Electric Orange

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Saturday, November 18th, 2017

Takemichi POV

I entered the meeting room, I couldn't believe that I was an admin of Toman in this future, it was so surreal.

"Lets get this years payments reports from each of you" a man with tan skin said

"But I still want my Goddamn fried rice" Pah chin complained

It was Pah chin, he was out of prison, and there was Muto, and Kawata one of the twins, and Peh yan that had started bickering with each other.

But there were other people I didn't know, like a guy with a buzzcut, a man with a burn on the side of his face and a guy who was snickering that looked like a cat.

The man with a buzzcut and Pah Chin started having an altercation about Mikey, Pah kicked over a chair

"Let's take this outside Shiba" he said to the buzzcut

"How dull" I turned around and in walked Hanma with a woman who had short, neon orange hair, and was wearing a black loose suit.

The woman walked past me and patted me on the back, 'How's it going Takemichi" it was then I realised it was Aki, I was surprised she wasn't still dressed like a man, I didn't think woman were allowed to be in gangs, I guess she was an exception.

"We're not having our usual meeting today," Hanma started speaking, "so we can discuss payments, Koko's public IT business, Shiba's corporate front, Aki's museum front and many other businesses our gang manages were searched by the police three days ago, in other words this ain't no kiddie playground"

"Yeah I mean they were so careless with all the art, and useless, they were staring at a stolen painting, and they didn't even realise it, like jesus just fuckin fire them at that point" Aki said aggravated.

"Somebody here ratted us out" Hanma accused

"Somebody snitched" Aki added

"Like hell anybody would rat us out"

"You moron, if nobody snitched how do you think so many places were searched"

"Who do you think your calling a moron"

"If you want we can fight fat boy"

"Wanna get punched asshole"

"Bring it on dickhead"

"Aren't we having fun"

I turned around to see who said that and it was... Kisaki. Everyone bowed down and shouted "Good evening sir" as soon as they noticed, ceasing their fight immediately

"Enough with the formality guys" he smiled and everyone relaxed

"Takemicchi, Chifuyu, Aki, could I have a moment of your time" he asked politely

"uhh, sure" I responded

I looked over to Aki and she seemed calm, I wondered how Kisaki and Aki's relationship was in this future.

Kisaki led us into a newly established building and we conversed with a bunch of formalities before sitting, Chifuyu kept standing though.

"It's been 12 years since I joined Toman" Kisaki started "I never thought I'd still hang with the same friends today, that I had all those years ago"

I felt Aki shift uncomfortably next to me.

"What do you think of me?" Kisaki asked "you hate me, don't you? It was around this time, twelve years ago, when Baji died"

Kisaki went on to talk about how he set up bloody Halloween and that he didn't mean for Baji to die. I asked him if he regretted it, and he said he had never forgotten, Kisaki had changed. Maybe this was the best future. He poured us all drinks and we downed it all.

"Earlier I said that I didn't think Baji would end up dead," Kisaki said, "that was a lie. I used Kazutora to kill Baji, and now I'm continuing where I left off"

My vision started to get blurry and I was getting dizzy.

I woke up but I was tied to a chair, I started to panic "WHAT THE HELL"

"Takemitchi" I looked over to see Chifuyu in the same position as me but with bruises and blood on his face

"What the why are you all fucked up!"

"Shut up Takemitchi," Don't make this difficult, Aki stood next to Kisaki

"Chifuyu Matsuno, you always were a thorn in my side, you've always held a grudge against me, since the incident 12 years ago. Trying to get revenge for Baji?" Kisaki kicked Chifuyu in the stomach "you're the one that ratted out Toman didn't you!? You picked a real shitty reason to tattle to the cops"


"I get to decide whether they're involved or not" Kisaki stated "hey Takemitchi why are you acting like you're not involved in this?" Kisaki pulled out a gun and


Shot it right into my leg, I was screaming and shouting

"TAKEMICHI" Chifuyu yelled and I stopped my screaming to pant "listen up takemichi, these are my last words. A lot happened over the last 12 years, Mikey disappeared, Draken got the death penalty, we've done a lot of terrible things, BUT DEEP DOWN, WE HAVEN'T CHANGED, I LEAVE BAJI SANS WILL AND TOMAN TO YOU PARTNER" I met his eyes full of tears but also hope.


He was shot in the head his body and seat slam against the floor

"Shit" Aki muttered, I brought my attention to her

"Why are you doing this! We're friends Aki, what happened" I shouted

"I'm doing this for Mikey," she explained solemnly, "I promised him I would always be there for him, I'm sorry but you two ratted Toman out, so you have to go. I'm sorry Takemichi, I never wanted it to end this way"


Kisaki shot Aki.

"What the fuck! I'm on your side Kisaki!" Aki was on the floor a bullet to the stomach.

"You were too close to Mikey, you were going to get in my way sooner than later." Kisaki told her

I looked down to her, still barely alive. She was coughing up blood, it was so painful to watch, even if she was helping Kisaki, tears filled my eyes, as she finally stopped breathing.

Kisaki aimed the gun at my head, and got real close in my face "The fucks wrong with ya, are you gonna go out looking like that, IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE HUH? How disappointing, so long my hero."

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