chapter 5 - 2. Rainy Night -

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-The City Hospital-
Ezra's Pov:

Blade and I had been waiting outside for about half an hour, Blade wanted to call Uncle Ryder but I told him not to, He'd tell Aunt Jules, Jax's mom, and God no, I do not want to deal with her drama right now, Blade looked for any sort of information about the blacks and this woman who we encountered, Whom I had that heavy moment with, Turns out to be Raelyn fucking Black, The youngest black and Mercy Blacks Little sister.

We haven't known much of him in the past few years, we used to be acquainted when we were teens before he went to London with his sister and her friends. wow. Raelyn Black, the mysterious one who not many people know about, Her father made sure to bury every rumor about her existence,

I think he's killed more people for that than his business rivalries but one I heard was that she and The Sapphire were the same people because The Sapphire always worked around the Blacks and had blue eyes, but now I knew who the Sapphire was, Lela Reyes. "So, we can't do much to her can we?" Blade asked, True, we can't do anything to Uncle Xavier's most precious gem.

"I guess not." I replied to him as the door of the operation room opened and the doctor finally came out, "Jaxon Is Fine, No danger nothing to worry about but it might take him a few days to walk properly again"
He said fixing his coat, "Thank you doctor" Blade said as the doctor nodded and walked off,

"I should head back and inform Ryder of everything that happened today now that Jax is safe," I said, Honestly I wanted to get home and search or do something about her, Raelyn.

But you just said he doesn't need to know" He replied to me, Well my dear brother how do I tell you this, I need to go try and talk to Raelyn before I start going insane and directly go and talk to her father about marrying her off to me so I can keep her within my arm's length at all times. Ez you want to Marry her now? You don't even know her? Why am I talking to myself what the fuck am I doing,

"Well now that he's okay I think We're safe to tell Ryder about it without it being a big enough deal for Aunt Jules to know" I expressed, "Alright true, Aunt Jules does Not Need to come All over from London to here and she probably would if she learned of her little pookie wookie boy being on a hospital bed" He chuckled, I gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving, I wanted to take Jax to our owned hospital but Blade kept saying he'll die if he lost a drop more of blood and Jax really wouldn't stop whining like a dog when you don't give them their favorite bone so I had to pull up to the closest I could find, The city hospital, The Reyes territory started not half a mile from here but if I drove with those two parrots a minute more I would've done something regrettable. I sat in my car and called Timothy one of our drivers and arranged for Blade and Jax to come back home.

I wasn't familiar with the roads in this area and it was raining heavily,

We never drove this way because of the law our parents created on the "Red Moon Day" the day when our mafias were officially against each other and the Number 1. Law was to never cross each other's areas hence I was lost, Then I came across a path that I did know, Me, blade Jax Mercy and Tyler, Jaxon's twin brother, came here once when we were little for a truth or dare game, Apparently this road is HaunTed when it's just a slippery one where people get drunk and accidents happen.

It's mostly clear because people believe in ghost shit so I sped up even though the speed limit here was probably around 40 I was at 160.

Almost at the end of it Blade called me from the hospital phone and told me I took his and Jaxon's phone with me and I had to reverse back because 'Jax will die without his phone as per Blade which is not a lie, As I turned back the car I saw another car probably handled by a drunk driver from the way it was moving crossroads,

An open roof and light in tires, Probably a woman or a Gay Man, I slowed down as I do not trust women or a gay man with their driving skills, We were almost passing by when her car hit mine, I don't even know how but then I Heard tires screech seeing the car crash onto the tree in my rearview mirror, Woman.

I stopped my car and reversed back as I was already on my way back to the city hospital to return 'phones' Why not do one good deed in my life eh? , it was a good Porsche, poor car.

I saw a woman in the driver's seat, she's probably still alive, I hope, otherwise, I'd have to deal with a lot more effort. I got out of the car to see if she was, The rain was too heavy and why would I be carrying an umbrella anyway?

I bent down to see her chest still rising up and down. Great she's alive, I noticed her bright golden necklace even in the rain and the dark. -Black-.

My eyes followed her breathing as the rain poured on her body from her chest to her perfectly shaped face, her little nose purply bruised, Blood mixed up with rainwater running down from her nose to her chest then disappearing in her drenched dress, My gaze remained locked on her as the rain cascaded over her body, tracing her features.

She tilted her head towards my direction as her beautifully enlarged eyes squinted shut. It's her. It's Raelyn Black.

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