Chapter 3

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( song: movements by Pham, Yung Fusion)

- Between Angels and temptations-
- A night at the club-

Ezra's pov-

The world seemed to burst with vibrant illumination as the alcohol coursed through my veins. I didn't even notice this girl at first but then I heard her order my exact drink taste. I looked at her not trying to be a creep Just to figure out who had such an odd taste like mine, but damn- her short dress showed off her figure which was undeniably sexy, her dark brown hair which were messy, pouty lips which had the spicy dark red colour on them, sharp jaw and sweet nose, if only I could see her face cleary Just then I heard her sweet voice "You done staring?" She said with almost a taunting tone, No I wasn't, but alright. I turned to face her placing my glass on the table, She looked at me with the most gorgeous blue eyes captivating me with their allure. Absolutely mesmerizing.

"Not if you want me to be love",
I replied, my words laced with an undeniable tenderness. Tilting her head, she nibbled on her lip, concealing a smile. I picked up my glass and sipped my drink as she walked off to the dance floor. I couldn't help but watch as her hips sway to the rhythm, caught between the question of whether she was an angel or the very embodiment of temptation.

Jaxon tapped on my shoulder fixing his hair, cleaning the lipstick print on his neck, 4 different shades. Manwhore."Which one are you taking home ez" he asked with a hint of mockery. Dismissing his question, I handed him a drink. "None," I scoffed, feeling a twinge of annoyance as he claimed the spot she occupied a minute ago.

"Lies! Just tell me which one, and I'll make it happen for you," he insisted. Oh, so now he wanted to talk to her? Hell no! For some inexplicable reason, I couldn't fathom the idea of him finding her attractive. Hell. No. Pointing towards a girl standing before the captivating beauty, I challenged him, "Get her, the blonde one, and let's see how much of a charmer you truly are, mate." Smirking, he sauntered towards the girl, accepting my challenge. I didn't like objectifying a woman like Jaxon did but he would probably have gone distracted by her, God I need to know her name if I'm thinking about her this much.

From a distance, I saw him speak to the blonde girl, she looked like she was there for the attention only, very short dress and needy dance moves. Yeah definitely. For a minute he was dancing with her and then a minute later, to my amusement, she slapped him as he persistently sought her company. It was clear that his intoxicated drunk state would lead to nothing but trouble. "fuck" As I stood up, ready to intervene, a sudden distraction emerged, a girl hogging for my attention. The deafening music drowned out any coherent sound, but I managed to get myself out of the, clingy situation.

Then, a gunshot reverberated through the chaos, accompanied by girl screeches, as people fled the club.,

I feared the worst, assuming he had shot the girl. However, upon reaching the scene, my eyes fell upon her, holding the gun, while Jaxon lay wounded on the ground holding his bleeding leg as blade joined him. The blonde girl had fled, shrieking in terror. This was certainly not the scene I had anticipated. At all.

"If he's your friend, 'love,' get him to a hospital before he ceases to breathe," she remarked, her voice dripping with irony, as she walked past me, gently patting my shoulder. I couldn't let her leave just like that. I yearned to know her and the fact that she had shot Jaxon only added to my curiosity.

I grabbed her by the nape of her neck, bringing her face close to mine, encircling her waist with my arms. The intention was to intimidate her, but in that moment, she held me captive, her gaze piercing my soul as she nibbled on her bottom lip. She did that again, Drawing nearer to her, my words escaped, "I want to know you, Bellissimo." Doubts arose as soon as I spoke those words. After all, she was just a girl, wasn't she? But she didn't feel like just any ordinary girl.

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