YOU'RE A GIRL?! (old)

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(I need some help, read the authors note at the bottom, thanks :) )

Draken had invited you and Takemicchi to go to a bath house with him and Mikey, Takemicchi said yes (of course) but you had to decline for obvious reasons. Once Takemicchi was gone Draken continued to nag you before you had to pull him down by his ear to harshly whisper "I'm a chick remember! I can't go into a men's bath house dumbass!"

"Oh yeah I forgot sorry man" he slapped you on the back.

So, there you were hanging outside of the bath house at a nearby café people watching. You were listening into the conversation of a couple at the table across from you, the man was whining about not wanting to go to the girl's mum's house. You were staring at them intently not noticing that Mikey and Tomans leaders had walked up behind you. Mikey leaned down and whispered into your ear "hey" frightened you punched him square in the face

"Holy fucking shit you scared me" you hissed at him.

"ow" he rubbed his face; only now did you see that everyone was standing behind him.

"Oh hey" you chuckled nervously to everyone else.

Mitsuya, Smiley and Muto were all standing behind you. "We are going to elect the new third division captain and you're coming along" Draken told you.

"yeah yeah sure I just wanna finish-" you looked around to the table across from you and the couple who were fighting were gone, you saw them walking out of the door giving nasty faces to you and your group, "motherfucker, you guys scared them off!" you huffed out. The others looked at you confused.

"Scared who off?" Mitsuya asked you as you guys were walking.

"There was a couple at the table across from me and they were fighting, and it was bloody hilarious, like the dude was such a douche bag honestly the chick could've scored way better than him, you should've seen his face when she was scolding him" you rambled on

"ha-ha wish I could've seen" Mitsuya chuckled.

You were standing next to Takemicchi while Mikey was shouted "THIRD DIVISION CAPTAIN STEP FORWARD" you were observing Takemicchi and couldn't help but chuckle at the number of emotions his face was going through, the new third division captain walked past Takemicchi, and you and you watched as his face turn into confusion. His henchman announced him as Tetta Kisaki his back turned to Mikey not even bothering to bow to him, you saw Takemicchis face turn into horror, you reached for his shoulder shaking him a bit "hey man are you okay?"

"umm, yeah I'm fine" he replied, even though you knew he was not fine at all. Takemicchi started running at Kisaki but you were too slow to react to hold him back so you ran after him. Takemicchi punched him in the face. You stood behind Takemicchi trying to tell him to walk away from this and telling him what a dumbass he was being while all the other leaders shouted at him for ruining the ceremony. When all of a sudden a person with long dark hair walked up behind you two

"hey now whats going on, it only just started getting interesting" he spoke out

"Baji?" Mitsuya said

Out of nowhere he started punching Takemicchi unprovoked until Mitsuya stopped him.

You crouched down next to Takemicchi offering him support while observing the events that were unfolding in front of you, Baji spoke for a while before announcing "I'm leaving to join Valhalla" he turned to Mikey "I quit" you looked over and saw Kisaki snickering, you already hated him, he gave off bad vibes. After Baji left Kisaki got up to talk to Takemicchi you couldn't hear their conversation but he punched Takemicchi in the face knocking him out, "holy shit, who would think that a small fry like Kisaki could knock someone out" you muttered to yourself.

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