Chapter 11 -Enemies Bed-

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-Back in the Reyes residence-

Avelyns voice echoed loud enough for everyone in the house to hear "What do you mean you can't find her?" she demanded, her tone cutting through the air.

Ethan, head of the IT team who managed all the hacking and locating stood before her, his expression grim.

"Ma'am, we've lost track of her. Her car isn't signaling, and her location isn't showing up anywhere, not even on her necklace," he explained.

"It's like she's purposely gone Ghost,
The last location we could trace of her was on Death Hallow Road an hour ago," Ethan added, displaying the tracking data.


Natalia, always practical, voiced her concerns. "We need to move quickly. That road is known for accidents, and if we can't locate her precisely, her car might be totaled or she destroyed it herself" She got up from her seat and "I'm gonna try dialing her number again"

"SHE WONT PICK UP AND YOU KNOW THAT" Zack bluntly said to her

And Natalia rolled her eyes "I know dipshit shut up"

Jenna glared at both of them and they both sat down again

As the group began planning their next steps, Avelyn sat in silence, her mind racing. Jenna noticed her distress and spoke, "Alright everyone settle down, we don't know what has happened we can't all risk going and exposing ourselves to God knows what so only the trained Assassin will go and They should leave immediately without any further discussion."

Everyone agreed and the Assassin team left to investigate including Axel.

Jenna sat next to Avelyn "She'll be alright Ave don't overthink it" she said placing her hand over hers, "18 years ago you said the same thing when I had to kill Anastasia Mendez and her husband to get Lela back." Avelyn spoke with the same steady face with a blunt voice.

Jenna brushed it off. "She was just a baby then. Now, she's the best assassin out there. She'll be fine," she reassured Avelyn.

Lela's POV:

We got in his car and I asked him to drive back to the place where my precious car got wrecked and he did,

We sat in silence as we drove back and it was suffocating, making my head hurt even more.

Once we arrived, I retrieved my things from the wreckage. Ezra stayed in the car as I grabbed my metallic pink gun and a few belongings.

"I didn't know princesses were taught to shoot guns," Ezra said, Only if he knew I was the sapphire and oh The heir to the Reyes,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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