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"Raven." someone jerked her and she jolted awake, a piece of ice in her hand as she looked a small Zelda blink unfaced to her.

"What? What is it?" her voice was drowsy as Zelda sloppy silver hair moved of its own mind. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Can I sleep here?" she asked and if Raven hadn't been sleepy, she probably would have understood that this time, Zelda was being a little girl that wanted to share a bed with somebody else. She was too tired to make conjectures, she simply rose the cover inviting the girl in.

Zelda didn't move.

"Can Zeddy come too? I tried to sleep in his arms, but they are very uncomfortable when he sits on the pavement."


"What, where is Zed?"

Zelda pointed to the door. "Outside. He's sleeping next to your door."

Raven rolled her eyes and nodded. She didn't have it in her to argue. She should have suspected he would pull something like this. How could she say no with those big crystal eyes staring back at her with hope.

Zelda rushed to the door, mumbling something and soon after, a tall and very tired Zed made his way to her bed. Raven didn't turn when he crawled from the other side with Zelda that immediately curled up against him.

"That's low, even for you." Raven thought annoyed as she fixed better on the pillow.

"I did not ask her to do that. She kept moving and I couldn't catch a second of peace so I told her to go sleep with you." Raven growled in response; his heat was distracting.

Raven turned on her back, looking at the canopy as she could feel Zed's eyes on her. she dared to side eye him, Zelda was smashed against his bare chest, already snoring he was caressing her hair but his languid eyes were all for Raven.

"Stop staring." She retorted.

"I can't."

"it's easy, turn the other way or close your eyes."

"I've spent my entire day not seeing you, it's physically impossible for me to dart my eyes any other way or I would have slept in my bed today." Raven scoffed as Zed, in the attempt to fix Zelda, brushed the back of his hand on Raven's side.

"You can at least not touch me."

"I didn't."

"Sure." Raven closed her eyes, her hand over her stomach as she attempted desperately to ignore Zed's heart pumping like crazy.

"Maybe I should take Zelda to her room."

"I don't mind Zelda."

"You mind me thou? I bother you?"

Raven's eyes flash to Zed and she knew it was a huge mistake because his eyes shimmered and she found her entire body snapping toward him. she h ad to cling to her sheets so she could be still.

"I want you to take care of your siblings because you want to, not because you want to be welcomed back in my graces."

Zed lowered his gaze toward Zelda. She was smiling, her head tilted against his chest. The way his countenance melted made Raven quiver.

"I don't like when you're mad at me. I absolutely despise it. we're fighting for no reason."

"We're not fighting, first of all. I'm just letting you see what it feels. If it's so hard for you, imagine to them."

"They're not my mate, they are my siblings. it okay if we don't live breathing the same air every second. I don't feel the same when you're not around."

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now