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''hey.'' florence said quietly, sliding into her seat.

''flo...what's going on?'' roxanne asked in confusion.

she sighed, bouncing her leg up and down nervously. it was a saturday, and she had asked her two best friends to meet her and chase at a nearby diner.

truthfully, they were both worried about their best friend.

word had spread quickly about the break-up between her and matt, and people were beginning to back off. a few were still making remarks, but they weren't messing with her things anymore or saying anything directly to her.

they thought she would perk up since the bullying had stopped, but she didn't. if anything, she was even more depressed than before. she had barely been hanging out with the girls, just spending any free time she had with chase.

matt hadn't even turned up to school for the entire time despite roxanne begging logan to get him to show up for florence's sake. logan tried, but matt didn't even answer the phone. he just sent back a text saying he wasn't turning up for a long time, and that was it.

''flo...are you okay?'' gabriella asked gently, taking in her best friend's appearance.

she was wearing grey sweatpants with a lilac hoodie, the hood pulled over her head despite being indoors. she wasn't wearing any make-up and they were pretty sure she hadn't brushed her hair. 

''me and chase have news.'' 

''what is it?''

''we're getting married.''

''what?!'' gabriella and roxanne said simultaneously, their mouths dropping open.

''we're getting married.'' she repeated flatly.

roxanne looked at chase. ''you're serious?''

he nodded. ''yeah.''

''but...what about matt?''

''what about him?'' she asked genuinely, pulling down her hood.

''you love him!'' gabriella exclaimed. ''you can't marry chase when you're in love with someone else!''

''i don't really have a choice.''

the brunette looked at chase. ''but...you don't like flo like that, do you?''

''no, but the options were marriage or homelessness.'' he explained. 

''what about megan?''

''we broke up before all of this.'' 

''what the fuck is happening?!'' roxanne yelled. ''flo, you belong with matt!''

''matt doesn't want me, roxi.'' she snapped. ''i wish you'd all shut up. all you guys do is talk about matt, matt, matt.''

''yeah because you're perfect for each other!''

''he broke up with me!'' she argued. ''he obviously didn't think so!''

''does he know about this?''

''of course he doesn't. he doesn't even bother to turn up to school anymore even though i was getting bullied because of him.''

''are you gonna tell him?'' chase asked.

roxanne nodded. ''of course-''

''no, you're not.'' florence replied firmly. ''you're keeping it a secret.''

COLLIDE,𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now