Chapter 10 - Enemies car -

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Lela pov:

I woke up with an incredible headache, like a sledgehammer pounding against my skull. I squinted my eyes to see bright lights which didn't help me see anything at all, I realized I was lying. In a bed. A very uncomfortable small table bed. not at all like the luxurious comfort of my master bedroom.

Someone pulled the lights away, and the darkness began to recede. As I opened my eyes, a peculiarly dressed man was tinkering with some sort of white tie on my head. Panic surged through me. Where the fuck was I?

I scanned the unkempt room, spotting only the man and a woman in light blue clothes, near the lights that had blinded me earlier. No weapons in sight. I'd have to rely on my arms alone, My muscles tensed as I prepared to defend myself.

I sprang up, trapping the man between my arms. "What are you doing to me, and who are you?" I demanded, my headache adding an extra layer of annoyance to my tone marred by the pain in my shoulders, arms, and back. I despised feeling weak but at least I was still stronger than him hah.

I attempted to choke the man, but his pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. "Calm down! I'm a doctor, let me go, I can't breathe!" he managed to gasp out. "Oh, fantastic. I'm being held hostage by a doctor," I muttered sarcastically, my attempt at humor falling flat in the midst of my confusion.

Reluctantly, I eased my grip, Still don't trust him, I can't recall anything from last night fuck I have a hangover is this why my heads hurting so bad I was in my thoughts when a familiar voice intervened,

"Calm down, love, he's just a doctor."  yes I heard that but why was he there? Why am I here and why is he here in the same room as me and why the fuck am I in this dirty room with a doctor and supposedly nurse and what the fuck are you doing here.

Ezra's POV:

She appeared more confused than shocked or scared, not the reaction I anticipated. "You!?" she exclaimed as I approached. "Me," I replied, prying her tight grip off the doctor which was tight, very tight... He gasped for air as the nurse rushed to his aid, and they hastily exited the room.

"Your drunk driving caused you to crash, and luckily I found you.
There's no internal damage for you to worry about," I explained, meeting her gaze. Her watery blue eyes held the same expression as in the club,
"Thank you" she replied softly this time.

Before leaving the hospital, she put up a brief argument about payment and I had to remind her that she was the one in the accident and had no purse or phone. She let me pay, albeit with a scoffed expression. After that she didn't say a word to me, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to know why she was so upset after the club that she decided to go into a full alcoholic mood.

She was Raelyn Black there was no way in hell her father would've let her leave this late alone that too in this condition without any protection, that's against the blacks safety protocols if I remember correctly.

I couldn't simply reveal that I knew her true identity, nor could I leave her alone. "So, are you going to tell me your name, considering you've made me run around hospitals twice today love?" I inquired, attempting to maintain a casual demeanor.

A small smirk graced her lips as she softly replied, "It's Raelyn, Raelyn Black." Well, yes sweetheart, I knew that. "I won't lie to you, I do know who you are," I admitted.

"So do I Ezra" she replied,
How?" I questioned, Probably from all the visits to the black enterprises and the relations of our business

"Daddy wanted me to marry you at a certain point so I stalked you for days then I rejected you," She said in a soft tone, I raised my eyebrow as that was Not what I was expecting to hear "Your uncle is a business partner of my father, Of course, I know you, Mendez," she said in a stiff cold, Yeah I knew that...I was just hoping for the first reason to be a tidy bit true. I took her necklace out of my pockets and handed it to her.

Lela's POV:
As Ezra handed me my necklace, a wave of realization washed over me. He only knew me as Raelyn, not Lela. Well, that certainly made things interesting.

Now, I needed to think quickly. I couldn't return home when this was my chance to stay close to the Xanders and learn their secrets. Since my mother told me how they destroyed our family, I've felt nothing but rage toward Ryder Xander, my father.

This could be my opportunity to dismantle his empire and reclaim what was rightfully ours I can't afford to lose this. But what could I say to Ezra? He'd likely take me back to the Black residence.

I needed to come up with something he couldn't ignore, something that would allow me to stay with him and get closer to the Xanders.


A/N- part 2 of chapter 10 will be "Enemies bed" coming soon<3
Thank you for reading,
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