Hair Dye (old)

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You woke up in your bed confused as to how you got there, you stretched out your limbs when you were interrupted by an

"ow fuck"

Shit, Mikey was in your bed, and shit you hit him

"sorry" you squeaked out

"nah its fine" he croaked out before pulling his arm around your waist pulling you closer

"I have to get ready for school Mikey" you blushed real fucking hard at his actions and morning voice

"come on just 5 more minutes" he groaned

"fine, fine" even though you knew you weren't going to be able to sleep.

When you finally got out of bed you quickly showered and pulled on your uniform, you walked out and saw that Mikey had already made toast for you, thanking him you quickly ate and brushed your teeth.

"fuck I don't wanna walk to school" you complained as you were about to walk out the door with Mikey in tow.

"want me to give you a ride?"

Your face lit up "really" you had always thought that gangs' motorcycles were the coolest

"yeah come on"

You climbed on after him

"hold on tight"

You were about to ask hold on to what but before you could he sped off, not wanting to fall off you quickly wrapped your arms around Mikey's waist. You could hear him chuckle underneath your touch, and you couldn't help but smile at what a surreal moment this was, you a little delinquent riding on the back of a motorcycle of the leader of one of the top gangs in Tokyo. You arrived at school too soon, you didn't want to let go so you asked scratching your neck

"wanna skip class instead?"

He smiled real wide with his eyes closed and you smiled too.

"hell yeah" he replied

You two sped down the highway and traveled all around the city, you admired the lights and took in the scenery. When you two finally stopped riding it was lunch time, Mikey parked outside of a burger place and asked

"wanna eat"

"yes I'm starving dude"

Sliding into a booth with both of you on the same side, you ordered and chatted until the food came.

"wanna have a contest" he smirked to you

"imma win bitch boy" you challenged him back

"3, 2, 1"

You gulfed down your burger and your chips, when you only had 3 left you heard "done" you turned to him shocked

"how, I was so close"

"aww poor Aki next time I'll go easy on you" he tugged your cheek, you swatted him away, you could see out of the corner of your eye that the waitress was judging you, I mean you both looked like two delinquent boys that had skipped school, which wasn't entirely wrong.

"what ever I'll when next time, I was just full"

"sure, sure what ever you say" he said getting quieter he had started falling asleep and onto your shoulder.

"How can you fall asleep, we've been doing nothing all day" you said shocked

"Eating lunch makes me sleepy"

"tch whatever" you sipped on your soda

"by the way what happened to your red hair?" he tugged on a strand in between his fingers

"I had to dye it back because of the dinner with my parents" you replied, you could see his face darken at the mention of last night

"I'm going to kill him"

"what! No, you would go to jail!"

"fine, maybe not kill him but hurt him a little bit, ya know rough him up"

"with his money you'd still probably end up in jail just saying, plus it'll just be difficult for me"


"wanna dye my hair later though" you change the subject

"of course!" he says in a childlike manner "what colour?"

"I don't know you pick it out" you reply to him

He grabs your hand and pulls you out of the burger joint quickly paying before rushing over to a store a little way down the street.

"so I can choose anything right?"

"yup, I'm also thinking of cutting it"

"oooo can I do that too"

"sure as long as you don't fuck it up, haha" you were now kinda regretting saying that, you didn't want to go bald, yet.

You were now sat on the floor of your bathroom with towels hung around your neck and floor, Mikey told you not to look at what colours he bought, so you were praying it wasn't something ugly, you didn't think Mikey was one to sabotage you.

"ready" he asked


He parted your hair carefully and started bleaching it, he was being surprisingly careful, which you were thankful for. Once he had finished dyeing it you two sat in front of the TV eating snacks waiting for the dye to finish, he abruptly asked you out of the blue

"what do you want to do in the future?"

"I dunno, maybe something with art, I just really don't want to continue my parents company, its literally soul sucking" you answered him, "what about you?"

"I dunno, I just know that I wanna be with you and my friends forever" he smiled back at you, and butterflies bursted in your stomach

"Ughhhh this is such a pain in the ass to get out" you were leaning over the sink as Mikey was washing the bleach out.

"wait don't look yet" he urged as you were about to look in the mirror

"huh, why not, does it look that bad?"

"no, no" he hurriedly answered "I haven't done the final colour or cut it yet"

"oh right"

You sat back down continuing the process from before, he blow dried your newly colored hair before he started cutting it. When he started cutting the front of it you couldn't help but blush, his face was so close to yours and his face was so cute when he was concentrating on doing something.

"done" he said proudly "stand up now" he put his hands on your eyes so you couldn't see until you were fully in the mirror, "ta-dah" he said excitedly.

"wow" you were amazed, it was a bright electric orange on the bottom of your hair with a shaggy short haircut, "its fucking amazing" you threw your arms around Mikey and hugged him hard, it was only when you realized what you had done that you started getting embarrassed and tore apart from him with a red face.

"no problem, it really does suit you" he said with a big smile.

Authors note

hello homies and hoes, i just wanna say that i really gotta stop promising you guys that i would update more cause we all know that's never gonna happen. But i hope you enjoy this chapter, p.s. i have a few hairstyles in mind for akis future self, so tell me blue or orange? and long or short? thankyou for reading you guys are the love of my life. mwah

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