know that gang has like 100 members, I doubt the four of you could do much damage. So that is why I have just now decided to help you guys."

"Wowwww. Thanks Aki that means a lot," Chifuyu rolled his eyes, "Not like it's basic decency to help your fellow members out."

You stuck your tongue out at him.

"And where did you get that bike anyways? I've never seen it." he asked

"I dunno," you shrugged, "appeared outside my place with a note saying it was mine, I'm trying to find who gave it to me so I can thank them. Do you know anything?"

"No, no we don't," Takemichi antsily replied, he grabbed you by the arms and looked at you seriously, "listen, Kisaki is a time jumper as well, that's why everytime I go into the future I still fail, and Kisaki is involved with the Tenjiku."

"Shit, ok." you wiggled out of his grip

"We don't actually know if Kisaki is a time leaper though," Chifuyu countered.

"It's the only way this whole thing makes sense though," Takemichi told him

"Well we'll just have to find evidence," you said.

Smiley and Angry walked up to you all, "We found out where they are, lets go"

Hopping on your newly claimed bike you followed Smiley and Angry who had Takemichi and Chifuyu on the back of their bikes. Arriving at the warehouse you realised you still had your soda, given the previous circumstances you took this opportunity to quickly chug your drink, knowing if you left it you would probably never see it again.

Opening the doors of the warehouse you were all greeted with 100 members of Tenjiku.

"Well shit, this looks more like a trap than a hideout," you muttered to your friends.

"No shit" Chifuyu responded

The delinquent in the middle of the room with a long scar reaching from the left side of his temple to the right side of his eye introduced himself, "I am the Heavenly King of Tenjiku, Kakucho" he smirked, "go get em" he told his members.

You prepared yourself to fight but instead of them attacking any of you, they walked past and out of the warehouse, leaving only Kakucho.

"1 vs 4" Kakucho stated.

Smiley walked up cracking his knuckles, "No offence but if you're fighting by yourself so am I"

They were fighting fairly even until Smiley got in the finishing kick, making Kakucho fall to the fall, admitting defeat he stayed on the ground.

You all began walking to the door, exiting you realised that Takemichi was still inside, scared that Kakucho got him. You ran back inside by yourself and found that the two were talking.

"The Tenjiku leader, Kurokawa Izana," Kakucho said to Takemichi, "He is my hero now, so in conclusion me and you are enemies now. That is why I am asking you to save Izana"

"Takemichi lets go, you can't trust another delinquent, it could be a trap," you said trying to drag him to the door.

"No wait," he stopped you, "This is my friend from when we were young."

"I am sorry for my gang hurting you and your friends" he bowed

"Your gang didn't hurt me for shit,"

"I am asking you and Takemichi to please save Izana, that bastard Kisaki is using him" Kakucho pleaded.

"Fucking Kisaki," you looked between Takemichi and Kakucho, "Shit I hate an honest looking face. Fine, we'll help you. But I swear to god to fuck us over even a lil bit and I'll give you a matching scar on the other side of your face" you threatened. He nodded in acknowledgement.

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