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both florence and chase sat in silence for a few moments, processing the words they had just been told. chase wasn't scared of his mom - he just hated her - but that could not be said for florence.

and that's why it was the boy who responded first.

''what the fuck did you just say?''

''chase! language!'' she gasped.

''there is NO way you're worried about me swearing when you just told me i have to marry flossie!''

''it's florence, actually.'' her mom snapped.

''she likes to be called flossie.'' he replied before looking back to his own mom. ''i'm not marrying her.''

sophie looked at the girl. ''you'll marry chase, won't you?''

''i...'' she trailed off, worried for her mom's reaction. she was about to lie and say she would, but then she saw chase's face, and she knew she had to stand with him. ''no, i won't marry him.''

her mom frowned. ''you don't have a choice.''

''yes, she does.'' chase argued.

''no, she doesn't.'' sophie replied. ''and neither do you.''

florence looked at her dad. ''you agree to this, daddy?''

he nodded. ''our families are friends...there is nothing negative about this.''

''what about the fact me and floss don't have a crush on each other?!'' chase yelled. ''or the fact i literally have a girlfriend?!''

''megan?'' sophie said in a disgusted tone, sharing a look with florence's mom. ''she's not good for you, chase.''

''how do you even know that?! you won't ever let her into the house, you refuse to meet her, you talk about her when she can hear and she still stays with me!'' he argued. ''she's more than good enough.''

his mom tilted her head slightly. ''okay...answer one question for me.''

''go ahead.''

''do you honestly think you'd pick megan over florence?''

''well, i...'' he trailed off helplessly before scoffing. ''it's different!''

''would you pick florence or megan? it's a simple question, darling.''

he looked at his best friend, the answer clear as day. ''i'd pick floss but-''

''that settles it!'' she grinned. ''you're going to marry in three months and-''

''you can't force chase to marry me! we're eighteen!'' florence argued.

''we're still your parents.''


''we're thinking of doing the wedding at...''

the words trailed off as florence tried desperately to think of an excuse. to be honest, marrying chase wasn't the worst thing her mother had ever done. she probably would've just been pushed into it, but she could see the hurt and hate on chase's face. he had been dating megan for two years, and she was the sweetest girl ever.

florence understood why he didn't want to marry her. she was his best friend, but she wasn't his true love and, florence was pretty sure he wasn't hers. he was always so positive, so nice and always offering ways to get away from her mom. that wasn't like her. she had a hint of darkness in her and-

she felt her heart beat quicken as an idea popped into her head.


''we can't get married.''

COLLIDE,𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now